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Created December 7, 2016 19:01
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NchanSubscriber CommonJS module
* NchanSubscriber
!function(t,e){function n(t){return t&&e.XDomainRequest&&!/MSIE 1/.test(navigator.userAgent)?new XDomainRequest:e.XMLHttpRequest?new XMLHttpRequest:void 0}function o(t,e,n){t[e]=t[e]||n}var r=["responseType","withCredentials","timeout","onprogress"];t.ajax=function(t,a){function s(t,e){return function(){c||(a(void 0===f.status?t:f.status,0===f.status?"Error":f.response||f.responseText||e,f),c=!0)}}var u=t.headers||{},i=t.body,d=t.method||(i?"POST":"GET"),c=!1,f=n(t.cors);,t.url,!0);var l=f.onload=s(200);f.onreadystatechange=function(){4===f.readyState&&l()},f.onerror=s(null,"Error"),f.ontimeout=s(null,"Timeout"),f.onabort=s(null,"Abort"),i&&(o(u,"X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest"),e.FormData&&i instanceof e.FormData||o(u,"Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));for(var p,m=0,v=r.length;v>m;m++)p=r[m],void 0!==t[p]&&(f[p]=t[p]);for(var p in u)f.setRequestHeader(p,u[p]);return f.send(i),f},e.nanoajax=t}({},function(){return window}());
function Emitter(t){return t?mixin(t):void 0}function mixin(t){for(var e in Emitter.prototype)t[e]=Emitter.prototype[e];return t}Emitter.prototype.on=Emitter.prototype.addEventListener=function(t,e){return this._callbacks=this._callbacks||{},(this._callbacks["$"+t]=this._callbacks["$"+t]||[]).push(e),this},Emitter.prototype.once=function(t,e){function i(){,i),e.apply(this,arguments)}return i.fn=e,this.on(t,i),this},,e){if(this._callbacks=this._callbacks||{},0==arguments.length)return this._callbacks={},this;var i=this._callbacks["$"+t];if(!i)return this;if(1==arguments.length)return delete this._callbacks["$"+t],this;for(var r,s=0;s<i.length;s++)if(r=i[s],r===e||r.fn===e){i.splice(s,1);break}return this},Emitter.prototype.emit=function(t){this._callbacks=this._callbacks||{};var e=[],1),i=this._callbacks["$"+t];if(i){i=i.slice(0);for(var r=0,s=i.length;s>r;++r)i[r].apply(this,e)}return this},Emitter.prototype.listeners=function(t){return this._callbacks=this._callbacks||{},this._callbacks["$"+t]||[]},Emitter.prototype.hasListeners=function(t){return!!this.listeners(t).length};
var ughbind = (Function.prototype.bind
? function ughbind(fn, thisObj) {
return fn.bind(thisObj);
: function ughbind(fn, thisObj) {
return function() {
fn.apply(thisObj, arguments);
"use strict";
function NchanSubscriber(url, opt) {
if(this === window) {
throw "use 'new NchanSubscriber(...)' to initialize";
this.url = url;
opt = opt || {};
//which transport should i use?
