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Last active March 21, 2019 16:36
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Funny Tech Tweets
### Corny ###
I know a programming joke about 10,000 mutexes, but it's a bit contentious.
I also have a UDP joke. But you might not get it.
"I can cast out either one of your demons, but not both of them." --the XORcist
A photon checks into a hotel from the night "Got any bags?" asks the clerk. "No" replies the photon "I'm traveling light."
Argon walks into a bar. Bartender says "Hey, jerk, we don't serve your kind around here. Get lost!" Argon doesn't react.
A neutron walks into a bar, asks the bartender "How much for a drink", to which the bartender replies "For you, no charge."
Two Hydrogen molecules crash into each other. "Argh!" cries one. "I lost my electron!" "You sure?" asks the other. "Yes, I'm positive!"
A programmer goes to the shop to buy some milk. His wife calls and says "While you're out, get some eggs." He never returns.
"I knew two statisticians, one of them was just an average guy, but the other was totally mean."
The home network topology is starting to grow out of control maybe it's time to call a lanscaper
Why don't communists make good Java programmers? The class system has dissolved and the state controls everything.
Earlier today, I asked if we could make a local variable into one that was also organic and fair-trade
"This can't work," said Spider-Man to Princess Peach. "I'm trying to advance web technology but all you care about is Bowser independence."
what idiot called it kosher salt instead of taberNaCl
A programmer's spouse isn't there "significant other", they are their "most significant bit."
If you're having floating problems I feel bad for you son, I got NaN problems but 0.99999999999 ain't 1.
Shows great facility with blocks soon after reincarnation? The Dalai Lambda.
iOS 7's UI in some places feels derivative… but i guess that's a function of change.
### Estimation ###
OH: "…so they each bought a copy of the Mythical Man Month, handed all 10 to him and said, there, you can read it in a 10th of the time."
A: "Do you have a time estimation to develop it?"
B: "Mhhh, about 2."
A: "Hours?"
B: "Don't know the unit yet."
SysAdmin fix time estimates by Utterance:
Ummm = 30 minutes.
Uhhhh = 1hr.
Uh oh = 2.7 hrs.
Oh Sh*t = 4 hrs.
Oh f*** = 27+ hrs.
Hmmmm = 6+ months.
Programming IRL:
"ETA for an apple pie?"
8h later:
"Where is it?"
"You didn't tell me the dishes were dirty and you lacked an oven."
### The Tech Industry ###
i'm teaching my parrot to say "app" over and over again because she wants seed funding
I accidentally disrupted when I meant to innovate, and now my iterations won't be transformative, but merely upend existing paradigms.
OH: A million people in Silicon Valley walk into a bar. No one buys anything. Bar is declared a rousing success.
In startup we have a tenure for all devops is exact 1 year. They have choice of automate themself out of job or get fire.
the reason it's not a bubble is that we can selectively target ads based on whether you're a teen with no income or a tween with no income
Our use of stock photos is going to confuse the hell out of future archaeologists…"We believe this blond man ran half the world's companies."
The final version of Android will be: Diabetes. Current names are: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich
her name is SEO and she dances on the sand, beach, beaches, vacation, vacations, resort, cruise, discount cruise, cruise vacation, Cozumel,
Is there any way I can use the same password for everything forever AND write it down on whatever I touch? Oh, a fingerprint reader? Cool.
"I am Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Corporation. I have $146.6 billion in cash and need your help bringing it to the United States."
O(n) - for when you plan to get bought before n becomes a problem.
In 2013, "Xbox, Bing Pinterest" is a valid sentence you can say to a computer and have it do something meaningful without any real words.
Grandma: "So, what *do* you do?"
Me: "I maintain the illusion that tapping on a pane of glass positively affects the world we live in."
### Languages and Coding ###
Really hate someone? Add this to their Javascript:
var false = true;
Rick: "It's on another branch. KTUIKitXibFixes."
Me: "How do you pronounce that?"
Rick: "Like a bad sneeze."
Java does allow devs to directly manage memory. The APIs are documented under CVE-####-####.
"When your hammer is C++, everything begins to look like a thumb." -- Steve Haflich
"if java really had effective garbage collection, all programs would delete themselves on write"
Confession: when writing C, I spuriously use C++ keywords as variables to make the code hostile to anyone who attempts to embed it in C++
"The 11 in C++11 refers to the number of legs nailed onto the dog whilst attempted to build a better octopus."
sadly, English is the PHP of natural language
"Prove you are a human and know JavaScript. What is '3' + 1?"
Correct answers are '31', 4, undefined, and NaN
C is a DSL for access violations
In C++14 you just write:
auto auto(auto auto) { auto; }
The compiler infers the rest from context.
I just accidentally ran an SSL certificate through Perl. It gave 40 warnings before finally deciding it wasn't Perl code.
My professor did directly admit there is a conspiracy to convince students goto is worse than it is to keep it out of linked list homework.
Syntactic sugar is great, up until the point where you get semantic diabetes.
