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Last active September 25, 2019 15:36
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Guide for getting up and running with BYU AUVSI

This is a quick write up of how to get going with the AUVSI software. By no means is this complete, but these notes will help (hopefully).

Computer Set Up

These are the necessary steps for getting your computer ready to run the AUVSI software.

  • Install Ubuntu 18.04 as a dual-boot system along with your other operating system(s). I highly recommend dual booting rather than trying to use a Virtual Machine. I used a VM for the first few months of AUVSI but I started running into weird network and device issues, so I had to switch over to a dual boot system and essentially start over. I have a bootable USB with 18.04 on it, anyone who wants to use it is welcome to get it from me in the MAGICC lab. See for more instructions. Note: Don't install any version besides 18.04 - ROS Melodic only officially supports 18.04 and all of the MAGICC lab code you'll be using is meant to run on Melodic.
  • On your Ubuntu 18.04 installation:
  • Install ROS Melodic (
  • Install git (sudo apt install git)
  • Install python3, either by using the following, or by installing Anaconda (which can make switching between Python2 and Python3 easier)
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install numpy matplotlib 
  • I would also recommend that you get a account and be added to the byu-auvsi organization (

Creating your workspace

All of the autopilot code that is used for AUVSI uses ROS. ROS provides a great set of tools and a system for allowing multiple "nodes" to communicate with each other, regardless of the computer that they are on as long as the computers are networked with each other.

Here's the steps to get a simulation environment up and running:

  1. Set up a ROS catkin workspace
mkdir -p auvsi_ws/src
cd auvsi_ws
cd src
  1. Clone the AUVSI repositories into src There's a bunch of these and honestly this process could probably be automated somehow.
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Note: you may also need to install eigen-stl-containers sudo apt install ros-melodic-eigen-stl-containers

  1. Make the workspace and source the setup.bash
cd ../
source devel/setup.bash
  1. Run metis
roslaunch metis fake_interop.launch
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it should be catkin_make! It needs underscore

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