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Securely reset local account or the local Administrator account (RID 500) passwords
# Reset-LocalAccountPassword.ps1
# Written by Bill Stewart ([email protected])
#requires -version 2
# Version history:
# 1.3 (2019-11-01)
# Correct code formatting.
# 1.2 (2019-09-10)
# * Removed unused variables.
# * Standardized parameter declarations and attributes to improve readability.
# * Added "not null or empty" validation attribute for -AccountName parameter.
# 1.1 (2019-02-22)
# * Fix for -Password parameter variable scope problem in PSv2 (create new
# variable instead of referring to parameter variable).
# 1.0 (2017-02-24)
# * Initial version.
Resets the built-in Administrator account or a named local account password on one or more computers.
Resets the built-in Administrator account or a named local account password on one or more computers. The Administrator account is determined by its RID (500), not its name.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies one or more computer names. The default is the current computer. Wildcards are not permitted.
.PARAMETER AccountName
Specifies that you want to reset the password for the specified local account.
.PARAMETER AdminAccount
Specifies that you want to reset the password for the built-in Administrator account.
Specifes the new password for the account. If you omit this parameter (recommended), you will be prompted to enter the new password twice (for confirmation).
.PARAMETER Credential
Specifies credentials that have permission to reset the password on the computer(s). If you omit this parameter, the current logon account must have permission to reset the password.
PS C:\> Reset-LocalAccountPassword -AdminAccount
This command will reset the built-in Administrator password on the current computer.
PS C:\> Reset-LocalAccountPassword COMPUTER1,COMPUTER2 -AdminAccount -Confirm:$false
This command will reset the built-in Administrator password on two different computers without prompting for confirmation.
PS C:\> Reset-LocalAccountPassword -AccountName Manager
This command will reset the password for the local account named 'Manager' on the current computer.
PS C:\> Reset-LocalAccountPassword PC3,PC4 -AccountName Supervisor -Confirm:$false
This command will reset the password of the local account named 'Supervisor' on two different computers without prompting for confirmation.
PS C:\> Get-Content Computers.txt | Reset-LocalAccountPassword -AdminAccount -Confirm:$false
This command will reset the built-in Administrator password for the computers named in the file Computers.txt without prompting for confirmation.
PS C:\> "WG1","WG2" | Reset-LocalAccountPassword -AdminAccount -Credential (Get-Credential)
This command will prompt to reset the built-in Administrator passwords on two computers. Before the command runs, it will prompt for credentials that have permission to reset the passwords.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "NamedAccount",SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = "High")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AdminAccount",Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "NamedAccount",Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[String[]] $ComputerName = [Net.Dns]::GetHostName(),
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "NamedAccount",Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $AccountName,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AdminAccount",Mandatory = $true)]
[Switch] $AdminAccount,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AdminAccount")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "NamedAccount")]
[Security.SecureString] $Password,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "AdminAccount")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "NamedAccount")]
[Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential
begin {
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
# Reset password for built-in Administrator account, not a named account.
$AdminAccount = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "AdminAccount"
# Safely compares two SecureString objects without decrypting them. Returns
# $true if they are equal, or $false otherwise.
function Compare-SecureString {
[Security.SecureString] $secureString1,
[Security.SecureString] $secureString2
try {
$bstr1 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secureString1)
$bstr2 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secureString2)
$length1 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($bstr1,-4)
$length2 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($bstr2,-4)
if ( $length1 -ne $length2 ) {
return $false
for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $length1; ++$i ) {
$b1 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadByte($bstr1,$i)
$b2 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadByte($bstr2,$i)
