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Created March 22, 2013 13:57
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A tiny database that records and replays events in a repository on a piece of state.
(ns deck.core
(:require [ :as io])
(defn- dispatch-play
[state [event-name & rest]]
(keyword event-name))
(defmulti play
Define your own event names and implementations to change the state
of your data.
(defmethod play ::add-user
[state [_ date username]]
(update-in state [:users] conj {:username username :created-at date})
(var dispatch-play))
(defprotocol AEventStore
(store [_ e] "stores event for later retrieval")
(events [_] "returns all events in store"))
(defn- read-one
(read r)
(catch Exception e
(defn- form-seq
(with-open [r (PushbackReader. (io/reader f))]
(binding [*read-eval* false]
(let [forms (repeatedly #(read-one r))]
(doall (take-while identity forms))))))
(defrecord FileEventStore [path agent]
(store [_ e] (send-off agent
(fn [state]
(let [output (str ";; at " (Date.) "\n" (prn-str e))]
(spit path output :append true))
(conj state e))))
(events [_] @agent))
(defn file-store [path]
(FileEventStore. path (agent (if (-> path File. .exists)
(vec (form-seq path))
(def ^:dynamic *strict* true)
(defn check-event
(when *strict*
(when-not (= e (read-string (pr-str e)))
(throw (Exception. "Event is not printable/readable, cannot be recorded")))))
(defprotocol ARecordAndReplay
(record [db event] "Apply and store an event to the state of db")
(replay [db] "Apply all of the events in the event store to the initial state of the db"))
(defrecord RefDeck [init-state
^clojure.lang.IReference state-ref
^deck.core.AEventStore event-store]
(deref [_] (deref state-ref))
(record [_ e] (dosync
(check-event e)
(store event-store e)
(alter state-ref play e)))
(replay [_] (dosync
(let [new-val (reduce play init-state (events event-store))]
(ref-set state-ref new-val)))))
(defmethod print-method deck.core.RefDeck
[d ^ w]
(binding [*print-length* 10]
(.write w (format "RefDeck (%d events): %s"
(count (events (:event-store d)))
(pr-str @d)))))
(defn deck
"Initialize a new deck that can record and play back events"
[init-state path]
(let [d (RefDeck. init-state (ref init-state) (file-store path))]
(replay d)
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