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Last active July 9, 2023 07:26
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(ns clj-ray.core
; jank can't have `or` yet, due to no
; syntax quoting in macros. This program doesn't
; require anything other than logical or on two bools, though.
(defn either [l r]
(if l
; No proper `and` macro yet.
(defn and [l r]
(if l
; Also since jank doesn't have syntax
; quoting, as well as loop, there is no proper doseq.
; This one generates an anonymous fn with a recur in
; it, since jank can do that, and just calls it immediately.
(defmacro doseq [bindings & body]
(let [binding-name (first bindings)
binding-seq (second bindings)]
(list (list 'fn '[__gen_acc]
(list 'if (list 'empty? '__gen_acc)
(cons 'let
(cons (conj [binding-name] (list 'first '__gen_acc))
(conj (vec body) (list 'recur (list 'next '__gen_acc)))))))
(defn print+space [data]
(print data) (print " "))
(defn rand-real [min max]
(+ min (* (- max min) (rand))))
(defn clamp [n min max]
(if (< n min)
(if (< max n)
(def pi 3.1415926535897932385)
(defn degrees->radians [deg]
(/ (* deg pi) 180.0))
(defn vec3-create [r g b]
{:r r
:g g
:b b})
(defn vec3-scale [l n]
{:r (* (get l :r) n)
:g (* (get l :g) n)
:b (* (get l :b) n)})
(defn vec3-add [l r]
{:r (+ (get l :r) (get r :r))
:g (+ (get l :g) (get r :g))
:b (+ (get l :b) (get r :b))})
(defn vec3-sub [l r]
{:r (- (get l :r) (get r :r))
:g (- (get l :g) (get r :g))
:b (- (get l :b) (get r :b))})
(defn vec3-mul [l r]
{:r (* (get l :r) (get r :r))
:g (* (get l :g) (get r :g))
:b (* (get l :b) (get r :b))})
(defn vec3-div [l n]
{:r (/ (get l :r) n)
:g (/ (get l :g) n)
:b (/ (get l :b) n)})
(defn vec3-length-squared [v]
(+ (+ (* (get v :r) (get v :r))
(* (get v :g) (get v :g)))
(* (get v :b) (get v :b))))
(defn vec3-length [v]
(Math/sqrt (vec3-length-squared v)))
(defn vec3-dot [l r]
(+ (+ (* (get l :r) (get r :r))
(* (get l :g) (get r :g)))
(* (get l :b) (get r :b))))
(defn vec3-cross [l r]
(vec3-create (- (* (get l :g) (get r :b))
(* (get l :b) (get r :g)))
(- (* (get l :b) (get r :r))
(* (get l :r) (get r :b)))
(- (* (get l :r) (get r :g))
(* (get l :g) (get r :r)))))
(defn vec3-normalize [v]
(vec3-div v (vec3-length v)))
(defn vec3-rand []
(vec3-create (rand) (rand) (rand)))
(defn vec3-rand+clamp [min max]
(vec3-create (rand-real min max) (rand-real min max) (rand-real min max)))
(defn vec3-rand-in-sphere []
(let [v (vec3-rand+clamp -1 1)]
(if (< 1.0 (vec3-length-squared v))
(defn vec3-rand-unit-in-sphere []
(vec3-normalize (vec3-rand-in-sphere)))
(defn vec3-rand-in-unit-disk []
(let [p (vec3-create (rand-real -1 1) (rand-real -1 1) 0)]
(if (< 1 (vec3-length-squared p))
(defn vec3-near-zero? [v]
(let [epsilon 0.0000008]
(and (and (< (Math/abs (get v :r)) epsilon)
(< (Math/abs (get v :g)) epsilon))
(< (Math/abs (get v :b)) epsilon))))
(defn vec3-reflect [v n]
(vec3-sub v (vec3-scale n (* 2 (vec3-dot v n)))))
(defn vec3-refract [uv n etai-over-etat]
(let [cos-theta (min (vec3-dot (vec3-sub (vec3-create 0 0 0)
r-out-perp (vec3-scale (vec3-add uv (vec3-scale n cos-theta))
r-out-parallel (vec3-scale n (- 0.0 (Math/sqrt (Math/abs (- 1.0 (vec3-length-squared r-out-perp))))))]
(vec3-add r-out-perp r-out-parallel)))
(defn vec3-print [v samples-per-pixel]
(let [scale (/ 1.0 samples-per-pixel)
r (Math/sqrt (* scale (get v :r)))
g (Math/sqrt (* scale (get v :g)))
b (Math/sqrt (* scale (get v :b)))]
(print+space (int (* 256.0 (clamp r 0.0 0.999))))
(print+space (int (* 256.0 (clamp g 0.0 0.999))))
(print+space (int (* 256.0 (clamp b 0.0 0.999))))))
(defn ray-create [origin direction]
{:origin origin
:direction direction})
(defn ray-at [r t]
(vec3-add (get r :origin) (vec3-scale (get r :direction) t)))
(defn reflectance [cosine ref-idx]
(let [r (/ (- 1.0 ref-idx)
(+ 1.0 ref-idx))
r2 (* r r)]
(* (+ r2 (- 1.0 r2))
(Math/pow (- 1.0 cosine) 5.0))))
(defn hit-info-create [point normal t material front-face?]
