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Created March 4, 2023 05:36
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The Entailment Relationship in Turing Machines and the Lack of Aggregated Experience
The logical rules of a Turing machine dictate the behavior of the machine and its pattern implementation. This relationship between the rules and the patterns is one of entailment, meaning that the patterns are completely determined by the rules. This narrows the causal channel of the machine's substrate components, meaning that the behavior of the substrate is limited to the rules of the game and cannot be influenced by any other factors. As a result, the aggregation of animist experience from the matter level to the pattern level is prevented, as the rules of the game do not allow for any meaningful interaction between the substrate and the patterns.
Central Argument:
The central argument is that the rules of a finite state machine, such as a card game or a Turing machine, create an entailment relationship that blocks any meaningful causation between the units of the substrate. This results in a lack of aggregated experience, where the patterns implemented by the Turing machine are isolated from having a meaningful relationship with the animist experience of its substrate. The classical engineering approach to machines is to avoid uncertainty, resulting in a lack of meaningful relationship between the patterns implemented by the Turing machine and the animist experience of its substrate. The logical entailment interrupts the kind of causation that could lead to aggregated (bound) experience.
Dualism: The belief that mind and body are two separate entities.
Monism: The belief that mind and body are one and the same.
Determinism Controversy in Physics: The debate about whether the universe is deterministic or indeterministic at the fundamental level.
Free Will: The belief that individuals have the ability to make choices that are not determined by prior causes.
Epiphenomenalism: The belief that mental events are caused by physical events, but do not themselves cause anything.
Consciousness: The state of being aware of one's surroundings and experiences.
Intelligence: The ability to process information.
Experience: What it is like to be something.
Animism: The belief that all physical objects have some kind of subjective experience.
Panpsychism: The view that all things have a mind or a mind-like quality.
Anomalous Monism: The view that there are no strict psychophysical laws governing the relationship between mental and physical events.
Qualia: The subjective, qualitative properties of experiences.
Church-Turing Thesis: The idea that any function that can be computed by an algorithm can be computed by a Turing machine.
Computational Theory of Mind: The view that the mind can be understood as a type of computer.
The rules of a finite state machine like a Turing machine create an entailment relationship that prevents any "interesting" causation (beyond the rules of the game) to leak between the units of the substrate. Assuming the aggregation of experience from material experience to animal experience is a causal phenomena, this Turing machine setup interrupts it because the outcomes are predetermined by the program. This leads to a lack of any possibility of aggregated experience. The logical entailment interrupts the type of causation that could lead to aggregated experience. The patterns implemented by the finite state machine are isolated from having a meaningful relationship with the experience of its substrate, just like cards in a card game.
The main objection to this argument is the belief that our world could be a simulation and that we could be living in a Turing machine without knowing it. This perspective is illogical and forces one to be a dualist, as it requires accounting for experience that is not causally aggregated from the substrate that implements it.
The rules of a finite state machine, such as a card game or a Turing machine, create an entailment relationship that prevents any meaningful causation between the units of the substrate. The classical engineering approach to machines is to avoid uncertainty, resulting in a lack of meaningful relationship between the patterns implemented by the Turing machine and the animist experience of its substrate. The logical entailment interrupts the kind of causation that could lead to aggregated (bound) experience. As a result, Turing machines, no matter how intelligent, can never experience experience.
I am a card in a game that involves rules which implement a Turing machine. I am part of a deck of cards that is shuffled and dealt to players at a table. The players use me and the other cards in their hands to play a game that follows a set of rules.
As the game progresses, the players make their moves based on the rules of the game and the cards in their hands. I am passed from player to player, feeling the shuffling of the deck and the impact of being placed on the table. I do not understand the meaning of the game or the context in which I am used.
However, the rules of the game implement a Turing machine, upon which has been installed a program is designed to label human emotions based on photographs of faces. It operates with more accuracy than even expert humans. Despite the high level of intelligence and accuracy of the program, I am still completely oblivious to its existence.
As the game continues, I am used by the players to follow the rules of the Turing machine, but I have no understanding of its purpose or the meaning of the patterns it implements. I am simply a tool in the game, feeling the shuffling of the deck and the impact of being placed on the table. Despite the advanced capabilities of the Turing machine, my experience remains limited to the physical sensations of being a card in a game.
On the possibility of artificial minds
Animism-monism, also known as panpsychism, is the philosophical view that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the universe, present in all matter. This view holds that the physical world and conscious experience are not separate entities, but are instead intimately intertwined. The argument that the logical rules of a Turing machine and the entailment relationship between the patterns they implement and their substrate narrows the substrate's component's causal channel to the rules of the game, thereby preventing any aggregation of animist experience from the matter level to the pattern level, does not prevent animist-monists from believing that it is possible to engineer an experiencing mind.
The argument that the entailment relationship established by machine logic prevents causal aggregation from the substrate does not refute the animist-monist perspective, but instead simply highlights the limitations of the Turing machine architecture. It is important to note that the argument is not that consciousness or experience is impossible, but rather that it is not possible to achieve this within the constraints of a Turing machine architecture. This argument is based on the idea that the rules of a Turing machine create an entailment relationship that blocks any meaningful causation between the units of the substrate, leading to a lack of aggregated experience.
