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Created May 22, 2020 20:23
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import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.ModifiedValue
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.DefaultIssueChangeHolder
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.jql.JqlPagedResultsUtil
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.ScriptRunnerImpl
def jqlPagedResultsUtil = ScriptRunnerImpl.scriptRunner.getBean(JqlPagedResultsUtil)
def authenticationContext = ComponentAccessor.jiraAuthenticationContext
def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager
def query = "project = TCS and updated > -14d" // add other clauses if necessary
def originalId = 13206
def newId = 14646
def preview = true
def originalCf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(originalId)
def newCf = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(newId)
jqlPagedResultsUtil.query(query).setUser(authenticationContext.loggedInUser).forEachIssue { issue ->
def originalValue = issue.getCustomFieldValue(originalCf)
def newValue = issue.getCustomFieldValue(newCf)
if (newValue && !originalValue) {
def changeHolder = new DefaultIssueChangeHolder()
log.warn("Will modify issue ${issue.key}, last updated ${issue.updated}")
if (!preview) {
originalCf.updateValue(null, issue, new ModifiedValue(null, newValue), changeHolder)
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