if(typeof opt === "string") {
opt = {subscriber: opt};
if(opt.transport && !opt.subscriber) {
opt.subscriber = opt.transport;
if(typeof opt.subscriber === "string") {
opt.subscriber = [ opt.subscriber ];
this.desiredTransport = opt.subscriber;
if(opt.shared) {
this.shared = true;
this.masterCheckInterval = 10000;
var pre = "NchanSubscriber:" + url + ":shared:";
this.sharedKeys = {
status: pre + "status",
statusLastUpdate: pre + "status:lastUpdated",
masterCreated: pre + "master:created",
masterLastSeen: pre + "master:lastSeen",
slaves: pre + "slaves",
masterLottery: pre + "lottery",
masterLotteryTime: pre + "lotteryTime",
msg: pre + "msg",
msgId: pre + "msg:id",
msgContentType: pre + "msg:content-type",
error: pre + "error"
if (!("localStorage" in window)) {
throw "localStorage unavailable for use in shared NchanSubscriber";
this.sharedStorage = window.localStorage;
this.lastMessageId = || opt.msgId;
this.reconnect = typeof opt.reconnect == "undefined" ? true : opt.reconnect;
this.reconnectTimeout = opt.reconnectTimeout || 1000;
var saveConnectionState;
if(!opt.reconnect) {
saveConnectionState = function() {};
else {
var index = "NchanSubscriber:" + url + ":lastMessageId";
var storage;
if(opt.reconnect == "persist") {
storage = ("localStorage" in window) && window.localStorage;
throw "can't use reconnect: 'persist' option: localStorage not available";
else if(opt.reconnect == "session") {
storage = ("sessionStorage" in window) && window.sessionStorage;
throw "can't use reconnect: 'session' option: sessionStorage not available";
else {
throw "invalid 'reconnect' option value " + opt.reconnect;
saveConnectionState = ughbind(function(msgid) {
if(this.sharedRole != "slave") {
storage.setItem(index, msgid);
}, this);
this.lastMessageId = storage.getItem(index);
var onUnloadEvent = ughbind(function(ev) {
if(this.running) {
if(this.sharedRole == "master") {
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.status, "disconnected");
}, this);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', onUnloadEvent, false);
// swap `beforeunload` to `unload` after DOM is loaded
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', onUnloadEvent, false);
window.addEventListener('unload', onUnloadEvent, false);
}, false);
var notifySharedSubscribers;
if(opt.shared) {
notifySharedSubscribers = ughbind(function(name, data) {
if(this.sharedRole != "master") {
if(name == "message") {
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.msgId, data[1] && data[1].id || "");
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.msgContentType, data[1] && data[1]["content-type"] || "");
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.msg, data[0]);
else if(name == "error") {
else if(name == "connecting") {
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.status, "connecting");
else if(name == "connect") {
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.status, "connected");
else if(name == "reconnect") {
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.status, "reconnecting");
else if(name == "disconnect") {
storage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.status, "disconnected");
}, this);
else {
notifySharedSubscribers = function(){};
var restartTimeoutIndex;
var stopHandler = ughbind(function() {
if(!restartTimeoutIndex && this.running && this.reconnect && !this.transport.reconnecting && !this.transport.doNotReconnect) {
//console.log("stopHAndler reconnect plz", this.running, this.reconnect);
restartTimeoutIndex = setTimeout(ughbind(function() {
restartTimeoutIndex = null;
}, this), this.reconnectTimeout);
else {
}, this);
this.on("message", function msg(msg, meta) {;
if( {
notifySharedSubscribers("message", [msg, meta]);
//console.log(msg, meta);
this.on("error", function fail(code, text) {
stopHandler(code, text);
notifySharedSubscribers("error", [code, text]);
//console.log("failure", code, text);
this.on("connect", function() {
this.connected = true;
this.on("__disconnect", function fail(code, text) {
this.connected = false;
this.emit("disconnect", code, text);
stopHandler(code, text);
//console.log("__disconnect", code, text);
NchanSubscriber.prototype.initializeTransport = function(possibleTransports) {
if(possibleTransports) {
this.desiredTransport = possibleTransports;
if(this.sharedRole == "slave") {
this.transport = new this.SubscriberClass["__slave"](ughbind(this.emit, this)); //try it
else {
var tryInitializeTransport = ughbind(function(name) {
if(!this.SubscriberClass[name]) {
throw "unknown subscriber type " + name;
try {
this.transport = new this.SubscriberClass[name](ughbind(this.emit, this)); //try it
return this.transport;
} catch(err) { /*meh...*/ }
}, this);
var i;
if(this.desiredTransport) {
for(i=0; i<this.desiredTransport.length; i++) {
if(tryInitializeTransport(this.desiredTransport[i])) {
else {
for(i in this.SubscriberClass) {
if (this.SubscriberClass.hasOwnProperty(i) && i[0] != "_" && tryInitializeTransport(i)) {
if(! this.transport) {
throw "can't use any transport type";