{:point point
:normal normal
:t t
:material material
:front-face? front-face?})
(defn hit-sphere [hittable t-min t-max ray]
(let [center (get hittable :center)
radius (get hittable :radius)
oc (vec3-sub (get ray :origin) center)
a (vec3-length-squared (get ray :direction))
half-b (vec3-dot oc (get ray :direction))
c (- (vec3-length-squared oc) (* radius radius))
discriminant (- (* half-b half-b) (* a c))]
(if (< discriminant 0)
(let [sqrt-d (Math/sqrt discriminant)
root (let [root (/ (- (- 0 half-b) sqrt-d) a)]
(if (either (< root t-min) (< t-max root))
(/ (+ (- 0 half-b) sqrt-d) a)
(if (either (< root t-min) (< t-max root))
(let [point (ray-at ray root)
outward-normal (vec3-div (vec3-sub point center) radius)
front-face? (< (vec3-dot (get ray :direction) outward-normal) 0.0)]
(hit-info-create point
(if front-face?
(vec3-sub (vec3-create 0 0 0) outward-normal))
(get hittable :material)
(defn hit-all [t-min t-max ray hittables]
(get (reduce (fn [acc hittable]
(let [hit-info (hit-sphere hittable
(get acc :closest-so-far)
(if (some? hit-info)
(assoc (assoc acc :hit-info hit-info)
:closest-so-far (get hit-info :t))
{:closest-so-far t-max
:hit-info nil}
(defn scatter-lambertian [ray hit-info]
(let [scatter-direction (let [dir (vec3-add (get hit-info :normal)
(if (vec3-near-zero? dir)
(get hit-info :normal)
scattered (ray-create (get hit-info :point) scatter-direction)
attenuation (get (get hit-info :material) :albedo)]
{:ray scattered
:attenuation attenuation}))
(defn scatter-metal [ray hit-info]
(let [material (get hit-info :material)
reflected (vec3-reflect (vec3-normalize (get ray :direction))
(get hit-info :normal))
scattered (ray-create (get hit-info :point)
(vec3-add reflected
(vec3-scale (vec3-rand-unit-in-sphere)
(get material :fuzz))))
attenuation (get material :albedo)
res {:ray scattered
:attenuation attenuation}]
(if (< 0 (vec3-dot (get scattered :direction) (get hit-info :normal)))
(defn scatter-dialetric [ray hit-info]
(let [material (get hit-info :material)
attenuation (vec3-create 1 1 1)
index-of-refraction (get material :index-of-refraction)
refraction-ratio (if (get hit-info :front-face?)
(/ 1.0 index-of-refraction)
unit-direction (vec3-normalize (get ray :direction))
normal (get hit-info :normal)
cos-theta (min (vec3-dot (vec3-sub (vec3-create 0 0 0)
sin-theta (Math/sqrt (- 1.0 (* cos-theta cos-theta)))
cannot-refract? (< 1.0 (* refraction-ratio sin-theta))
direction (if (either cannot-refract?
