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Forked from NearHuscarl/
Last active June 14, 2024 16:40
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Wofi emoji picker
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Source:
# Use wofi to pick emoji because that's what this
# century is about apparently...
# Requirements:
# wofi, wlroots based compositor
# Usage:
# 1. Download all emoji
# $ wofi-emoji --download
# 2. Run it!
# $ wofi-emoji
# Notes:
# * You'll need a emoji font like "Noto Emoji" or "EmojiOne".
# * Confirming an item will automatically paste it WITHOUT
# writing it to your clipboard.
# * Ctrl+C will copy it to your clipboard WITHOUT pasting it.
# Where to save the emojis file.
# Urls of emoji to download.
# You can remove what you don't need.
function notify() {
if [ "$(command -v notify-send)" ]; then
notify-send "$1" "$2"
function download() {
notify "$(basename "$0")" 'Downloading all emoji for your pleasure'
echo "" > "$EMOJI_FILE"
for url in "${URLS[@]}"; do
echo "Downloading: $url"
# Download the list of emoji and remove all the junk around it
emojis=$(curl -s "$url" | \
xmllint --html \
--xpath '//ul[@class="emoji-list"]' - 2>/dev/null)
# Get rid of starting/closing ul tags
emojis=$(echo "$emojis" | head -n -1 | tail -n +1)
# Extract the emoji and its description
emojis=$(echo "$emojis" | \
sed -rn 's/.*<span class="emoji">(.*)<\/span> (.*)<\/a><\/li>/\1 \2/p')
echo "$emojis" >> "$EMOJI_FILE"
notify "$(basename "$0")" "We're all set!"
function wofi_menu() { # {{{
wofi -width 25 -lines 7 -dmenu -i -p 'emoji: ' \
-kb-row-tab '' \
-kb-row-select Tab \
-kb-custom-1 Ctrl+c
# }}}
function repeat() { # {{{
local rplc str="$1" count="$2"
rplc="$(printf "%${count}s")"
echo "${rplc// /"$str"}"
# }}}
function toclipboard() { # {{{
# }}}
function display() {
local emoji line exit_code quantifier
emoji=$(cat "$EMOJI_FILE" | grep -v '#' | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$')
line="$(echo "$emoji" | wofi_menu)"
if [[ ! "$quantifier" =~ [0-9] ]]; then
emoijs="$(repeat "${line[0]}" "$quantifier")"
if [ $exit_code == 0 ]; then
echo -n "$emoijs" | toclipboard
elif [ $exit_code == 10 ]; then
echo -n "$emoijs" | toclipboard
# Some simple argparsing
if [[ "$1" =~ -D|--download ]]; then
exit 0
elif [[ "$1" =~ -h|--help ]]; then
echo "usage: $0 [-D|--download]"
exit 0
# Download all emoji if they don't exist yet
if [ ! -f "$EMOJI_FILE" ]; then
# display displays :)
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isti115 commented Jan 5, 2021

Thank you very much, finally something that seems to work reliably for me under sway! :)
I've been trying different solutions, like rofimoji, splatmoji and so on, but couldn't get any of them to keep properly functioning without having to constantly mess around with manually synchronizing the xwayland clipboard and such hacks, so I have almost decided to write my own, but then I found your nice solution, which saved me a great amount of time!

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Pasting the emoji directly in this doesn't work properly. I hacked together a solution using wtype, you can find it in my fork. I don't know how to suggest a revision here :)

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isti115 commented Mar 26, 2021

Wow, I've been using it for a while and have just now realized that it wasn't properly respecting my wofi config (I set layer=overlay because of this:, so I started tinkering and through some trial and error realized that it was because of the single hyphen parameters. -dmenu should be --dmenu and so one. After I fixed that it started properly appearing on top of fullscreen windows and I saw the proper sizing that you have originally intended for it. 😃

Edit: After digging a bit more into it I think that it was disrespecting the layer config because of the -dmenu flag being interpreted as the combination of -d, -m and so on, among which -n meant --normal-window.

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