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Created August 7, 2013 13:47
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Bloom filter in Scala taken from Twitter's Algebird project.
Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
package com.twitter.algebird
import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import com.googlecode.javaewah.{EWAHCompressedBitmap => CBitSet}
object RichCBitSet {
def apply(x : Int*) = {
CBitSet.bitmapOf(x.sorted : _*)
implicit def cb2rcb(cb : CBitSet) : RichCBitSet = new RichCBitSet(cb)
// An enrichment to give some scala-like operators to the compressed
// bit set.
class RichCBitSet(val cb : CBitSet) {
def ++(b : CBitSet) : CBitSet = cb.or(b)
def ==(b : CBitSet) : Boolean = cb.equals(b)
def toBitSet(width : Int) : BitSet = {
val a = new Array[Long]((width+63)/64)
cb.asScala.foreach{ i : java.lang.Integer => a(i.intValue / 64) |= 1L << (i.intValue % 64) }
object BloomFilter{
def apply(numEntries: Int, fpProb: Double, seed: Int = 0) = {
val width = BloomFilter.optimalWidth(numEntries, fpProb)
val numHashes = BloomFilter.optimalNumHashes(numEntries, width)
BloomFilterMonoid(numHashes, width, seed)
// compute optimal number of hashes: k = m/n ln(2)
def optimalNumHashes(numEntries: Int, width: Int): Int = math.ceil(width / numEntries * math.log(2)).toInt
// compute optimal width: m = - n ln(p) / (ln(2))^2
def optimalWidth(numEntries: Int, fpProb: Double): Int = math.ceil(-1 * numEntries * math.log(fpProb) / math.log(2) / math.log(2)).toInt
* Bloom Filter - a probabilistic data structure to test presence of an element.
* Operations
* 1) insert: hash the value k times, updating the bitfield at the index equal to the each hashed value
* 2) query: hash the value k times. If there are k collisions, then return true; otherwise false.
case class BloomFilterMonoid(numHashes: Int, width: Int, seed: Int) extends Monoid[BF]{
val hashes: BFHash = BFHash(numHashes, width, seed)
val zero: BF = BFZero(hashes, width)
* Assume the bloom filters are compatible (same width and same hashing functions). This
* is the union of the 2 bloom filters.
def plus(left: BF, right: BF): BF = left ++ right
* Create a bloom filter with one item.
def create(item: String): BF = BFItem(item, hashes, width)
* Create a bloom filter with multiple items.
def create(data: String*): BF = {
data.foldLeft(zero) { case (acc, x) => plus(acc, create(x)) }
* Bloom Filter data structure
sealed abstract class BF extends{
val numHashes: Int
val width: Int
def ++ (other: BF): BF
def + (other: String): BF
def contains(item: String): ApproximateBoolean
// Estimates the cardinality of the set of elements that have been
// inserted into the Bloom Filter.
def size: Approximate[Long]
* Empty bloom filter.
case class BFZero(hashes: BFHash, width: Int) extends BF {
lazy val numHashes: Int = hashes.size
def ++(other: BF) = other
def + (other: String) = BFItem(other, hashes, width)
def contains(item: String) = ApproximateBoolean.exactFalse
def size = Approximate.exact[Long](0)
* Bloom Filter with 1 value.
case class BFItem(item: String, hashes: BFHash, width: Int) extends BF {
lazy val numHashes: Int = hashes.size
def ++(other: BF): BF = {
other match {
case bf@BFZero(_,_) => this
case bf@BFItem(otherItem,_,_) => BFSparse(hashes,RichCBitSet(hashes(item) : _*),width) + otherItem
case _ => other + item
def + (other: String) = this ++ BFItem(other, hashes, width)
def contains(x: String) = ApproximateBoolean.exact(item == x)
def size = Approximate.exact[Long](1)
case class BFSparse(hashes : BFHash, bits : CBitSet, width : Int) extends BF {
import RichCBitSet._
lazy val numHashes: Int = hashes.size
lazy val dense : BFInstance = BFInstance(hashes, bits.toBitSet(width), width)
def ++ (other: BF): BF = {
require(this.width == other.width)
require(this.numHashes == other.numHashes)
other match {
case bf@BFZero(_,_) => this
case bf@BFItem(item,_,_) => this + item
case bf@BFSparse(_,otherBits,_) => {
// assume same hashes used
bits ++ otherBits,
case _ => other ++ this
def + (item: String): BF = {
val bitsToActivate = RichCBitSet(hashes(item) : _*)
bits ++ bitsToActivate,
def contains(item: String): ApproximateBoolean = dense.contains(item)
def size: Approximate[Long] = dense.size
* Bloom filter with multiple values
case class BFInstance(hashes : BFHash, bits: BitSet, width: Int) extends BF {
lazy val numHashes: Int = hashes.size
lazy val numBits: Int = bits.size
def ++ (other: BF) = {
require(this.width == other.width)
require(this.numHashes == other.numHashes)
other match {
case bf@BFZero(_,_) => this
case bf@BFItem(item,_,_) => this + item
case bf@BFSparse(_,_,_) => this ++ bf.dense
case bf@BFInstance(_,otherBits,_) => {
// assume same hashes used
bits ++ otherBits,
def + (item: String): BFInstance = {
val bitsToActivate = BitSet(hashes(item) : _*)
bits ++ bitsToActivate,
def bitSetContains(bs : BitSet, il : Int*) : Boolean = {{i : Int => bs.contains(i)}.reduce{_&&_}
def contains(item: String) = {
if (bitSetContains(bits, hashes(item) : _*)) {
// The false positive probability (the probability that the Bloom filter erroneously
// claims that an element x is in the set when x is not) is roughly
// p = (1 - e^(-numHashes * setCardinality / width))^numHashes
// See:
// However, the true set cardinality may not be known. From empirical evidence, though,
// it is upper bounded with high probability by 1.1 * estimatedCardinality (as long as the
// Bloom filter is not too full), so we plug this into the formula instead.