(< (rand) (reflectance cos-theta refraction-ratio)))
(vec3-reflect unit-direction normal)
(vec3-refract unit-direction normal refraction-ratio))]
{:ray (ray-create (get hit-info :point) direction)
:attenuation attenuation}))
(defn ray-cast [r max-ray-bounces hittables]
(if (< max-ray-bounces 0)
(vec3-create 0 0 0)
(let [normalize-direction (vec3-normalize (get r :direction))
t (* 0.5 (+ (get normalize-direction :g) 1.0))
hit-info (hit-all 0.001 99999999 r hittables)]
(if (some? hit-info)
(let [material (get hit-info :material)
scatter-fn (get material :scatter)
scattered (scatter-fn r hit-info)]
(if (some? scattered)
(vec3-mul (ray-cast (get scattered :ray)
(dec max-ray-bounces)
(get scattered :attenuation))
(vec3-create 0 0 0)))
(vec3-add (vec3-scale (vec3-create 1.0 1.0 1.0) (- 1.0 t))
(vec3-scale (vec3-create 0.5 0.7 1.0) t))))))
(defn rand-scene! []
(reduce (fn [acc i]
(let [x (- (mod i 21) 10)
z (- (/ i 21) 6)
choose-mat (rand)
center (vec3-create (+ x (* 0.9 (rand)))
(+ z (* 0.9 (rand))))]
(if (< 0.9 (vec3-length (vec3-sub center (vec3-create 4 0.2 0))))
(conj acc (if (< choose-mat 0.8)
{:center center
:radius 0.2
:material {:albedo (vec3-mul (vec3-rand) (vec3-rand))
:scatter scatter-lambertian}}
(if (< choose-mat 0.95)
{:center center
:radius 0.2
:material {:albedo (vec3-rand+clamp 0.5 1)
:fuzz (rand-real 0 0.5)
:scatter scatter-metal}}
{:center center
:radius 0.2
:material {:index-of-refraction 1.5
:scatter scatter-dialetric}})))
[{:center (vec3-create 0 -1000 0)
:radius 1000
:material {:albedo (vec3-create 0.5 0.5 0.5)
:scatter scatter-lambertian}}
{:center (vec3-create -4 1 0)
:radius 1
:material {:albedo (vec3-create 0.4 0.2 0.1)
:scatter scatter-lambertian}}
{:center (vec3-create 0 1 0)
:radius 1
:material {:index-of-refraction 1.5
:scatter scatter-dialetric}}
{:center (vec3-create 4 1 0)
:radius 1
:material {:albedo (vec3-create 0.7 0.6 0.5)
:fuzz 0
:scatter scatter-metal}}]
(range 0 200)))
(defn -main []
(do ;prof/profile
(let [aspect-ratio (/ 3.0 2.0)
image-width 10
image-height (int (/ image-width aspect-ratio))
samples-per-pixel 2
max-ray-bounces 10
look-from (vec3-create 13 2 3)
look-at (vec3-create 0 0 0)
aperture 0.1
lens-radius (/ aperture 2)
focus-distance 10
camera-up (vec3-create 0 1 0)
field-of-view 20
field-of-view-theta (degrees->radians field-of-view)
viewport-height (* 2 (Math/tan (/ field-of-view-theta 2.0)))
viewport-width (* aspect-ratio viewport-height)
camera-w (vec3-normalize (vec3-sub look-from look-at))
camera-u (vec3-normalize (vec3-cross camera-up camera-w))
camera-v (vec3-cross camera-w camera-u)
origin look-from
horizontal (vec3-scale camera-u (* viewport-width focus-distance))
vertical (vec3-scale camera-v (* viewport-height focus-distance))
lower-left-corner (vec3-sub (vec3-sub (vec3-sub origin (vec3-div horizontal 2))
(vec3-div vertical 2))
(vec3-scale camera-w focus-distance))
hittables (rand-scene!)
y-counter (reverse (range 0 image-height))
x-counter (range 0 image-width)
sample-counter (range 0 samples-per-pixel)]
(println "P3")
(print+space image-width) (println image-height)
(println 255)
(doseq [y y-counter]
(doseq [x x-counter]
(let [sample (reduce (fn [acc _sample-count]
(let [u (/ (+ x (rand)) (- image-width 1))
v (/ (+ y (rand)) (- image-height 1))
rd (vec3-scale (vec3-rand-in-unit-disk) lens-radius)
offset (vec3-create 0 0 0)
ray (ray-create (vec3-add origin offset)
(vec3-sub (vec3-add (vec3-add lower-left-corner
(vec3-scale horizontal u))
(vec3-scale vertical v))
(vec3-sub origin offset)))]
(vec3-add acc (ray-cast ray max-ray-bounces hittables))))
(vec3-create 0 0 0)
(vec3-print sample samples-per-pixel))))
(println "meow"))))
; jank can't have `or` yet, due to no
; syntax quoting in macros. This program doesn't
; require anything other than logical or on two bools, though.
