# <-- NOTE: This represents the command prompt of a root user
# kernel_release_default="$(
grubby --default-kernel \
systemctl edit
to create a configuration override.#cloud-config | |
--- | |
timezone: "UTC" | |
write_files: | |
- path: "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7" | |
permissions: "0644" | |
owner: "root:root" | |
content: | | |
<?php | |
$responseCode = 500; | |
$responseCodeOk = 200; | |
$responseCodeFail = 503; | |
$url = 'https://www.deathe.org/'; | |
$ch = curl_init(); | |
curl_setopt_array( |
The output of apachectl -S
is really useful but it's not easy to parse in a script. To make it easier to find the configuration file for a given NameVirtualHost host the following BASH one liner returns lines of output that can be easily parsed.
# apachectl -S 2>&1 \
| sed -rn -e '/NameVirtualHost$/,$ { /NameVirtualHost$/d; $ d; p; }' \
| sed -rn -e 's/^.*(port ([0-9]+) namevhost|alias) ([^ ]*)( )?(\((.*):[0-9]+\)|$)/\2 \6\n\3/p' \
| sed -r -e '/^$/d' -e 's/(.*\.conf$)/\n\1/g' \
| awk -vRS='' '$1=$1' \
| sort -n \
| uniq
To request a Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate there are the following prerequisites:
option or configuration directive must be changed to the appropriate v2 endpoint.