The capstone project outlined here will be to create a CLI tool (named ziplook
) that, given a postal code, opens a browser that takes the user to Google Maps and drops a pin at the latitude and longitude of said postal code. The project will involve creating a API server for the CLI to interact with. The API will be hosted online using a third party Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider (Zeet) and be reacheable by issuing HTTP GET requests (no authorization required).
I will demonstrate the following:
- Building a REST API in Go
- Integrating with a remote API (
- Using database behind the scenes to cache information that has already been fetched from a remote API (place information does not change)
- Deploying my REST API on a third-party PaaS, Zeet (
- Building a client that can interact with my remote REST API.
- Building a CLI app that exposes a user-friendly way of leveraging my REST API server and client.
- Good coding practices (e.g. handling errors properly, returning the proper error message to the user, etc)
- Testing of HTTP handlers
- Testing of HTTP client
- Proper usage of Go interfaces, especially during testing
As a user, I would like to invoke the CLI app with a postal code and have a browser window open at a Google Maps page showing me where in the world the zip code is located.
Acceptance Criteria
Given a postal code, when it is valid, I expect my default browser to open with a Google Map URL that drops a pin at the lat and long of the postal code.
$ ziplook show 21042
Default browser window opens at the following URL where <lat>
is 39.2726
and <long>
is -76.8614
where these values are obtained by interacting with my API hosted on Zeet.<lat>,<lng>,-76.8614
Given a postal code, when it is invalid, I expect the CLI app to indicate that the postal code was not found so that I may try again.
As a user, I would like to invoke the CLI app with the option of getting the raw place data so that I can see what information is returned from the API
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I specify a flag when invoking the CLI app, when the postal code is valid, I will receive the raw JSON place data printed in my console/shell.
$ ziplook -raw 21042
{"post code": "21042", "country": "United States", "country abbreviation": "US", "places": [{"place name": "Ellicott City", "longitude": "-76.8614", "state": "Maryland", "state abbreviation": "MD", "latitude": "39.2726"}]}
Given that I specify a flag when invoking the CLI app, when the postal code is invalid, I will receive an error message indicating as such so that I may try again.
$ ziplook -show abc123
Error: "abc123" is not a valid postal code.
As a user, I would like the CLI app to provide usage help when I invoke it without a command so that I may learn how to use it properly.
Acceptance Criteria
Given the CLI app is invoked, when no command is specified, usage help will be provided.
$ ziplook
Usage of ziplook:
If valid, opens a Google Map URL in your default browser at the postal code's latitude and longitude.
If valid, shows the raw JSON data for the place found for that postal code.
Shows this usage information.