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Created March 19, 2015 16:33
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Capybara and selectize
page.execute_script("$('.selectize-input input').val('ber')")
sleep 0.5
page.execute_script("$('.selectize-input input').keyup()")
sleep 0.5
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jonathanhoskin commented May 27, 2018

On large lists of options, the .click() method described above doesn't work, as selectize doesn't populate the fake options collection with all the options for performance reasons.

A potential hack around is to just initialize the selectize with a huge maxOptions:

  maxOptions: 3000

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jjinkxy commented Mar 15, 2019

Leaving this here for any one who not only wants to add multiple but also create a new item. This worked for me.

# Example (model: teacher, attribute: student_list):
# fill_in_selectize_multi "teacher_student_list", with: %w(Jo Maren Bobby)

def fill_in_selectize_multi(field, options = {})
  selector = "'##{field}-selectized'"

  values = options[:with]
  values.each do |tag|
    page.execute_script "$(#{selector}).closest('.selectize-control').find(' .selectize-input').click();"
    page.execute_script %{ $(#{selector}).closest('.selectize-control').find(' .selectize-dropdown-content').children("div:contains('#{tag}')").click(); }
    page.execute_script "$('body').mousedown()"

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Another version of the same.

  def selectize_single_select(selector, value)
      var $select = $('#{ selector }').selectize();
      var selectize = $select[0].selectize;
      selectize.setValue(#{ value });
  def selectize_multi_select(selector, *values)
      var $select = $('#{ selector }').selectize();
      var selectize = $select[0].selectize;
      selectize.setValue(#{ values });

To DRY this code a bit one could implement it as one method with extra-parameter. Like:

def fill_in_selectize(selector, multi=false, *values)

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Here's yet another version of the same. I recently did some shuffling of code such that jQuery was not in the global namespace. Instead it's imported as needed. So my test helpers no longer had access to jQuery. This moves the helper code to using vanilla with querySelector{All} instead of the jquery finder helpers.

module SelectizeSelectHelper
  delegate :execute_script, to: :page

  def find_selectized_control_js(key)
    %{ document.querySelector('##{key}.selectized').nextElementSibling }

  def open_selectize_chooser(key)
    execute_script %{ document.querySelector('##{key}'); }

  def close_selectize_chooser(key)
    execute_script %{ document.querySelector('##{key}').selectize.close(); }

  # Select a single item from a selectized select input where multiple=false given the id for base field
  def selectize_single_select(key, value)
    # It may be tempting to combine these into one execute_script, but don't; it will cause failures.
    execute_script %{
                   var options = #{find_selectized_control_js(key)}.querySelectorAll('.option');
                   var option = Array.from(options).find((opt) => opt.innerHTML.match(/#{value}/));

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