A very basic regex-based Markdown parser. Supports the
following elements (and can be extended via Slimdown::add_rule()
- Headers
- Links
- Bold
- Emphasis
- Deletions
- Quotes
- Inline code
- Blockquotes
- Ordered/unordered lists
Here is the general use case:
require_once ('Slimdown.php');
echo Slimdown::render (
"# Page title\n\nAnd **now** for something _completely_ different."
A simple rule to convert :)
to an image:
require_once ('Slimdown.php');
Slimdown::add_rule ('/(\W)\:\)(\W)/', '\1<img src="smiley.png" />\2');
echo Slimdown::render ('Know what I\'m sayin? :)');
In this example, we add GitHub-style internal linking
(e.g., [[Another Page]]
require_once ('Slimdown.php');
function mywiki_internal_link ($title) {
return sprintf (
'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
preg_replace ('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/', '-', $title),
Slimdown::add_rule ('/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/e', 'mywiki_internal_link (\'\\1\')');
echo Slimdown::render ('Check [[This Page]] out!');
require_once ('Slimdown.php');
echo Slimdown::render ("# Title
And *now* [a link](http://www.google.com) to **follow** and [another](http://yahoo.com/).
* One
* Two
* Three
## Subhead
One **two** three **four** five.
One __two__ three _four_ five __six__ seven _eight_.
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
More text with `inline($code)` sample.
> A block quote
> across two lines.
More text...");
fix extra ul & ol