Create an Azure Container Service Kubernetes Cluster with Azure CLI
Login (interactive) to your Azure subscription using Azure CLI
az login
az group create --name acs-k8s-rg --location westeurope
Optional - Create a new SSH key with keygen (interactive)
Create a Kubernetes cluster using Azure Container Service
az acs create --name acs-k8s --location westeurope --resource-group acs-k8s-rg --ssh-key-value ~/roaming/ssh/ --agent-count 2 --orchestrator-type kuberne
az acs kubernetes install-cli --install-location ~/bin/kubectl
Download the Kubernetes cluster configuration
az acs kubernetes get-credentials --name acs-k8s --resource-group acs-k8s-rg --ssh-key-file ~/roaming/ssh/acs_k8s_rsa
Download and install Helm
tar -xvf helm-v2.5.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv linux-amd64/helm ~/bin/helm
rm -rf linux-amd64 helm-v2.5.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
helm init
helm install stable/kube-lego --set config.LEGO_EMAIL=<valid-email>,config.LEGO_URL=
helm install stable/nginx-ingress