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Last active September 18, 2018 06:43
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This program demonstrates how to convert
floating-point numbers to IEEE 754 standard.
Set the "data_type" variable at the beginning
to either "double" or "float" to test how the
numbers are arranged differently under each type.
data_type = "double"
exponent_length = 0
significand_lenth = 0
if data_type == "float":
exponent_length = 8
significand_lenth = 23
if data_type == "double":
exponent_length = 11
significand_lenth = 52
exponent_bais = 2**(exponent_length - 1) - 1
value = float(input("Enter a value: "))
Part 1: Determine the sign.
print("Determine the sign bit.")
sign_bit = "0"
if value < 0:
sign_bit = "1"
value = value * -1
print("Sign:", sign_bit)
Part 2: Convert the number to binary.
print("Convert the absolute value of our number to binary.")
whole_part = int(value)
fractional_part = value - whole_part
whole_str = ""
while whole_part > 0:
whole_str = str(whole_part % 2) + whole_str
whole_part = int(whole_part / 2)
if whole_str == "":
whole_str = "0"
fractional_str = ""
while fractional_part > 0:
fractional_str = fractional_str + str(int(fractional_part * 2))
fractional_part *= 2
fractional_part -= int(fractional_part)
if fractional_str == "":
fractional_str = "0"
print("Binary: ", whole_str, ".", fractional_str)
Part 3: Normalize.
print("Convert the binary to a number which is * 2 ^ N:")
value_exponent = 0
while len(whole_str) > 1:
fractional_str = whole_str[-1] + fractional_str
whole_str = whole_str[:-1]
value_exponent += 1
whole = int(whole_str)
while whole == 0 and int(fractional_str) > 0:
whole = int(fractional_str[0])
fractional_str = fractional_str[1:]
value_exponent -= 1
if fractional_str == "":
fractional_str = "0"
print("New Binary: ", whole, ".", fractional_str, "* 2 ^", value_exponent)
print("At this point, the whole part of the binary should be 1. It is no longer used.")
Part 4: Add the exponent bias.
print("Add the exponent_bais (", exponent_bais, ") to the exponent.")
value_exponent += exponent_bais
print("New exponent: ", value_exponent)
Part 5: Build the exponent string.
print("Build exponent string.")
exponent_str = ""
for i in range(exponent_length):
exponent_str = str(value_exponent % 2) + exponent_str
value_exponent = int(value_exponent / 2)
print("Exponent string: ", exponent_str)
Part 6: Build the significand.
print("Build significand string.")
significand_str = fractional_str[:significand_lenth] + "0" * (significand_lenth - len(fractional_str[:significand_lenth]))
print("Significand:", significand_str)
Part 7: Put all of the parts together.
print("Finally, build the binary value.")
binary = sign_bit + exponent_str + significand_str
print("Binary:", binary)
print("Binary Length:", len(binary), "bits")
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