brew cask install dia
After his it won't run because DISPLAY=:0 env var is not set
vim /Applications/
Add the following content to line 40 (right before the oascript call)
# Ref:
versionOSX=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F '.' '{print $(NF-1)}')
[[ ${versionOSX} -ge 10 ]] && export DISPLAY=:0
Ok. I doing any wrong way. But I don´t know.
I downloaded de package from this site []. Then I did copy the package to aplications folder. Then I change the document /bin/.dia like your code. Then I started the app and the system said me the app is broken.
I don´t write de last line, this:
export DISPLAY=:0 # Fixes the "cannot open display".
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" # Fixes the annoying Xterm window opening.
exec "$CWD/dia-bin" --integrated
becuase I don´t know what is the place to write.