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Created November 19, 2017 23:58
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Hydraulic Calculation Programs for Water Pumps
;;;supply and system programs for the supply curve graph 2/19/99
(setq qsc (getvar "userr1"))
(setq pc (getvar "users1"))
(defun c:supply (/ lc pt3 pt1 pt2 q2 q1 q sp ps)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "plinewid" 0.2)
(initget 5)
(setq ps (getreal "\nEnter Static Pressure: "));static pressure
(initget 5)
(setq sp (getreal "\Enter Residual Pressure: "))
(initget 5)
(setq q (getreal "\nEnter Q: ")) ;flow
(initget 5)
(setvar "userr1" (getreal "\nEnter Q Scale Factor: "));flow scale
(setq qsc (getvar "userr1"))
(setq q1(/ q qsc));scaled flow
(setq q2(expt q1 1.85));number to graphed
(initget 7 "A B C D")
(setvar "users1"(getkword(strcat "\nWhat Presure Scale?? (A. 10,20,30... B. 20,40,60... C. 25,50,75... D. 50,100,150...): ")));update 11/30/05
(setq pc (getvar "users1"))
(cond ;open cond1
( (= Pc "A")
( (= Pc "B")
( (= Pc "C")
( (= Pc "D")
);close cond 2
);close defun
(defun text1();sets the text for the first cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(command "text" "-1.6191,5.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 10)
(command "text" "-1.6191,11.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 20)
(command "text" "-1.6191,16.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 30)
(command "text" "-1.6191,22.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 40)
(command "text" "-1.6191,27.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 50)
(command "text" "-1.6191,33.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 60)
(command "text" "-1.6191,38.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 70)
(command "text" "-1.6191,44.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 80)
(command "text" "-1.6191,49.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 90)
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* sP 0.55)))
(setq pt2(list 0 (* ps 0.55)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt2 "")
(command "pline" pt1 pt2 "")
(setq pt3(car pt1))
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
(command "extend" "70.7946,54" "" pt1 "")
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(princ));close defun text1
(defun text2();sets the text for the second cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(command "text" "-1.6191,5.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 20)
(command "text" "-1.6191,11.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 40)
(command "text" "-1.6191,16.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 60)
(command "text" "-1.6191,22.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 80)
(command "text" "-1.6191,27.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 100)
(command "text" "-1.6191,33.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 120)
(command "text" "-1.6191,38.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 140)
(command "text" "-1.6191,44.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 160)
(command "text" "-1.6191,49.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 180)
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* SP 0.275)))
(setq pt2(list 0 (* ps 0.275)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt2 "")
(command "pline" pt1 pt2 "")
(setq pt3(car pt1))
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
(command "extend" "70.7946,54" "" pt1 "")
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" lc)
(princ));close defun text2
(defun text3();sets the text for the third cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(command "text" "-1.6191,5.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 25);update 11/30/05
(command "text" "-1.6191,11.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 50)
(command "text" "-1.6191,16.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 75)
(command "text" "-1.6191,22.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 100)
(command "text" "-1.6191,27.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 125)
(command "text" "-1.6191,33.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 150)
(command "text" "-1.6191,38.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 175)
(command "text" "-1.6191,44.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 200)