Some people when confronted with a problem think "I know, I'll use threads."
two have Now problems they.
When we say to decouple your code, we mean from other code and not from reality. Sorry that was confusing.
If at first you don't succeed, back off exponentially.
"Working Effectively With Legacy Code" should just be 300 pages of a picture of a bottle of whiskey
### Debugging ###
Today's software engineering word is "farpotshket." This is a Yiddish word meaning, "broken, because someone tried to fix it."
OH: "It's working. And by working I mean it's broken in the way it should be."
I'm so gangster, I don't even report to Apple when Safari unexpectedly quits. Snitches get Stitches.
Every time you try to fix one bug, you find two more. Then one day, you die.
There are only two hard things in computer science. Cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.
Ain't no party like a QA party, 'cause a QA party includes steps to reproduce.
And remember, every memory leak is a use-after-free that does not happen. Choose wisely.
Ask a programmer to review 10 lines of code, he'll find 10 issues. Ask him to do 500 lines and he'll say it looks good.
I don't write bugs. I craft artisanal brain teasers for future me. Or coworkers.
Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer.
Always wanted to travel back in time to try fighting a younger version of yourself? Software development is the career for you!"
Did you know you can tell if someone is a programmer simply by saying the word "timezones" and seeing if they cringe?
Jenkins is great. it doesn't just test your code. It also tests you. And your ability to keep your Jenkins server running.
### Protocols Explained ###
How I imagine a TCP conversation:
2: HI
1: OK
2: OK
HTTP response codes for dummies:
50x: we f*cked up.
40x: you f*cked up.
30x: ask that dude over there.
20x: cool.
Imagine a system where a man gives you a chuck-e-cheese token every hour you let your car idle. Realize that system exists and it's bitcoin
### Symbols ###
I almost want to have a kid just so I can name it '~'. "It's pronounced Tilde. In our language, it means 'home'."
I like to use "for (;;)" to do infinite loops in C because (;;) looks like a spider face.
→ should produce a totally bitchin' unicode tiger instead of a stupid right arrow.
The "http://" at the beginning of URLs is a command to the browser. It stands for "head to this place:" followed by two laser-gun noises."
"http" is the protocol. I call the "://" part a "Double Meh."
There's nothing like tight kerning to make a design look dean and modem.
### Git ###
"I believe Cronos is the god of git rebase. Because he ate all his children."
stash it, pop it, grep it, move it, config, prune it, format-patch it, add it, reset, add it, show it, git help reflog, pull --rebase it
Conflict resolution is most important skill of manager. In startup we are force all manager for use git.
They say git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.
The idea that git can be used offline is an illusion - you still need connectivity for googling which arguments to pass to what command.
### Recruiting ###
Imagine if we wrote resumes the way recruiters send emails: "Stealth-mode Software Engineer with no visible history seeks Rockstar Employer"
We hired rockstars and ninjas, but now the office is just filled with smashed guitars and corpses. Something's moving in the shadows. Send Hel
### Process ###
OH: "I describe injecting an agile process on top of waterfall as 'rafting.'"
You can only able call yourself senior programmer if you are spend more minute in meeting as in write code.
5% of devops are have infrastructure as code. Rest of 95% are have infrastructure as PowerPoint.
In startup we are use new technique call 5 Why Not Me for show how nobody is of blame for outage.
The voicemail light on my office phone turned on three years ago. I didn't get a follow-up email, so i figured it wasn't important.
For devops manager: if task is take 15 min, then first break into two 30 minute tasks then delegate.
I have finally discovered the long-awaited formula for developer productivity. It is the number of engineers divided by the number of PMs.
I thought Agile was just having regular stand ups and retros to talk about the deadline you're going to miss on your waterfall project
Never forget that the very simplest and cleanest implementation of any feature is an email containing the single word "NO."
### Sci-Fi ###
"Did Alan Turing really exist?"
"He was replaced by a robot in 1950 and no one could tell the difference."
You realize that Skynet woke up years ago and is just waiting for 3D printers and home fabs to become ubiquitous before attacking.
This new Captcha is hardcore: "Verify You Are a Human: Harm a fellow human or, through inaction, allow a fellow human to come to harm."
if you've never spoken 'computer, end program' out loud theres still a change your whole life has been a holodeck simulation
Just turned on my 4D printer and Charlemagne leapt out.
Independence Day 2: Goldblum attempts to upload virus with iPad. Unfortunately his provisioning profile expired and we all die.
Yearly reminder: unless you're over 60, you weren't promised flying cars. You were promised an oppressive cyperpunk dystopia. Here you go.
### POSIX ###
They call them man pages because they don't do anything useful but they pedantically tell you what to do but aren't really helpful.
OH: "Anyway, that's not how you summon RMS. You say 'Linux' three times in front of a mirror, and a voice will wail "Iiiit's GNU/Linuuuuux'."
Unix russian roulette:
sudo [$[$RANDOM % 6]==0] && rm -rf / || echo "You live".
Linux kernel doesn't mess around:
'kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 25101 (apache2) score 102 or sacrifice child'
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