NchanSubscriber.prototype.setSharedRole = function(role) {
if(role == "master" && this.sharedRole != "master") {
var now = new Date().getTime()/1000;
this.sharedStorage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.masterCreated, now);
this.sharedStorage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLastSeen, now);
this.sharedRole = role;
return this;
var maybePromotingToMaster;
NchanSubscriber.prototype.maybePromoteToMaster = function() {
if(!(this.running || this.starting)) {
//console.log("stopped Subscriber won't be promoted to master");
return this;
if(maybePromotingToMaster) {
//console.log("already maybePromotingToMaster");
maybePromotingToMaster = true;
//console.log("maybe promote to master");
var processRoll;
var lotteryRoundDuration = 2000;
var currentContenders = 0;
//roll the dice
var roll = Math.random();
var bestRoll = roll;
var checkRollInterval;
var checkRoll = ughbind(function(dontProcess) {
var latestSharedRollTime = parseFloat(this.sharedStorage.getItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLotteryTime));
var latestSharedRoll = parseFloat(this.sharedStorage.getItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLottery));
var notStale = !latestSharedRollTime || (latestSharedRollTime > (new Date().getTime() - lotteryRoundDuration * 2));
if(notStale && latestSharedRoll && (!bestRoll || latestSharedRoll > bestRoll)) {
bestRoll = latestSharedRoll;
if(!dontProcess) {
}, this);
this.sharedStorage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLottery, roll);
this.sharedStorage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLotteryTime, new Date().getTime() / 1000);
var rollCallback = ughbind(function(ev) {
if(ev.key != this.sharedKeys.masterLottery)
if(ev.newValue) {
currentContenders += 1;
var newVal = parseFloat(ev.newValue);
var oldVal = parseFloat(ev.oldValue);
if(oldVal > newVal) {
this.sharedStorage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLottery, oldVal);
if(!bestRoll || newVal >= bestRoll) {
//console.log("new bestRoll", newVal);
bestRoll = newVal;
}, this);
window.addEventListener("storage", rollCallback);
var finish = ughbind(function() {
maybePromotingToMaster = false;
window.removeEventListener("storage", rollCallback);
if(checkRollInterval) {
if(this.sharedRole == "master") {
if(this.running) {
else {
if(this.starting) {
}, this);
processRoll = ughbind(function() {
//console.log("roll, bestroll", roll, bestRoll);
if(roll < bestRoll) {
else if(roll >= bestRoll) {
var lotteryTime = parseFloat(this.sharedStorage.getItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLotteryTime));
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
//console.log(lotteryTime, now - lotteryRoundDuration/1000);
if(currentContenders == 0) {
//console.log("winner, no more contenders!");
else {
//console.log("winning, but have contenders", currentContenders);
currentContenders = 0;
}, this);
checkRollInterval = setInterval(checkRoll, lotteryRoundDuration);
NchanSubscriber.prototype.demoteToSlave = function() {
//console.log("demote to slave");
if(this.sharedRole != "master") {
throw "can't demote non-master to slave";
if(this.running) {
else {
var storageEventListener;
NchanSubscriber.prototype.start = function() {
throw "Can't start NchanSubscriber, it's already started.";
this.starting = true;
if(this.shared) {
if(!this.sharedRole) {
var status = this.sharedStorage.getItem(this.sharedKeys.status);
storageEventListener = ughbind(function(ev) {
if(ev.key == this.sharedKeys.status) {
if(ev.newValue == "disconnected") {
if(this.sharedRole == "slave") {
//play the promotion lottery
//console.log("status changed to disconnected, maybepromotetomaster", ev.newValue, ev.oldValue);
else if(this.sharedRole == "master") {
//do nothing
else if(ev.key == this.sharedKeys.masterCreated && this.sharedRole == "master" && ev.newValue) {
//a new master has arrived. demote to slave.
}, this);
window.addEventListener("storage", storageEventListener);
if(status == "disconnected") {
//console.log("status == disconnected, maybepromotetomaster");
else {
this.setSharedRole(status ? "slave" : "master");
if(this.sharedRole == "master") {
this.sharedStorage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.status, "connecting");
this.transport.listen(this.url, this.lastMessageId);
this.running = true;
delete this.starting;
//master checkin interval
this.masterIntervalCheckID = setInterval(ughbind(function() {
this.sharedStorage.setItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLastSeen, new Date().getTime() / 1000);
}, this), this.masterCheckInterval * 0.8);
else if(this.sharedRole == "slave") {
this.transport.listen(this.url, this.sharedKeys);
this.running = true;
delete this.starting;
//slave check if master is around
this.masterIntervalCheckID = setInterval(ughbind(function() {
var lastCheckin = parseFloat(this.sharedStorage.getItem(this.sharedKeys.masterLastSeen));
if(!lastCheckin || lastCheckin < (new Date().getTime() / 1000) - this.masterCheckInterval / 1000) {
//master hasn't checked in for too long. assume it's gone.