(command "text" "-1.6191,49.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 225)
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* SP 0.22)));update 11/30/05
(setq pt2(list 0 (* ps 0.22)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt2 "")
(command "pline" pt1 pt2 "")
(setq pt3(car pt1))
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
(command "extend" "70.7946,54" "" pt1 "")
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" lc)
(princ));close defun text3
(defun text4();sets the text for the third cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(command "text" "-1.6191,5.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 50);update 11/30/05
(command "text" "-1.6191,11.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 100)
(command "text" "-1.6191,16.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 150)
(command "text" "-1.6191,22.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 200)
(command "text" "-1.6191,27.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 250)
(command "text" "-1.6191,33.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 300)
(command "text" "-1.6191,38.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 350)
(command "text" "-1.6191,44.1173,0" "0.65" "0" 400)
(command "text" "-1.6191,49.6173,0" "0.65" "0" 450)
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* SP 0.11)));update 11/30/05
(setq pt2(list 0 (* ps 0.11)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt2 "")
(command "pline" pt1 pt2 "")
(setq pt3(car pt1))
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
(command "extend" "70.7946,54" "" pt1 "")
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" lc)
(princ));close defun text4
(defun tr()
(command "trim" "70.9046,54" "" "f" "70.80,57.0479" "70.80,0" "" "")
;the tr sub routine trims the flow curve if it falls outside the graph
(defun iff ();the iff routine asks the user if the entered data
(initget 7 "Yes No") ;was correct, if the user answers no, everything
(if (= "NO" ;in the graph routine is undone, then re-run
(strcase(getkword "\nIs Did you enter the correct data?(Y/N): ")))
(command "undo" 13)
);close progn
);close if
);close defun
(defun c:system (/ lc tp1 tp2 pt1 pt2 ihose2 ihose1 spkrdem3 spkrdem2 phose2 phose ihose spkrdem)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "plinewid" 0.2)
(initget 5)
(setq spkrdem(getreal "\nEnter GPM Demand (Including Hose) @ Base of Riser: "))
(initget 5)
(setq phose(getreal "\nEnter Pressure @ Base of Riser: "))
(initget 5)
(setq ihose(getreal "\nEnter GPM Demand(Including Hose) @ City Connection: "))
(initget 5)
(setq phose2(getreal "\nEnter Pressure @ City Connection: "))
(setq spkrdem2(/ spkrdem qsc))
(setq spkrdem3(expt spkrdem2 1.85))
(setq ihose1(/ ihose qsc))
(setq ihose2(expt ihose1 1.85))
(setq pc (getvar "users1"))
(cond ;open cond1
( (= Pc "A")
( (= Pc "B")
( (= Pc "C")
( (= Pc "D")
);close cond 1
);close defun
(defun tt1();sets the text for the first cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(SETQ PT1 (LIST spkrdem3 (* Phose 0.55)))
(setq pt2(list ihose2 (* phose2 0.55)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt2 "")
(setq tp1(list(+ 0.2286 spkrdem3)(- (* phose 0.55)1.2)))
(setq tp2(list(+ 0.2286 ihose2)(- (* phose2 0.55)1.2)))
(command "text" tp1 "0.85" "0" 1)
(command "text" tp2 "0.85" "0" 2)
(command "pline" pt2 pt1 "0,0" "")
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" lc)
(princ));close defun text1
(defun tt2();sets the text for the second cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(SETQ PT1 (LIST spkrdem3 (* Phose 0.275)))
(setq pt2(list ihose2 (* phose2 0.275)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt2 "")
(setq tp1(list(+ 0.2286 spkrdem3)(- (* phose 0.275)1.2)))
(setq tp2(list(+ 0.2286 ihose2)(- (* phose2 0.275)1.2)))
(command "text" tp1 "0.85" "0" 1)
(command "text" tp2 "0.85" "0" 2)
(command "pline" pt2 pt1 "0,0" "")
(setq pt3(car pt1))
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" lc)
(princ));close defun text2
(defun tt3();sets the text for the third cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(SETQ PT1 (LIST spkrdem3 (* Phose 0.22)));update 11/30/05
(setq pt2(list ihose2 (* phose2 0.22)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt2 "")
(setq tp1(list(+ 0.2286 spkrdem3)(- (* phose 0.22)1.2)))
(setq tp2(list(+ 0.2286 ihose2)(- (* phose2 0.22)1.2)))
