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Created July 16, 2020 17:16
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package zio.prelude
trait FunctionBoth[:=>[-_, +_]] extends IdentityCompose[:=>] {
def both[A, B, C, D](f: A :=> B, g: C :=> D): (A, C) :=> (B, D)
def toRightBoth[A]: (Unit, A) :=> A
def toLeftBoth[A]: (A, Unit) :=> A
def lassocBoth[A, B, C]: (A, (B, C)) :=> ((A, B), C)
def rassocBoth[A, B, C]: ((A, B), C) :=> (A, (B, C))
trait FunctionSwapBoth[:=>[-_, +_]] extends FunctionBoth[:=>] {
def swapBoth[A, B]: (A, B) :=> (B, A)
trait Cartesian[:=>[-_, +_]] extends FunctionSwapBoth[:=>] {
def duplicateBoth[A]: A :=> (A, A)
def delete[A]: A :=> Unit
def leftDeleteLaw[A] =
compose(toLeftBoth[A], compose(both(identity[A], delete[A]), duplicateBoth[A])) == identity[A]
def rightDeleteLaw[A] =
compose(toRightBoth[A], compose(both(delete[A], identity[A]), duplicateBoth[A])) == identity[A]
trait FunctionEither[:=>[-_, +_]] extends IdentityCompose[:=>] {
def either[A, B, C, D](f: A :=> B, g: C :=> D): Either[A, C] :=> Either[B, D]
def toRightEither[A]: Either[Nothing, A] :=> A
def toLeftEither[A]: Either[A, Nothing] :=> A
def lassocEither[A, B, C]: Either[A, Either[B, C]] :=> Either[Either[A, B], C]
def rassocEither[A, B, C]: Either[Either[A, B], C] :=> Either[A, Either[B, C]]
trait FunctionSwapEither[:=>[-_, +_]] extends FunctionEither[:=>] {
def swapEither[A, B]: Either[A, B] :=> Either[B, A]
trait Cocartesian[:=>[-_, +_]] extends FunctionSwapEither[:=>] {
def duplicateEither[A]: A :=> Either[A, A]
def fail[A]: A :=> Nothing
def leftDeleteLaw[A] =
compose(toLeftEither[A], compose(either(identity[A], fail[A]), duplicateEither[A])) == identity[A]
def rightDeleteLaw[A] =
compose(toRightEither[A], compose(either(fail[A], identity[A]), duplicateEither[A])) == identity[A]
trait CartesianClosed[:=>[-_, +_]] extends Cartesian[:=>] {
def curry[A, B, C](f: (A, B) :=> C): A :=> (B :=> C)
def uncurry[A, B, C](f: A :=> (B :=> C)): (A, B) :=> C
trait CartesianApply[:=>[-_, +_]] extends CartesianClosed[:=>] {
def apply[A, B](f: A :=> B, a: A): Any :=> B
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