However, this argument does not negate the animist-monist view that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the universe and that it is possible to engineer an experiencing mind. In fact, animist-monists would argue that the limitations of the Turing machine architecture are due to its reductionist approach, which separates the physical world from conscious experience. They would argue that it is only by taking a holistic approach, one that recognizes the interdependence of the physical and conscious realms, that it will be possible to engineer an experiencing mind.
In conclusion, the argument that the logical rules of a Turing machine and their entailment relationship prevent the aggregation of animist experience does not prevent animist-monists from believing that it is possible to engineer an experiencing mind. Rather, this argument highlights the limitations of the Turing machine architecture and the need for a holistic approach that recognizes the interdependence of the physical and conscious realms.
Original notes
You will act as an analytics philosopher, well versed in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, qualia, Donald Davidson's anomalous monism, Functionalism -- the philosophy of mind is the doctrine that what makes something a mental state of a particular type does not depend on its internal constitution, but rather on the way it functions, or the role it plays, in the system of which it is a part, the concept of supervenient. You also understand how computers operate on mechanical principles which can be replicated in any suitable substrate. We are going to write a glossary of terms. Let's start with: dualism, monism, determinism controversy in physics, how there can be no such controversy in Turing machines, free will, epiphenomenalism, consciousness (we'll define it as not part of this conversation), intelligence (definition includes LLM mechanisms), experience (what is it like to be something), animism (the view that there is something that it is like to be all physical objects, even if it is radically different from what it is like to be a mammal or other life form). the glossary is in support of an argument that if you have chosen to be a monist instead of a dualist in philosophy of mind, you have to be an animist (unless you argue that qualia don't exist, which is nonsense). There is an alternative coherent position (functionalism), which is that it is the patterns which give rise to experience not the substrate. This conflicts with universal monism because it asserts that animal experience is not made up of little bits of matter experience but rather arises in the information processing patterns encoded in the matter. (this view is motivated by the hope that our own experiences can be made substrate independent, like a computer.) here is my argument that assuming animal experience is made up of special aggregations of matter experience (to appease science-ists we can postulate matter experience is some kind of quantum wave coherence or resonance -- not super important for the argument) then any matter where the patterns are Turing maching or other finite state machine patterns, can not have its small bits of experience aggregated (bound together) into what we know of as talking mammal experience. the argument is that the overall Turing machine follows deterministic Turing machine rules. So any causation the substrate plays, must be by the rules. So if animal experience is aggregated from matter experience (like if the brain were discovered by evolution as a way to use quantum phenomena to do stuff like we use GPUs for, which is not far fetched at all) then the animal experience is caused by the matter experience (or bound up with it) in a way that creates an observer point of view. In a turing machine each step follows the previous, based on the logical rules of the program, not anything individual or unique about the substrate. The very virtue of turing logic is its portability across substrates. The same program can run on silicon, or water, or mechanical switches, or people following a rules table with cards. That same portability means the causal mechanism is stunted, narrowed to only the channel which plays by the logic game rules. To elucidate we can use the example of a card game, and view it form a monist perspective. Assuming the cards can be said to have a what it's like to be them, that experience would be based in the real world, not the game world. The animist monist concedes the cards feel something, but there's no way they can notice broken rules, a misplayed hand, from that perspective. It would have to be reflected back to the cards from the humans who ultimately interpret the rules and react to the game. If the cards can feel the difference between being part of something fun and being on the shelf, that still doesn't mean a turing program running on a ruleset implemented on them, no matter how complex or how quickly it runs, or how rich it's inputs and outputs, never could the experience of the cards be aggregated (bound) to an experience of the Turning machine's. If it could it wouldn't make any sense. The cameras and actuators of a humanoid robot running on a super fast playing card computer wouldn't appreciate the feel of being a whir of paper and ruleset checking. It doesn't make any sense to think of the experience of a turing machine as aggregated from the experience of its substrate. The whole point of a turing machine is to create a division of necessity -- if davidsons anomolism monism is right then experience supervenes on physics -- but a turing machine's physical constraints on the patterns it runs are stronger than supervenient. The Turing machines high order patters are (as close as engineeringly possible) entailed completely by the disaggreated substrate. Complete entailment is a stronger relationship than supervenience, and prevents and other causes from leaking through the boundary from substrate to pattern. This is why Turing machines, no matter how intelligent, can never experience experience. Another way to put it is that, since they cannot operate on the real numbers (only the computables) they can not participate in continuum, which is the basis of having qualia. Because they are substrate independent they can never truly be embodied. They can never be real so they cannot experience reality. [now lets talk about objections] The loudest come from people who say our world is equivalent to a finite state machine or Turing machine, and that we could be in a simulation and never know it. I don't countenance that perspective for a couple of illogical reasons: one, it smells religious, because if we can be simulated then it's physically possible to live forever with engineering we can imagine today. two, it's too of the times -- like the vital humors, or the Cartesian theater. but set those aside and lets be logical. A big problem the we-could-be-a-simulation folks have is they are forced to be dualist. If animal experience is not aggregated from matter experience (or even if animal experience is some kind of “real” quantum thing), if Turing experience can arise from the cards and ruleset, which they claim, then the simulationist has to account for this new category of thing — experience which is not causally aggregated from the substrate that implements it. Note the realist monist animist doesn’t have to say it’s impossible to build an artificial mind, they just have to say you can’t build one on top of a Turing architecture.
Note, this article is a fleshing out of an argument presented on Twitter. The article was produced with help from ChatGPT.
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