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Created January 7, 2014 21:16
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require 'spec_helper'
feature 'authenticate with github', %q{
As a user
I want to authenticate
So that I can gain access to the system
}, authentication: true,
vcr: {cassette_name: 'github/auth'} do
# Acceptance Criteria
# * if my identity exists in the system and I'm authorized, grant me access
# * if my identity does not exist, but I'm authorized, prompt me to confirm profile
# * if I'm unauthorized, deny me access
# * when authentication with the provider fails, show an error
scenario 'valid, existant identity' do
bypass_authorization do
stub_auth_response(FactoryGirl.create(:user), :github)
visit '/'
click_link 'Sign In'
page.should have_content 'Hello!'
page.should have_content 'Sign Out'
scenario 'valid, nonexistant identity' do
bypass_authorization do
stub_auth_response(, :github)
visit '/'
click_link 'Sign In'
click_button 'Confirm Details'
page.should have_content 'Hello!'
scenario 'unauthorized identity' do
#do not bypass authorization
stub_auth_response(FactoryGirl.create(:user), :github)
visit '/'
click_link 'Sign In'
page.should have_content 'Sorry, we could not grant you access'
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