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Created February 19, 2014 19:26
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  • Save jcromartie/9099643 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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;;; MrMusAddict's original function
(def charge-max 100.0)
(def charge-min 0.0)
(def bright-max 0.9)
(def bright-min 0.0)
;;; float brightFinal = (brightMin-brightMax)*Math.Pow((chargeCurrent-chargeMax)/(chargeMax-chargeMin), 4)+brightMax;
(defn mr-mus-addict
(+ bright-max
(* (- bright-min bright-max)
(Math/pow (/ (- charge charge-max)
(- charge-max charge-min))
;; a slight optimization by just multiplying four times, possibly
;; losing some accuracy due to floating point implementation
(defn mr-mus-addict'
(let [n (/ (- charge charge-max)
(- charge-max charge-min))]
(+ bright-max
(* (- bright-min bright-max)
(* n n n n)))))
(def int-lookup
(mapv #(mr-mus-addict %) (range 101)))
(defn mr-mus-addict-lookup
(nth int-lookup c))
;; mrhorrible's version (-0.00011*((chargeCurrent-90)^2))+0.9
(defn mr-horrible
[^long charge]
(+ (* -0.00011 (Math/pow charge 2)) 0.9))
;; my simplified version, using a charge range from [0,1]
(defn djork
[^double c]
(let [x (- 1 c)]
(- 1 (* x x x x))))
;; now a lookup table version, which is actually slower
(let [lookup (mapv #(djork (/ % 100)) (range 101))]
(defn djork-lookup
[^double c]
(nth lookup (* c 100))))
;; now a macro version... this is where it gets interesting folks
(defn compile-unrolled
[f inputs]
(let [clauses (mapcat #(list % (f %)) inputs)]
`(fn [x#]
(case x#
(~f x#)))))
(defn unrolled
[f inputs]
(eval (compile-unrolled f inputs)))
(def mr-mus-addict-unrolled
(unrolled mr-mus-addict (range 101)))
(def mr-horrible-unrolled
(unrolled mr-horrible (range 101)))
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