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jcklpe /
Created September 15, 2020 04:29 — forked from quinnnorton/

Marriage Agreement


In this marriage we seek to mingle the project of our lives.

Our relationship is one of companionship, shared resources, comfort, encouragement, and pleasure. We laugh with, and look after, each other. We share our courage, and our grief. We protect each other, but we push each other as well. We choose this because we believe we can go further together and grow more as humans than we can alone.

What keeps us together is language. We talk to each other, we never let stuff disappear, never sweep difficult topics under the carpet. Our commitment is to talk about the things we feel like we can't talk about, to push through fearful times and be present for one another. We will always still be getting to know each other, and sharing our respective evolving views of the world. We will seek to listen and learn from each other.

jcklpe / church.js
Created August 18, 2019 23:21 — forked from vivekhaldar/church.js
Church numerals in ES6.
//#!/usr/bin/env node --harmony
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
'use strict';
// Church numerals in ES6.
// c.f.
// Zero is the identity function.
let zero = (f => x => x);
jcklpe /
Created February 28, 2019 19:57
neutral text format documented commonly used search query urls for use in Alfred, Ueli, or browsers etc

//NOTE: This information has been saved in the Ueli ueli.config.json format as that is the launcher I use and it's also has the largest number of metadata properties associated with each search engine query. This format can not be directly used to set up queries in Chrome, Firefox, Alfred, or Albert etc but I figured this was a good place to start anyway for that reference information. Just copy and paste out what you need.

//NOTE: icons are saved as svgs. All icons not already included in the default ueli config file have been downloaded for free from which allows for convenient svg download which you can then just open up and copy paste as needed.

//NOTE: the keyword to trigger the search engine is saved under the "prefix" property.

//NOTE: the query search string is saved under the "url" property.

"webSearches": [ {

jcklpe /
Last active January 20, 2019 03:19
linuxbrew error code information
[ps605739]$ brew config
HEAD: 7be9ac1e9d550df18392550d611c5ff10b91292b
Last commit: 6 days ago
Core tap ORIGIN:
Core tap HEAD: 84849b948b2e7f25c630f032d1d25154dd8b5ad1
Core tap last commit: 7 hours ago
HOMEBREW_PREFIX: /home/jcklpe/.linuxbrew
HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY: /home/jcklpe/.linuxbrew/Homebrew
jcklpe / url-function.scss
Created November 21, 2018 01:25
Easy relative path scss function for wordpress themes
//adapted from here:
// Base path for assets (fonts, images...),
// should not include trailing slash
$asset-base-path: 'wp-content/themes/{{name of your theme}}/assets' !default;
// Asset URL builder
@function asset($type, $file) {
@return url($asset-base-path + '/' + $type + '/' + $file);
jcklpe /
Last active November 21, 2018 01:29
Create new wordpress project with Composer
#install composer if you haven't
curl -sS | php
jcklpe /
Created November 17, 2018 01:15
wp-cli command to reset a websites media library
wp post delete $( wp post list --post_type=attachment --fields=ID --format=csv )
jcklpe / wp-gulp.js
Created November 13, 2018 19:45 — forked from zachattack/wp-gulp.js
Simple Gulp Config for Word Press Dev
// Gulp.js configuration
'use strict';
// source and build folders
dir = {
src : './static/',
lib : './static/lib/',
build : './assets/'
jcklpe / gmail-tweak.css
Created November 13, 2018 19:40
Userstyle to hide unread badge on gmail
/*hide unread button*/
.bhZ:not(.bym):not(.bjB) .bsU{
jcklpe / wp-theme-gitignore.txt
Last active November 12, 2018 20:25
Wordpress gitignore file
# NPM #
# Ignore all directories called node_modules in current folder and any subfolders.
# Packages #