// TODO: investigate this upper bound and density more closely (or derive a better formula).
val fpProb =
if (density > 0.95) 1.0 // No confidence in the upper bound on cardinality.
else scala.math.pow(1 - scala.math.exp(-numHashes * size.estimate * 1.1 / width), numHashes)
ApproximateBoolean(true, 1 - fpProb)
} else {
// False negatives are not possible.
// Proportion of bits that are set to true.
def density = numBits.toDouble / width
* Cardinality estimates are taken from Theorem 1 on page 15 of
* "Cardinality estimation and dynamic length adaptation for Bloom filters"
* by Papapetrou, Siberski, and Nejdl:
* Roughly, by using bounds on the expected number of true bits after n elements
* have been inserted into the Bloom filter, we can go from the actual number of
* true bits (which is known) to an estimate of the cardinality.
* approximationWidth defines an interval around the maximum-likelihood cardinality
* estimate. Namely, the approximation returned is of the form
* (min, estimate, max) =
* ((1 - approxWidth) * estimate, estimate, (1 + approxWidth) * estimate)
lazy val size : Approximate[Long] = size(approximationWidth = 0.05)
def size(approximationWidth : Double = 0.05) : Approximate[Long] = {
assert(0 <= approximationWidth && approximationWidth < 1, "approximationWidth must lie in [0, 1)")
// Variable names correspond to those used in the paper.
val t = numBits
val n = sInverse(t).round.toInt
// Take the min and max because the probability formula assumes
// nl <= sInverse(t - 1) and sInverse(t + 1) <= nr
val nl = scala.math.min(sInverse(t - 1).floor, (1 - approximationWidth) * n).toInt
val nr = scala.math.max(sInverse(t + 1).ceil, (1 + approximationWidth) * n).toInt
val prob =
1 -
scala.math.exp(t - 1 - s(nl)) *
scala.math.pow(s(nl) / (t - 1), t - 1) -
scala.math.exp(-scala.math.pow(t + 1 - s(nr), 2) / (2 * s(nr)))
Approximate[Long](nl, n, nr, scala.math.max(0, prob))
* s(n) is the expected number of bits that have been set to true after
* n elements have been inserted into the Bloom filter.
* This is \hat{S}(n) in the cardinality estimation paper used above.
private def s(n : Int) : Double = {
width * (1 - scala.math.pow(1 - 1.0 / width, numHashes * n))
* sInverse(t) is the maximum likelihood value for the number of elements
* that have been inserted into the Bloom filter when it has t bits set to true.
* This is \hat{S}^{-1}(t) in the cardinality estimation paper used above.
private def sInverse(t : Int) : Double = {
scala.math.log(1 - t.toDouble / width) / (numHashes * scala.math.log(1 - 1.0 / width))
object BFInstance{
def apply(hashes: BFHash, width: Int): BFInstance =
BFInstance(hashes, BitSet.empty, width)
case class BFHash(numHashes: Int, width: Int, seed: Long = 0L) extends Function1[String, Iterable[Int]]{
val size = numHashes
def apply(s: String) = nextHash(s.getBytes, numHashes)
private def splitLong(x: Long) = {
val upper = math.abs(x >> 32).toInt
val lower = math.abs((x << 32) >> 32).toInt
(upper, lower)
private def nextHash(bytes: Array[Byte], k: Int, digested: Seq[Int] = Seq.empty): Stream[Int] = {
if(k == 0)
val d = if(digested.isEmpty){
val (a, b) = MurmurHash128(k)(bytes)
val (x1, x2) = splitLong(a)
val (x3, x4) = splitLong(b)
Seq(x1, x2, x3, x4)
Stream.cons(d(0) % width, nextHash(bytes, k - 1, d.drop(1)))
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