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Last active January 6, 2025 19:54
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Wellness Day 11/17/2023

For Wellness Day 11/17/2023 I took a surface level dive into the world of Doom WAD modding. The end product is a top floor schematic of my house and custom imported textures which make up my office.


  • default player to only have fists
  • build a completely new map
  • import textures
  • Add multiple "floors"



Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 13 26 18

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Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 13 25 34

Inheritance / DECORATE

In DOOM we use inheriting of "actors" to customize them. This might include enemies, weapons or even the player.

I wanted to have the player start off with their "fists" as this is family friendly mod. To do this one needs two new files in your map WAD; MAPINFO & DECORATE.

The DECORATE file is where the actor inheritance occurs. The MAPINFO file is where you setup what inheritance the WAD should load.

To set the player to load with the fist only the DECORATE scripting looks like this:

actor JohnPlayer : DoomPlayer
   Player.StartItem "Fist"

And MAPINFO looks like such:

    playerclasses = "JohnPlayer"

Random notes:

  • line mode edits walls
    • height must be 128px
  • sectors are ceilings and floors
    • must be 64x64
  • the [ ] keys increase or decrease map snap grid
  • right click on anything allows you to move it
  • From what I can tell using SLADE I can't exactly put one floor under another floor. Looking at real DOOM maps they uses the illusion of ceiling and floors give rooms depth.
    • A possible way to have floors is have invisible teleportation walls that immediately bring you to a floor plan.
  • There's not nearly as many SLADE tutorials as there is GZ Builder or Ultimate Builder.


  • We don't edit Doom.wad directly but make multiple wads? So far I have a new wad for the textures and for the maps. I wonder how we merge it into a single playable wad.
  • Delete button doesn't seem to work on macOS
  • There isn't a native way to do floor leveling on top of each other, right?
  • How do teleportation lines work? I can't seem to get them to trigger.


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