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jdh30 / gist:68d2b1e4d59123a8da944d578a7080ba
Last active October 29, 2024 17:41
Fix OCaml VSCode extension on Mac

Fix OCaml VSCode extension on Mac

On Mac, the OCaml extension for VSCode scribbles inferred information everywhere which makes development much harder. This line noise is called "inlay hints". They can be disabled by editing the file:

~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json

To include the line:

"editor.inlayHints.enabled": "off",
jdh30 / gist:92a382c6a5c1b20cc9541e0ab776860b
Created March 27, 2024 17:02
Install OpenHantek6022 on Raspberry Pi 5
sudo apt install cmake libfftw3-dev qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
git clone
cd OpenHantek6022
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo cp ../utils/udev_rules/60-openhantek.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
jdh30 / InstallOctoprint
Created December 26, 2023 03:11
Install Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi 5
python -m venv OctoPrint
OctoPrint/bin/pip install OctoPrint
emacs octoprint.service
sudo mv octoprint.service /etc/systemd/system/octoprint.service
sudo systemctl enable octoprint.service
sudo service octoprint start
jdh30 / PredatorPrey.tq
Created November 21, 2022 22:30
Simulating predator-prey dynamics
let g = 0.02 and k = 500 and t = 1500
let evolve(r, f) =
let dtrf = 0.0001 * r * f in
Some((r, f), (r + (1.0 - r/k)*r*g - dtrf, dtrf + (1.0 - g)*f))
let () =
Seq.unfold evolve (50, 10)
@ Seq.truncate 1500
@ Array.ofSeq
jdh30 / KMP.tq
Last active November 21, 2022 17:06
Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search algorithm
let search p =
let m = # p in
let next = Array.init m [_ -> 0] in
let rec init(i, j) =
if i >= m-1 then () else
if Array.get p i = Array.get p j then
let () = Array.Unsafe.set next (i+1) (j+1) in
init(i+1, j+1)
if j=0 then init(i+1, j) else init(i, Array.get next j) in
jdh30 / Base64.tq
Created November 21, 2022 16:39
Base64 encoder
type State =
| S0
| S1 Number
| S2 Number
let charOfNumber n =
if n<26 then Char.ofNumber(n+65)
else if n<52 then Char.ofNumber(n-26+97)
else if n<62 then Char.ofNumber(n-52+48)
else if n=62 then '+' else '/'
jdh30 / SuffixArray.tq
Created November 21, 2022 16:23
Compute the suffix array of an array
let suffixArray str =
let g = Array.get in
let n = # str in
let sa = Array.init n id in
let pos = Array.copy str in
let tmp = Array.init n [_ -> 0] in
let sufCmp gap (i, j) =
compare (g pos i, g pos j) @
[ Equal ->
if i+gap >= n || j+gap >= n then compare(j, i) else
jdh30 / MaxSumSubseq.tq
Created November 21, 2022 16:09
Maximum sum subsequence
let maxSumSubseq a =
let maxm = Array.fold [a, b -> max a b] 0 a in
let rec loop sum i =
if i = # a then sum else
let ai = Array.get a i in
if ai > 0 then loop (sum + ai) (i+1) else loop sum (i+1) in
loop 0 0
jdh30 / PythagorasTree.tq
Created November 21, 2022 15:25
Pythagoras' Tree
let branches m =
{ { Vec2.rotate(π/2 - asin(4/5));
Vec2.scale(4/5, 4/5);
Vec2.translate(0, -1) };
{ Vec2.translate(1, -1);
Vec2.rotate(-π/2 + asin(3/5));
Vec2.scale(3/5, 3/5);
Vec2.translate(1/3, 0) } }
@ [m2 → Array.concat{m; m2}]
jdh30 / InfinitePowerSeries.tq
Created November 21, 2022 15:15
Infinite power series
let toHtml f =
let x = Html "&#119909;" in
let pow = (* xⁿ *)
[ 0 → {Html "1"}
| 1 → {x}
| n → {x; Html.tag "sup" {"style", "font-size:70%"} (Html.ofNumber n)} ] in
let append(xs, x) = Array.Unsafe.append xs x in
let appends(xs, xss) = Array.fold append xs xss in
let minus = Html.of " - " in
let ellipses = Html " + &#8230;" in