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Created April 26, 2015 15:15
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Algorithmic pseudo-random permutations for large sequences
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 as published by
#the Free Software Foundation.
"""Algorithmic pseudo-random permutations for large sequences.
Module to generate random, arbitrarily large permutations. Random permutations
can be generated in Python with random.shuffle or numpy.random.shuffle:
import random
indexes = range(100)
import numpy
import numpy.random
indexes = numpy.arange(100)
However, this is restricted to permutations that hold on main memory.
Sometimes, it may be convenient to use very large random permutations. I wrote
the original version of this code several years ago, in MATLAB, when I had a very
large sequence of identifiers whose length was not a power of two, and needed to
generate a random permutation of the sequence.
This module provides two classes to implement such long permutations:
LongPermutation and SPNetwork, with a common interface:
* attribute numvalues: length of the permutation
* method permValue: return the value in the permutation sequence for the given index
* method permIndex: give a value of the permutation sequence, return its index (permValue(a)==b <==> permIndex(b)==a)
The class LongPermutation defines permutations of any length. The class
SPNetwork defines permutations whose length is a power of two.
import math as m
import random as r
from collections import namedtuple
class LongPermutation:
"""Define a permutation of very large size"""
def __init__(self, numvalues, nstages=None):
"""for a given number of values, define a permutation. nstages is the number of stages of the underlying SPNetwork"""
self.numvalues = long(numvalues)
self.nbits = int(m.ceil(m.log(float(numvalues), 2)))
#if numvalues is too big to be stored in a float with enough precision (around 2e15), we add a bit to avoid problems related to losing resolution
if self.numvalues>2e15:
self.nbits += 1
self.spn = SPNetwork(self.nbits, nstages)
def cyclewalking(self, value, spnfun):
"""Internal function.
Uses algorithm for FPE (See ).
We use it to translate a permutation of custom size self.numvalues from/to a permutation of size 2**nbits (the SPNetwork)"""
checknum(value, self.numvalues, "LongPermutation")
cipher = value
goon = True
while goon:
cipher = spnfun(cipher)
goon = cipher>=self.numvalues
return cipher
def permValue(self, index):
"""return the index-th element of the permutation."""
return self.cyclewalking(index, self.spn.permValue)
def permIndex(self, value):
"""inverse operation of value(): for a given value, return its index. index(value(a))==a"""
return self.cyclewalking(value, self.spn.permIndex)
class SPNetwork:
"""a substitution-permutation network intended to compute arbitrarily large permutations with 2**nbits values.
This is actually a mathematical construction from Crypto 101"""
def __init__(self, nbits, nstages=None):
"""Constructor for SPNetwork.
nbits is the number of bits of the numbers to encrypt/decrypt.
nstages is the number of stages of the network. The more stages, the better the randomness of the permutation (up to a point, of course)"""
if nstages is None:
nstages = 15
self.nbits = int(nbits)
self.nstages = nstages
self.numvalues = 1<<nbits
rest = nbits % 8
if rest>0:
self.lastshift = 8-(nbits%8)
self.lastshift = 0
self.stages = [makeSPStage(nbits) for _ in xrange(nstages)]
def applyPBox(self, value, stage, mode):
"""apply the pbox to encrypt/decrypt. A p-box is a permutation of the bits in the value"""
newvalue = long(0)
pbox = stage.pbox.__getattribute__(mode)
for k in xrange(self.nbits):
if value & (1<<k):
newvalue |= 1<<pbox[k]
return newvalue
def applySBoxes(self, value, stage, mode):
"""apply the sboxes to encrypt/decrypt. Each s-box is a lookup table applied to a segment of the value"""
#each sbox is applied to a chunk of the bit sequence
startbit = self.nbits
newvalue = long(0)
for sbox, size in zip(stage.sboxes, stage.sizebybox):
sbox = sbox.__getattribute__(mode) #select mode
newstart = startbit-size
selected = selectbitrange(newstart, startbit) #range of bits to apply the sbox
v = (value & selected) >> newstart #bring the bits to the right
