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Created June 7, 2013 01:48
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open System.Linq
let main argv =
let counter = List.fold (fun (a,c,g,t) x -> match x with
| 'A' -> (a+1, c, g, t )
| 'C' -> (a, c+1, g, t )
| 'G' -> (a, c, g+1, t )
| 'T' -> (a, c, g, t+1)
| ___ -> failwith "unknown nucleotide") (0,0,0,0)
let atot, ctot, gtot, ttot = counter [for c in argv.First().ToUpper() -> c]
printfn "%d %d %d %d" atot ctot gtot ttot
0 // return an integer exit code
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