}, this), this.masterCheckInterval);
else {
if(!this.transport) {
this.transport.listen(this.url, this.lastMessageId);
this.running = true;
delete this.starting;
return this;
NchanSubscriber.prototype.stop = function() {
throw "Can't stop NchanSubscriber, it's not running.";
this.running = false;
if(storageEventListener) {
window.removeEventListener("storage", storageEventListener);
if(this.masterIntervalCheckID) {
delete this.masterIntervalCheckID;
return this;
function addLastMsgIdToQueryString(url, msgid) {
if(msgid) {
var m = url.match(/(\?.*)$/);
url += (m ? "&" : "?") + "last_event_id=" + encodeURIComponent(msgid);
return url;
NchanSubscriber.prototype.SubscriberClass = {
'websocket': (function() {
function WSWrapper(emit) {
this.emit = emit;
WSWrapper.prototype.websocketizeURL = function(url) {
var m = url.match(/^((\w+:)?\/\/([^\/]+))?(\/)?(.*)/);
var protocol = m[2];
var host = m[3];
var absolute = m[4];
var path = m[5];
var loc;
if(typeof window == "object") {
loc = window.location;
if(!protocol && loc) {
protocol = loc.protocol;
if(protocol == "https:") {
protocol = "wss:";
else if(protocol == "http:") {
protocol = "ws:";
else {
protocol = "wss:"; //default setting: secure
if(!host && loc) {
host =;
if(!absolute) {
path = loc ? loc.pathname.match(/(.*\/)[^/]*/)[1] + path : "/" + path;
else {
path = "/" + path;
return protocol + "//" + host + path;
WSWrapper.prototype.listen = function(url, msgid) {
url = this.websocketizeURL(url);
url = addLastMsgIdToQueryString(url, msgid);
if(this.listener) {
throw "websocket already listening";
this.listener = new WebSocket(url, 'ws+meta.nchan');
var l = this.listener;
l.onmessage = ughbind(function(evt) {
var m =^id: (.*)\n(content-type: (.*)\n)?\n/m);
this.emit('message',[0].length), {'id': m[1], 'content-type': m[3]});
}, this);
l.onopen = ughbind(function(evt) {
this.emit('connect', evt);
//console.log("connect", evt);
}, this);
l.onerror = ughbind(function(evt) {
//console.log("error", evt);
this.emit('error', evt, l);
delete this.listener;
}, this);
l.onclose = ughbind(function(evt) {
this.emit('__disconnect', evt);
delete this.listener;
}, this);
WSWrapper.prototype.cancel = function() {
if(this.listener) {
delete this.listener;
return WSWrapper;
'eventsource': (function() {
function ESWrapper(emit) {
this.emit = emit;
ESWrapper.prototype.listen= function(url, msgid) {
url = addLastMsgIdToQueryString(url, msgid);
if(this.listener) {
throw "there's a ES listener running already";
this.listener = new EventSource(url);
var l = this.listener;
l.onmessage = ughbind(function(evt){
//console.log("message", evt);
this.emit('message',, {id: evt.lastEventId});
}, this);
l.onopen = ughbind(function(evt) {
this.reconnecting = false;
//console.log("connect", evt);
this.emit('connect', evt);
}, this);
l.onerror = ughbind(function(evt) {
//EventSource will try to reconnect by itself
//console.log("onerror", this.listener.readyState, evt);
if(this.listener.readyState == EventSource.CONNECTING && !this.reconnecting) {
if(!this.reconnecting) {
this.reconnecting = true;
this.emit('__disconnect', evt);
else {
this.emit('__disconnect', evt);
//console.log('other __disconnect', evt);
}, this);
ESWrapper.prototype.cancel= function() {
if(this.listener) {
delete this.listener;
return ESWrapper;
'longpoll': (function () {
function Longpoll(emit) {
this.headers = {};
this.longPollStartTime = null;
this.maxLongPollTime = 5*60*1000; //5 minutes
this.emit = emit;
Longpoll.prototype.listen = function(url, msgid) {
if(this.req) {
throw "already listening";