(defn either [l r]
(if l
; No proper `and` macro yet.
(defn and [l r]
(if l
; Also since jank doesn't have syntax
; quoting, as well as loop, there is no proper doseq.
; This one generates an anonymous fn with a recur in
; it, since jank can do that, and just calls it immediately.
(defmacro doseq [bindings & body]
(let [binding-name (first bindings)
binding-seq (second bindings)]
(list (list 'fn '[__gen_acc]
(list 'if (list 'empty? '__gen_acc)
(cons 'let
(cons (conj [binding-name] (list 'first '__gen_acc))
(conj (vec body) (list 'recur (list 'next '__gen_acc)))))))
(defn print+space [data]
(print data) (print " "))
(defn rand-real [min max]
(+ min (* (- max min) (rand))))
(defn clamp [n min max]
(if (< n min)
(if (< max n)
(def pi 3.1415926535897932385)
(defn degrees->radians [deg]
(/ (* deg pi) 180.0))
(defn vec3-create [r g b]
{:r r
:g g
:b b})
(defn vec3-scale [l n]
{:r (* (get l :r) n)
:g (* (get l :g) n)
:b (* (get l :b) n)})
(defn vec3-add [l r]
{:r (+ (get l :r) (get r :r))
:g (+ (get l :g) (get r :g))
:b (+ (get l :b) (get r :b))})
(defn vec3-sub [l r]
{:r (- (get l :r) (get r :r))
:g (- (get l :g) (get r :g))
:b (- (get l :b) (get r :b))})
(defn vec3-mul [l r]
{:r (* (get l :r) (get r :r))
:g (* (get l :g) (get r :g))
:b (* (get l :b) (get r :b))})
(defn vec3-div [l n]
{:r (/ (get l :r) n)
:g (/ (get l :g) n)
:b (/ (get l :b) n)})
(defn vec3-length-squared [v]
(+ (+ (* (get v :r) (get v :r))
(* (get v :g) (get v :g)))
(* (get v :b) (get v :b))))
(defn vec3-length [v]
(sqrt (vec3-length-squared v)))
(defn vec3-dot [l r]
(+ (+ (* (get l :r) (get r :r))
(* (get l :g) (get r :g)))
(* (get l :b) (get r :b))))
(defn vec3-cross [l r]
(vec3-create (- (* (get l :g) (get r :b))
(* (get l :b) (get r :g)))
(- (* (get l :b) (get r :r))
(* (get l :r) (get r :b)))
(- (* (get l :r) (get r :g))
(* (get l :g) (get r :r)))))
(defn vec3-normalize [v]
(vec3-div v (vec3-length v)))
(defn vec3-rand []
(vec3-create (rand) (rand) (rand)))
(defn vec3-rand+clamp [min max]
(vec3-create (rand-real min max) (rand-real min max) (rand-real min max)))
(defn vec3-rand-in-sphere []
(let [v (vec3-rand+clamp -1 1)]
(if (< 1.0 (vec3-length-squared v))
(defn vec3-rand-unit-in-sphere []
(vec3-normalize (vec3-rand-in-sphere)))
(defn vec3-rand-in-unit-disk []
(let [p (vec3-create (rand-real -1 1) (rand-real -1 1) 0)]
(if (< 1 (vec3-length-squared p))
(defn vec3-near-zero? [v]
(let [epsilon 0.0000008]
(and (and (< (abs (get v :r)) epsilon)
(< (abs (get v :g)) epsilon))
(< (abs (get v :b)) epsilon))))
(defn vec3-reflect [v n]
(vec3-sub v (vec3-scale n (* 2 (vec3-dot v n)))))
(defn vec3-refract [uv n etai-over-etat]
(let [cos-theta (min (vec3-dot (vec3-sub (vec3-create 0 0 0)
r-out-perp (vec3-scale (vec3-add uv (vec3-scale n cos-theta))
r-out-parallel (vec3-scale n (- 0.0 (sqrt (abs (- 1.0 (vec3-length-squared r-out-perp))))))]
(vec3-add r-out-perp r-out-parallel)))
(defn vec3-print [v samples-per-pixel]
(let [scale (/ 1.0 samples-per-pixel)
r (sqrt (* scale (get v :r)))
g (sqrt (* scale (get v :g)))
b (sqrt (* scale (get v :b)))]
(print+space (int (* 256.0 (clamp r 0.0 0.999))))
(print+space (int (* 256.0 (clamp g 0.0 0.999))))
(print+space (int (* 256.0 (clamp b 0.0 0.999))))))
(defn ray-create [origin direction]
{:origin origin
:direction direction})
(defn ray-at [r t]
(vec3-add (get r :origin) (vec3-scale (get r :direction) t)))
(defn reflectance [cosine ref-idx]
(let [r (/ (- 1.0 ref-idx)
(+ 1.0 ref-idx))
r2 (* r r)]
(* (+ r2 (- 1.0 r2))
(pow (- 1.0 cosine) 5.0))))
(defn hit-info-create [point normal t material front-face?]
