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Created December 13, 2016 21:18
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(ns user)
(require '[twou.centralpark.model.publish :as publish])
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(require '[datomic.api :as d])
;; Get all attributes
(def all-attrs (d/q '[:find [?name ...]
:where [?eid :db/ident ?name]]
;; Returns false if not a domain attribute
(defn bad-prefix
(let [bad-prefixes ["db" "tx"]]
((apply every-pred (map (fn [prefix] #(not (.startsWith (namespace %) prefix)))
;; Returns the Datomic reverse attribute
(defn to-reverse-attr
(let [x (namespace kw)
y (name kw)]
(keyword x (str "_" y))))
;; Calculate all reverse attributes, filter out non-domain attributes
(def filtered-attrs
(->> (d/q '[:find [?name ...]
[?eid :db/ident ?name]
[?eid :db/cardinality ?cardinality]
[?cardinality :db/ident :db.cardinality/many]]
(filter bad-prefix)
(map to-reverse-attr)
(concat (filter bad-prefix all-attrs))))
(map #(.getCanonicalPath %) (.listFiles ( (System/getProperty "user.home"))))
;; The files we care about
(def files (mapv #(str "/home/jeb/source/centralpark/src/twou/centralpark/client/" %)
;; Synthesized attributes
(def synth-attrs {:form-url :centralpark.taskexec/form-url
:param-value :centralpark.taskexec/param-value
:depends-on :centralpark.taskexec/depends-on
:depended-on-by :centralpark.taskexec/depended-on-by})
;; Externalize a keyword
(defn externalize*
(get synth-attrs kw (publish/externalize-key kw)))
;; Externalize all keywords in a string
(defn replace-kw
(reduce (fn [s attr]
(string/replace s (str attr) (str (externalize* attr))))
(concat filtered-attrs
(keys synth-attrs))))
;; Update all files w/ externalized keywords
(defn replace-file
(spit filename (replace-kw (slurp filename))))
(comment (doall (map replace-file files)))
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