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Last active March 18, 2022 14:05
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  • Save jcmrva/59773d87769cf175222e9048e6531b92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jcmrva/59773d87769cf175222e9048e6531b92 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find remaining valid word options or check a word
A guess assistant, not a real solver.
// intended to be used with F# Interactive
// Wordle hard mode assumed
// -------------------- setup --------------------
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
open FSharp.Data
open System
let sitePath =
let siteHtml =
HtmlDocument.Load sitePath
// scrape site for the js path
let jsFileName =
siteHtml.Descendants [ "script" ]
|> Seq.choose (fun elem ->
elem.TryGetAttribute "src"
|> Option.filter (fun a -> a.Value().StartsWith "main" && a.Value().EndsWith "js"))
|> Seq.toList
|> function
| [a] -> a.Value ()
| a::aa -> failwith "Too many JS files found, refine the filter. %A{a::aa}"
| [ ] -> failwith "JS file name not found."
let siteJs =
Http.RequestString (sitePath + jsFileName)
let indices (js:string) =
//solnStartIdx, middleIdx, validEndIdx
js.IndexOf "Ma=[", js.IndexOf "],Oa=[", js.IndexOf "],Ra="
// extract the hardcoded word lists from the js source
let wordLists (js:string) =
let solnStartIdx, middleIdx, validEndIdx = indices js
js.Substring (solnStartIdx + 3, middleIdx - solnStartIdx - 2) // include []
,js.Substring (middleIdx + 5, validEndIdx - middleIdx - 4) // include []
let saveWordLists (solutions, validonly) =
System.IO.File.WriteAllText ("./solution_words.json", solutions)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText ("./validonly_words.json", validonly)
let solutions, validonly =
siteJs |> wordLists
(solutions, validonly) |> saveWordLists
let jsonToList (s:string) =
System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<string>> s
let loadWordLists () =
System.IO.File.ReadAllText "./solution_words.json"
,System.IO.File.ReadAllText "./validonly_words.json"
| ex ->
printfn $"File error: {ex.Message}"
"[]", "[]"
let solutionList, validOnlyList =
jsonToList solutions, jsonToList validonly
| ex ->
printfn $"JS parse or JSON serialization error {ex.Message}" // let solutionList, validOnlyList =
loadWordLists ()
|> fun (s, v) -> jsonToList s, jsonToList v
let uuddlrlrbas word =
if not ((DateTime.Today - new DateTime(2021,6,19)).Days |> fun d -> List.item d solutionList = word) then printfn "nope" else printfn "found"
let charAt (word:string) posn =
word.Substring(posn - 1, 1) |> char
let hasAllExact (exists:List<char * int>) word =
List.forall (fun (c,p) -> charAt word p = c) exists
let hasAllHints (hints:List<char * int>) (word:string) =
let hasHint (c:char) posn =
word.Contains c && (charAt word posn <> c)
List.forall (fun (c,p) -> hasHint c p) hints
let hasUnused unused word =
let rec hasUnused' (unused:char list) (word:string) =
match unused with
| c::cs ->
if word.Contains c then
hasUnused' cs word
| [] ->
hasUnused' unused word
let checkWord guesses word =
let cont =
List.contains word
let v, s, g =
cont validOnlyList, cont solutionList, fst guesses |> cont
if g then printfn "Already guessed."
if v then printfn "Valid for hints but not a solution."
if s && not g then printfn "Solution possible."
if not s && not v then printfn "Invalid word."
let showPossibleSolutions (exact, hint, unused) (guesses:list<string * string>) =
if not (guesses |> List.forall (fun (g,i) -> g.Length = i.Length)) then failwith "Input length mismatch."
let chardata =
|> (fun (g,i) -> (fun posn -> charAt g posn, charAt i posn, posn) [1..g.Length])
|> List.collect id
|> List.distinct
let e =
|> List.where (fun (_,i,_) -> i = exact)
|> (fun (g,_,p) -> g,p)
let e' =
e |> fst
let h =
|> List.where (fun (_,i,_) -> i = hint)
|> (fun (g,_,p) -> g,p)
let h' =
h |> fst
let u =
|> List.where (fun (_,i,_) -> i = unused)
|> (fun (g,_,_) -> g)
|> List.filter (fun c -> List.contains c e' |> not && List.contains c h' |> not)
let filters w =
hasUnused u w |> not && hasAllExact e w && hasAllHints h w
let solutions =
solutionList |> List.filter filters
if solutions.Length = 0 then printfn "0 solutions found, something is wrong!"
printfn $"{solutions.Length} possible solutions found."
// -------------------- work space --------------------
// configure symbols to represent tile info; any single character is valid
let exact, hint, unused =
'@', '#', '_'
// input current guesses and tile info as a string pair
let guesses =
"fable", "_#__@" // #4 in the archive
"suave", "__@_@"
showPossibleSolutions (exact, hint, unused) guesses
checkWord guesses "xyzzy"
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