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Last active October 31, 2017 22:02
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Helper script to identify conda-forge R packages that have more recent versions released on CRAN
#!/usr/bin/env conda-execute
# Helper script to identify conda-forge R packages that have more recent
# versions released on CRAN.
# Usage:
# conda execute conda-forge-cran.R
# or
# Rscript conda-forge-cran.R
# Strategy:
# 1. Obtain list of R packages on CRAN
# 2. Obtain list of R packages in conda-forge channel on Anaconda Cloud
# 3. Intersect packages and determine which are outdated
# 4. Future idea: Create conda recipes for updated packages
# 5. Future idea: Submit updated recipes as Pull Requests to individual feedstocks
# conda execute
# env:
# - r-base
# - r-dplyr
# - r-git2r
# - r-jsonlite
# - r-purrr
# - r-stringr
# channels:
# - conda-forge
# run_with: Rscript
# 1. Obtain list of R packages on CRAN -----------------------------------------
cran <- available.packages(repos = "") %>% %>%
select(package = Package, version = Version) %>%
mutate(package = paste0("r-", str_to_lower(package)),
version = as.numeric_version(version))
# 2. Obtain list of R packages in conda-forge channel on Anaconda Cloud --------
# conda-search currently doesn't respect --override-channels. Packages in
# defaults or the channels in .condarc are always included:
cmd <- "conda search --json --override-channels -c conda-forge r-*"
anaconda <- fromJSON(system(cmd, intern = TRUE)) %>%
map_df(`[`, c("name", "version", "build", "channel")) %>%
filter(grepl("^r-", name),
channel == "conda-forge",
grepl("^r3.3.2", build)) %>%
mutate(version = str_replace_all(version, "_", "-")) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
summarize(version = max(as.numeric_version(version))) %>%
rename(package = name)
stopifnot(nrow(anaconda) == length(unique(anaconda$package)))
# 3. Intersect packages and determine which are outdated -----------------------
conda_forge <- merge(anaconda, cran, by = "package",
suffixes = c(".conda", ".cran")) %>%
mutate(outdated = version.conda < version.cran)
cat(sprintf("%d of %d CRAN R packages on conda-forge are outdated.\n",
sum(conda_forge$outdated), nrow(conda_forge)))
# Fork, clone, and rerender ----------------------------------------------------
pkg <- "r-devtools"
repo_forge <- paste0(pkg, "-feedstock")
# Fork the repository
fork <- gh("POST /repos/:owner/:repo/forks", owner = "conda-forge", repo = repo_forge)
# Clone the fork
git_local <- clone(fork$clone_url, local_path = paste0("/tmp/", repo_forge),
progress = FALSE)
on.exit(unlink(workdir(git_local), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
# Rerender
cmd_rerender <- sprintf("conda smithy rerender --feedstock_directory %s --commit auto",
# 4. Future idea: Create conda recipes for updated packages --------------------
# Could adapt code from
# 5. Future idea: Submit updated recipes as PRs to individual feedstocks -------
# There is already a helper script that does this for PyPI packages.
# Discussion on helper scripts for updating packages:
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