if ( $b1 -ne $b2 ) {
return $false
return $true
finally {
if ( $bstr1 -ne [IntPtr]::Zero ) {
if ( $bstr2 -ne [IntPtr]::Zero ) {
# Reads two SecureString objects (passwords), securely compares them, and
# returns the confirmed password.
function Read-PasswordWithConfirmation {
if ( $AdminAccount ) {
$name = "built-in Administrator account"
else {
$name = "local account '$AccountName'"
do {
$pass1 = Read-Host -Prompt ("Enter new password for {0}" -f $name) -AsSecureString
$pass2 = Read-Host -Prompt ("Confirm new password for {0}" -f $name) -AsSecureString
$equal = Compare-SecureString $pass1 $pass2
if ( -not $equal ) {
Write-Host "Passwords do not match"
} until ( $equal )
return $pass1
# Decrypts and returns a SecureString as a String. Required for the
# DirectoryEntry constructor and SetPassword methods because these API calls
# use clear-text passwords. Even though the clear-text passwords will be
# temporarily available in local memory, Windows does not send clear-text
# passwords over the network.
function ConvertTo-String {
[Security.SecureString] $secureString
try {
$bstr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secureString)
return [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr)
finally {
if ( $bstr -ne [IntPtr]::Zero ) {
# Writes a custom error to the error stream.
function Write-CustomError {
[Exception] $exception,
[String] $errorID,
[Management.Automation.ErrorCategory] $errorCategory = "NotSpecified"
$errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($exception,$errorID,$errorCategory,$targetObject)
# If the -Password parameter is not present, read it interactively.
if ( -not $Password ) {
$NewPassword = Read-PasswordWithConfirmation
else {
$NewPassword = $Password
# Set up the process action string.
if ( $AdminAccount ) {
$ProcessAction = "Reset password for built-in Administrator account"
else {
$ProcessAction = "Reset password for local account '$AccountName'"
# Called from script's process block: Resets the requested local account
# password (either built-in Administrator account or a named account).
function Reset-LocalAccountPassword {
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "High")]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[String[]] $computerName
process {
$computerAdsPath = "WinNT://$computerName,Computer"
if ( -not $Credential ) {
$computer = [ADSI] $computerAdsPath
else {
$computer = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($computerAdsPath,$Credential.UserName,(ConvertTo-String $Credential.Password))
try {
# Piping to Format-List forces PowerShell to connect to the computer
# (we're only interested in a possible exception).
[Void] ($computer | Format-List)
catch {
$message = "Unable to connect to computer '$computerName' due to the following error: '{0}'" -f ($_.Exception.InnerException.Message -replace '\n+$','')
$exception = New-Object ($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)($message,$_.Exception)
Write-CustomError $exception $computerName $ScriptName
$localUser = $null
$dirEntries = $computer.Children
if ( $AdminAccount ) {
try {
foreach ( $childObject in $dirEntries ) {
if ( $childObject.Class -eq "User" ) {
$childObjectSID = New-Object Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($childObject.objectSid[0],0)
if ( $childObjectSID.Value.EndsWith("-500") ) {
$localUser = $childObject
catch {
$message = "Unable to connect to computer '$computerName' due to the following error: '{0}'" -f ($_.Exception.InnerException.Message -replace '\n+$','')
$exception = New-Object ($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)($message,$_.Exception)
Write-CustomError $exception $computerName $ScriptName
else {
try {
$localUser = $dirEntries.Find($AccountName,"User")
catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
$message = "Unable to perform operation '$ProcessAction' on target '$computerName' due to the following error: '{0}'" -f ($_.Exception.InnerException.Message -replace '\n+$','')
$exception = New-Object ($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)($message,$_.Exception)
Write-CustomError $exception $computerName $ScriptName
try {
$localUser.SetPassword((ConvertTo-String $NewPassword))
catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
$message = "Unable to perform operation '$ProcessAction' on target '$computerName' due to the following error: '{0}'" -f ($_.Exception.InnerException.Message -replace '\n+$','')
$exception = New-Object ($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)($message,$_.Exception.InnerException)
Write-CustomError $exception $computerName $ScriptName
process {
foreach ( $computerNameItem in $ComputerName ) {
if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($computerNameItem,$ProcessAction) ) {
Reset-LocalAccountPassword $computerNameItem
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