if(url) { this.url=url; }
var setHeader = ughbind(function(incoming, name) {
if(incoming) { this.headers[name]= incoming; }
}, this);
if(msgid) {
this.headers = {"Etag": msgid};
this.reqStartTime = new Date().getTime();
var requestCallback;
requestCallback = ughbind(function (code, response_text, req) {
setHeader(req.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified'), 'If-Modified-Since');
setHeader(req.getResponseHeader('Etag'), 'If-None-Match');
if(code >= 200 && code <= 210) {
//legit reply
var content_type = req.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
if (!this.parseMultipartMixedMessage(content_type, response_text, req)) {
this.emit("message", response_text || "", {'content-type': content_type, 'id': this.msgIdFromResponseHeaders(req)});
this.reqStartTime = new Date().getTime();
this.req = nanoajax.ajax({url: this.url, headers: this.headers}, requestCallback);
else if((code == 0 && response_text == "Error" && req.readyState == 4) || (code === null && response_text != "Abort")) {
this.emit("__disconnect", code || 0, response_text);
delete this.req;
else if(code !== null) {
//HTTP error
this.emit("error", code, response_text);
delete this.req;
else {
//don't care about abortions
delete this.req;
}, this);
this.reqStartTime = new Date().getTime();
this.req = nanoajax.ajax({url: this.url, headers: this.headers}, requestCallback);
return this;
Longpoll.prototype.parseMultipartMixedMessage = function(content_type, text, req) {
var m = content_type && content_type.match(/^multipart\/mixed;\s+boundary=(.*)$/);
if(!m) {
return false;
var boundary = m[1];
var msgs = text.split("--" + boundary);
if(msgs[0] != "" || !msgs[msgs.length-1].match(/--\r?\n/)) { throw "weird multipart/mixed split"; }
msgs = msgs.slice(1, -1);
for(var i in msgs) {
m = msgs[i].match(/^(.*)\r?\n\r?\n([\s\S]*)\r?\n$/m);
var hdrs = m[1].split("\n");
var meta = {};
for(var j in hdrs) {
var hdr = hdrs[j].match(/^([^:]+):\s+(.*)/);
if(hdr && hdr[1] == "Content-Type") {
meta["content-type"] = hdr[2];
if(i == msgs.length - 1) {
meta["id"] = this.msgIdFromResponseHeaders(req);
this.emit('message', m[2], meta);
return true;
Longpoll.prototype.msgIdFromResponseHeaders = function(req) {
var lastModified, etag;
lastModified = req.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified');
etag = req.getResponseHeader('Etag');
if(lastModified) {
return "" + Date.parse(lastModified)/1000 + ":" + (etag || "0");
else if(etag) {
return etag;
else {
return null;
Longpoll.prototype.cancel = function() {
if(this.req) {
delete this.req;
return this;
return Longpoll;
'__slave': (function() {
function LocalStoreSlaveTransport(emit) {
this.emit = emit;
this.doNotReconnect = true;
LocalStoreSlaveTransport.prototype.listen = function(url, keys) {
var pre = "NchanSubscriber:" + url + ":shared:";
this.keys = keys;
var storage = window.localStorage;
this.statusChangeChecker = ughbind(function(ev) {
if(ev.key == this.keys.msg) {
var msgId = storage.getItem(this.keys.msgId);
var contentType = storage.getItem(this.keys.msgContentType);
this.emit('message', storage.getItem(this.keys.msg), {'id': msgId == "" ? undefined : msgId, 'content-type': contentType == "" ? undefined : contentType});
}, this);
window.addEventListener("storage", this.statusChangeChecker);
LocalStoreSlaveTransport.prototype.cancel = function() {
window.removeEventListener("storage", this.statusChangeChecker);
return LocalStoreSlaveTransport;
module.exports = NchanSubscriber;
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