{:point point
:normal normal
:t t
:material material
:front-face? front-face?})
(defn hit-sphere [hittable t-min t-max ray]
(let [center (get hittable :center)
radius (get hittable :radius)
oc (vec3-sub (get ray :origin) center)
a (vec3-length-squared (get ray :direction))
half-b (vec3-dot oc (get ray :direction))
c (- (vec3-length-squared oc) (* radius radius))
discriminant (- (* half-b half-b) (* a c))]
(if (< discriminant 0)
(let [sqrt-d (sqrt discriminant)
root (let [root (/ (- (- 0 half-b) sqrt-d) a)]
(if (either (< root t-min) (< t-max root))
(/ (+ (- 0 half-b) sqrt-d) a)
(if (either (< root t-min) (< t-max root))
(let [point (ray-at ray root)
outward-normal (vec3-div (vec3-sub point center) radius)
front-face? (< (vec3-dot (get ray :direction) outward-normal) 0.0)]
(hit-info-create point
(if front-face?
(vec3-sub (vec3-create 0 0 0) outward-normal))
(get hittable :material)
(defn hit-all [t-min t-max ray hittables]
(get (reduce* (fn [acc hittable]
(let [hit-info (hit-sphere hittable
(get acc :closest-so-far)
(if (some? hit-info)
(assoc (assoc acc :hit-info hit-info)
:closest-so-far (get hit-info :t))
{:closest-so-far t-max
:hit-info nil}
(defn scatter-lambertian [ray hit-info]
(let [scatter-direction (let [dir (vec3-add (get hit-info :normal)
(if (vec3-near-zero? dir)
(get hit-info :normal)
scattered (ray-create (get hit-info :point) scatter-direction)
attenuation (get (get hit-info :material) :albedo)]
{:ray scattered
:attenuation attenuation}))
(defn scatter-metal [ray hit-info]
(let [material (get hit-info :material)
reflected (vec3-reflect (vec3-normalize (get ray :direction))
(get hit-info :normal))
scattered (ray-create (get hit-info :point)
(vec3-add reflected
(vec3-scale (vec3-rand-unit-in-sphere)
(get material :fuzz))))
attenuation (get material :albedo)
res {:ray scattered
:attenuation attenuation}]
(if (< 0 (vec3-dot (get scattered :direction) (get hit-info :normal)))
(defn scatter-dialetric [ray hit-info]
(let [material (get hit-info :material)
attenuation (vec3-create 1 1 1)
index-of-refraction (get material :index-of-refraction)
refraction-ratio (if (get hit-info :front-face?)
(/ 1.0 index-of-refraction)
unit-direction (vec3-normalize (get ray :direction))
normal (get hit-info :normal)
cos-theta (min (vec3-dot (vec3-sub (vec3-create 0 0 0)
sin-theta (sqrt (- 1.0 (* cos-theta cos-theta)))
cannot-refract? (< 1.0 (* refraction-ratio sin-theta))
direction (if (either cannot-refract?