v = sbox[v] #apply the sbox
newvalue |= selected & (v << newstart) #put the result in its place
startbit = newstart #update index vars
return newvalue
def permValue(self, index):
"""encrypt an index, i.e., compute the index-th element of the permutation of 2**nbits"""
checknum(index, self.numvalues, "SPNetwork")
value = long(index)
for stage in self.stages:
value = self.applySBoxes(value, stage, 'encrypt')
value = self.applyPBox (value, stage, 'encrypt')
value ^= stage.key
return value
def permIndex(self, value):
"""inverse of encrypt, i.e., compute the index in the permutation for the given value. permValue(a)==b <==> permIndex(b)==a"""
checknum(value, self.numvalues, "SPNetwork")
index = long(value)
#apply operations in reverse order w.r.t permValue()
for stage in reversed(self.stages):
index ^= stage.key
index = self.applyPBox (index, stage, 'decrypt')
index = self.applySBoxes(index, stage, 'decrypt')
return index
def selectbitrange(start, stop):
value = long(0)
for k in xrange(start, stop):
value |= 1<<k
return value
def checknum(value, numvalues, name):
"""input sanity checks"""
if value<0:
raise ValueError(name+' works with positive numbers')
if value>=numvalues:
raise ValueError('number out of range for this '+name)
#building blocks for SPNetwork
Box = namedtuple('Box', ['encrypt', 'decrypt'])
SPStage = namedtuple('SPStage', ['key', 'sboxes', 'sizebybox', 'pbox'])
def makeSPStage(nbits):
"""a stage of a SP network has a random key of nbits, a list of 8-bit random sboxes (the last one may be smaller), and a random pbox of nbits"""
numsboxes = int(m.ceil(nbits/8.0))
rest = nbits % 8
sizebybox = [8]*numsboxes
if rest>0:
sizebybox[-1] = rest
key = r.getrandbits(nbits)
pbox = makebox(nbits)
sboxes = [makebox(1<<v) for v in sizebybox]
return SPStage(key=key, sboxes=sboxes, sizebybox=sizebybox, pbox=pbox)
def makebox(size):
"""define a box as a random permutation, works both for sboxes and pboxes"""
perm = range(size)
idxs = argsort(perm)
return Box(encrypt=perm, decrypt=idxs)
def argsort(seq):
return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=seq.__getitem__)
def EXAMPLE1(length=20, nstages=15):
p = LongPermutation(length, nstages=nstages)
print "TESTING all indexes of LongPermutation with %d values" % length
testPermutationAll(p, show=True)
testPermutationAll(p.spn, show=True)
def EXAMPLE2(length=123123123123123123123123123123123123123123123, numFirstIndexes=20, nstages=15):
p = LongPermutation(length, nstages=nstages)
indexes = xrange(numFirstIndexes)
print "TESTING %d first indexes of LongPermutation with %d values" % (numFirstIndexes, length)
testPermutationSelection(p, indexes, show=True)
testPermutationSelection(p.spn, indexes, show=True)
def EXAMPLE3(length=1000, nstages=15):
p = LongPermutation(length, nstages=nstages)
def plotPermutation(permutator):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as n
x = n.arange(permutator.numvalues)
y = n.array([permutator.permValue(a) for a in x])
x = n.random.random((permutator.numvalues,))
y = n.random.random((permutator.numvalues,))
plt.title('random values')
def testPermutationSelection(permutator, indexes, show=False):
"""test a sequence of indexes for a permutator object (use this to test networks with large nbits).
This can test both LongPermutation and SPNetwork objects"""
for k in indexes:
if k>=permutator.numvalues:
raise Exception('index out of range')
a = k
b = permutator.permValue(a)
c = permutator.permIndex(b)
assert a==c
if show:
print "permValue(%02d)= %02d, permIndex(%02d)= %02d" % (a, b, b, c)
def testPermutationAll(permutator, show=False):
"""test all indexes for a permutator object. This can test both LongPermutation and SPNetwork objects"""
rang = range(permutator.numvalues)
encrypt = [permutator.permValue(a) for a in rang]
decrypt = [permutator.permIndex(a) for a in rang]
plain = [permutator.permIndex(a) for a in encrypt]
if show:
for a, b, c in zip(rang, encrypt, plain):
print "permValue(%02d)= %02d, permIndex(%02d)= %02d" % (a, b, b, c)
assert all([a==b for a,b in zip(rang, plain)])
def verifyPermutation(perm):
sortd = sorted(perm)
rangd = range(len(perm))
assert all([a==b for a, b, in zip(rangd, sortd)])
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