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Created January 15, 2016 00:48
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Fun with Functions! - Exercises & Solutions
  1. Develop a model for boolean values (Bool), which may be either true or false.

    Think: Do you need an if-then-else construct? Why or why not?

    Bonus: Develop a model for eithers (Either), whih can be one thing ("left") or another ("right"), and model a boolean as a partitioning of a set into two disjoint sets.

    type Bool = forall a. a -> a -> a
    _true :: Bool
    _true t _ = t
    _false :: Bool
    _false _ f = f
    -- Bonus	    
    type Either a b = forall z. (a -> z) -> (b -> z) -> z
    left :: forall a b. a -> Either a b
    left a = \l _ -> l a
    right :: forall a b. b -> Either a b
    right b = \_ r -> r b
    type Bool2 = forall a. a -> Either a a
    true2 :: Bool2
    true2 = left
    right2 :: Bool2
    right2 = right
  2. Develop a model for optional values (Maybe / Option), which are containers that are either empty ("nothing" / "none") or hold a single value ("just" / "some").

    Think: If you are wrote a parametric solution in a statically-typed language, can you prove the container holds exactly 0 or 1 element, based solely on its type signature? Why or why not?

    Bonus: Define a function, called optionMap, which takes an optional value, and a function which can transform the value, and returns another optional value.

    type Maybe a = forall z. z -> (a -> z) -> z
    nothing :: forall a. Maybe a
    nothing = const
    just :: forall a. a -> Maybe a
    just a = \_ f -> f a
    -- Bonus
    optionMap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
    optionMap f o = o nothing (\a -> just (f a))
  3. Develop a model for a singly-linked list (List), which can be empty, or which can contain a head (the element at the start of the list) and a tail (the remainder of the list).

    Think: Do you need to define a left fold for this model? Why or why not?

    Bonus: Define a function, called listMap, which takes a list, and a function which can transform an element in the list, and returns another list.

    type List a = forall z. z -> (z -> a -> z) -> z
    nil :: forall a. List a
    nil = \z _ -> z
    cons :: forall a. a -> List a -> List a
    cons a as = \z f -> as (f z a) f
    -- Bonus
    reverse :: forall a. List a -> List a
    reverse l = l nil (\as a -> cons a as)
    listMap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
    listMap f as = reverse (as nil (\bs a -> cons (f a) bs))
  4. Develop a model for a container of exactly two things (Tuple), which may individually have different structures.

    Think: How can you use only Tuple to define a Tuple3? What are the pros and cons of this approach?

    Bonus: Define Tuple3, Tuple4, and so on, up to Tuple10.

    type Tuple a b = forall z. (a -> b -> z) -> z
    tuple2 :: forall a b. a -> b -> Tuple a b
    tuple2 a b = \f -> f a b
    -- Bonus
    type Tuple3 a b c = forall z. (a -> b -> c -> z) -> z
    tuple3 :: forall a b c. a -> b -> c -> Tuple3 a b c
    tuple3 a b c = \f -> f a b c
    -- etc.
  5. Develop a model for a container of either one thing ("left") or another ("right"), typically called Either.

    Think: What is the relationship of Either to Tuple?

    Bonus: Define Either3, Either4, and so on, up to Either10.

    type Either a b = forall z. (a -> z) -> (b -> z) -> z
    left :: forall a b. a -> Either a b
    left a = \l _ -> l a
    right :: forall a b. b -> Either a b
    right b = \_ r -> r b
    type Either3 a b c = forall z. (a -> z) -> (b -> z) -> (c -> z) -> z
    either3_1 :: forall a b c. a -> Either3 a b c
    either3_1 a = \f _ _ -> f a
    either3_2 :: forall a b c. b -> Either3 a b c
    either3_2 b = \_ f _ -> f b
    either3_3 :: forall a b c. c -> Either3 a b c
    either3_3 c = \_ _ f -> f c
  6. Develop a model for natural numbers (which start at 0 and count upwards in increments of 1). Hint: Try repeated application of some function to some initial value.

    Think: With this definition of natural number, how do you repeat something N times? How does this compare with repetition with a "native" natural number type?

    Bonus: Define addition and multiplication for natural numbers.

    2x Bonus: Model integers as a difference between two natural numbers, and define addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

    type Nat = forall z. z -> (z -> z) -> z
    _zero :: Nat
    _zero = \z s -> z
    succ :: Nat -> Nat
    succ n = \z s -> s (n z s)
    plus :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
    plus n m = \z s -> m (n z s) s
  7. Develop a model for a couple "write-only" commands, such as "print this number to the console." This model is purely descriptive, it doesn't need to do anything!

    Think: Why does the exercise insist these commands be "write-only"?

    Bonus: Think about approaches that might allow you to have "read" commands, that return information (for example, reading a line of input from the console).

    type WriteError = Nat
    type WriteStd   = Nat
    type Command = forall z. (WriteError -> z) -> (WriteStd -> z) -> z
    writeError :: Nat -> Command
    writeError n = \err _ -> err n
    writeStandard :: Nat -> Command
    writeStandard n = \_ std -> std n
  8. Cheat and develop an "interpreter" which can take a list of write-only commands, and actually perform their effects!

    interpret l = l (log "") eval
        eval eff command = do 
          command (\n -> log ("Error: " ++ show (showNat n))) (\n -> log ("Std: " ++ show (showNat n)))
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