(< (rand) (reflectance cos-theta refraction-ratio)))
(vec3-reflect unit-direction normal)
(vec3-refract unit-direction normal refraction-ratio))]
{:ray (ray-create (get hit-info :point) direction)
:attenuation attenuation}))
(defn ray-cast [r max-ray-bounces hittables]
(if (< max-ray-bounces 0)
(vec3-create 0 0 0)
(let [normalize-direction (vec3-normalize (get r :direction))
t (* 0.5 (+ (get normalize-direction :g) 1.0))
hit-info (hit-all 0.001 99999999 r hittables)]
(if (some? hit-info)
(let [material (get hit-info :material)
scatter-fn (get material :scatter)
scattered (scatter-fn r hit-info)]
(if (some? scattered)
(vec3-mul (ray-cast (get scattered :ray)
(dec max-ray-bounces)
(get scattered :attenuation))
(vec3-create 0 0 0)))
(vec3-add (vec3-scale (vec3-create 1.0 1.0 1.0) (- 1.0 t))
(vec3-scale (vec3-create 0.5 0.7 1.0) t))))))
(defn rand-scene! []
(reduce* (fn [acc i]
(let [x (- (mod i 21) 10)
z (- (/ i 21) 6)
choose-mat (rand)
center (vec3-create (+ x (* 0.9 (rand)))
(+ z (* 0.9 (rand))))]
(if (< 0.9 (vec3-length (vec3-sub center (vec3-create 4 0.2 0))))
(conj acc (if (< choose-mat 0.8)
{:center center
:radius 0.2
:material {:albedo (vec3-mul (vec3-rand) (vec3-rand))
:scatter scatter-lambertian}}
(if (< choose-mat 0.95)
{:center center
:radius 0.2
:material {:albedo (vec3-rand+clamp 0.5 1)
:fuzz (rand-real 0 0.5)
:scatter scatter-metal}}
{:center center
:radius 0.2
:material {:index-of-refraction 1.5
:scatter scatter-dialetric}})))
[{:center (vec3-create 0 -1000 0)
:radius 1000
:material {:albedo (vec3-create 0.5 0.5 0.5)
:scatter scatter-lambertian}}
{:center (vec3-create -4 1 0)
:radius 1
:material {:albedo (vec3-create 0.4 0.2 0.1)
:scatter scatter-lambertian}}
{:center (vec3-create 0 1 0)
:radius 1
:material {:index-of-refraction 1.5
:scatter scatter-dialetric}}
{:center (vec3-create 4 1 0)
:radius 1
:material {:albedo (vec3-create 0.7 0.6 0.5)
:fuzz 0
:scatter scatter-metal}}]
(range 0 200)))
(defn -main []
(do ;prof/profile
(let [aspect-ratio (/ 3.0 2.0)
image-width 10
image-height (int (/ image-width aspect-ratio))
samples-per-pixel 2
max-ray-bounces 10
look-from (vec3-create 13 2 3)
look-at (vec3-create 0 0 0)
aperture 0.1
lens-radius (/ aperture 2)
focus-distance 10
camera-up (vec3-create 0 1 0)
field-of-view 20
field-of-view-theta (degrees->radians field-of-view)
viewport-height (* 2 (tan (/ field-of-view-theta 2.0)))
viewport-width (* aspect-ratio viewport-height)
camera-w (vec3-normalize (vec3-sub look-from look-at))
camera-u (vec3-normalize (vec3-cross camera-up camera-w))
camera-v (vec3-cross camera-w camera-u)
origin look-from
horizontal (vec3-scale camera-u (* viewport-width focus-distance))
vertical (vec3-scale camera-v (* viewport-height focus-distance))
lower-left-corner (vec3-sub (vec3-sub (vec3-sub origin (vec3-div horizontal 2))
(vec3-div vertical 2))
(vec3-scale camera-w focus-distance))
hittables (rand-scene!)
y-counter (reverse (range image-height))
x-counter (range image-width)
sample-counter (range samples-per-pixel)]
(println "P3")
(print+space image-width) (println image-height)
(println 255)
(doseq [y y-counter]
(doseq [x x-counter]
(let [sample (reduce* (fn [acc _sample-count]
(let [u (/ (+ x (rand)) (- image-width 1))
v (/ (+ y (rand)) (- image-height 1))
rd (vec3-scale (vec3-rand-in-unit-disk) lens-radius)
offset (vec3-create 0 0 0)
ray (ray-create (vec3-add origin offset)
(vec3-sub (vec3-add (vec3-add lower-left-corner
(vec3-scale horizontal u))
(vec3-scale vertical v))
(vec3-sub origin offset)))]
(vec3-add acc (ray-cast ray max-ray-bounces hittables))))
(vec3-create 0 0 0)
(vec3-print sample samples-per-pixel))))
(println "meow"))))
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