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Created June 11, 2014 20:24
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Save jdmonaco/30ed7f0fee6af38bae19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
To fix backward-search synchronization (SyncTeX) between Skim and TextMate set Skim > Preferences > Sync > Preset to "Custom" with the command pointing to this script file and Arguments set to '%line "%file"' (without the single quotes). The problem is that (for as yet unknown reasons) the Shift-Cmd-click in Skim started opening a new editor win…
on run argv
set mateScript to "mate -l " & item 1 of argv & " " & item 2 of argv
tell application "Terminal"
set thisTab to do script mateScript
set visible of window 1 to false
delay 0.5
do script "exit" in thisTab
delay 0.5
close window 1
end tell
end run
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