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Last active November 9, 2017 17:42
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Example Snakefile for group meeting presentation
# Example Snakemake pipeline
# This example snakefile performs the following steps:
# * Downloads an Excel file
# * Converts the file to CSV format
# * Plots a result
# * Creates a summary report
# LICENSE: CC0. Do what you want with the code, but it has no guarantees.
# Installation with conda package manager:
# conda config --add channels defaults
# conda config --add channels conda-forge
# conda config --add channels bioconda
# conda create -n snakemake-env graphviz imagemagick pandas python r-base rpy2 snakemake xlrd
# source activate snakemake-env
# **Warning:** There is no guarantee that this conda setup will enable inserting
# R code directly into the Snakefile. rpy2 is a notoriously difficult package to
# install properly because it requires Python and R to be installed with
# specific configurations. It worked today (2017-11-09) using the channel order
# bioconda, conda-forge, defaults. Suprisingly removing conda-forge broke it
# (usually mixing these two channels causes problems). For a more robust
# solution, write your R code in separate scripts and pass the arguments from
# Snakemake to your script using Rscript and `commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)`.
# Installation on Debian/Ubuntu:
# Python
# sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pandas python3-xlrd
# R
# sudo apt-get install r-base
# Snakemake
# sudo apt-get install snakemake
# rpy2 so that Snakemake can communicate between Python and R
# sudo apt-get install python3-rpy2
# To visualize the DAG (directed acyclic graph)
# sudo apt-get install graphviz imagemagick
# Executing the Snakefile:
# Run in "dry run" mode to preview the steps to be run:
# snakemake -s -n
# Visualize the dependency graph:
# snakemake -s --dag | dot | display
# Run the pipeline:
# snakemake -s
from snakemake.utils import R
from snakemake.utils import report
samples = ["DEG_list"]
rule all:
input: expand("{sample}.report.html", sample = samples)
rule download_data:
output: "{sample}.xlsx"
shell: "wget{output}"
rule xlsx_to_csv:
input: xlsx = "{sample}.xlsx"
output: csv = "{sample}.csv"
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_excel(input.xlsx)
rule plot:
input: "{sample}.csv"
output: "{sample}.png"
dat = read.csv("{input}")
plot(dat$log2FoldChange, dat$stat)
rule report:
input: "{sample}.png"
output: html = "{sample}.report.html"
* We had a good lunch
* We made this figure: ``{input}``
.. image:: {input}
""", output.html, **input)
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