(command "text" tp1 "0.85" "0" 1)
(command "text" tp2 "0.85" "0" 2)
(command "pline" pt2 pt1 "0,0" "")
(setq pt3(car pt1))
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" lc)
(princ));close defun text3
(defun tt4();sets the text for the third cond funct
(setq lc(getvar "clayer"))
(setvar "clayer" "Flowcurves")
(setq pt1(list ihose2 (* phose2 0.11)));update 11/30/05
(setq pt2(list ihose2 (* phose2 0.11)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt1 "")
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt2 "")
(setq tp1(list(+ 0.2286 spkrdem3)(- (* phose 0.11)1.2)))
(setq tp2(list(+ 0.2286 ihose2)(- (* phose2 0.11)1.2)))
(command "text" tp1 "0.85" "0" 1)
(command "text" tp2 "0.85" "0" 2)
(command "pline" pt2 pt1 "0,0" "")
(setq pt3(car pt1))
(if (< 70.9046 pt3);open if 1
);close if 1
(setvar "clayer" lc)
(princ));close defun text4
(defun tr()
(command "trim" "70.9046,54.0479" "" "f" "70.80,57.0479" "70.80,0" "" "")
;the tr sub routine trims the flow curve if it falls outside the graph
(defun iff2 ();the iff routine asks the user if the entered data
(initget 7 "Yes No") ;was correct, if the user answers no, everything
(if (= "NO" ;in the graph routine is undone, then re-run
(strcase(getkword "\nIs Did you enter the correct data?(Y/N): ")))
(command "undo" 5)
);close progn
);close if
);close defun
(defun c:pt ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(initget 5)
(setq sp (getreal "\nEnter Pressure: "));static pressure
(setq q (getreal "\nEnter Q: ")) ;flow
(initget 5)
(setq q1(/ q qsc));scaled flow
(setq q2(expt q1 1.85));number to graphed
(setq pc (getvar "users1"))
(cond ;open cond1
( (= Pc "A")
( (= Pc "B")
( (= Pc "C")
( (= Pc "D")
);close cond 1
);close defun
(defun text11();sets the text for the first cond funct
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* sP 0.55)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pt1 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(princ));close defun text1
(defun text22();sets the text for the second cond funct
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* SP 0.275)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt1 "")
(princ));close defun text2
(defun text33();sets the text for the third cond funct
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* SP 0.22)));update 11/30/05
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt1 "")
(princ));close defun text3
(defun text44();sets the text for the third cond funct
(SETQ PT1 (LIST Q2 (* SP 0.11)));update 11/30/05
(command "donut" "0" "0.5" pt1 "")
(princ));close defun text4
(defun c:pump ()
(initget 5)
(setq pumpq (getreal "\nEnter Pump Rated Capacity: "))
(setq churn (getreal "\nEnter combined pressure at Churn: "))
(setq rtd (getreal "\nEnter combined pressure at Rated Capacity: "))
(setq rtd150 (getreal "\nEnter combined pressure at 150% of Rated Capacity: "))
(initget 5)
(SETQ PUMPQ150(* PUMPQ 1.5))
(setq pumpqm(/ pumpq qsc));scaled flow
(setq pumpq150m(/ pumpq150 qsc));scaled flow
(setq pumpqm1(expt pumpqm 1.85));number to graphed
(setq pumpq150m1(expt pumpq150m 1.85));number to graphed
(setq pc (getvar "users1"))
(cond ;open cond1
( (= Pc "A")
( (= Pc "B")
( (= Pc "C")
( (= Pc "D")
);close cond 1
);close defun
(defun text111();sets the text for the first cond funct
(SETQ PUMP1 (LIST (* PUMPQ 0)(* CHURN 0.55)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump1 "")
(SETQ pump2 (LIST pumpqm1 (* rtd 0.55)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump2 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(SETQ pump3 (LIST pumpq150m1 (* rtd150 0.55)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump3 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(command "pline" PUMP1 pUMP2 PUMP3 "")
(princ));close defun text11
(defun text222();sets the text for the second cond funct
(SETQ PUMP1 (LIST (* PUMPQ 0)(* CHURN 0.275)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump1 "")
(SETQ pump2 (LIST pumpqm1 (* rtd 0.275)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump2 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(SETQ pump3 (LIST pumpq150m1 (* rtd150 0.275)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump3 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(command "pline" PUMP1 pUMP2 PUMP3 "")
(princ));close defun text22
(defun text333();sets the text for the third cond funct
(SETQ PUMP1 (LIST (* PUMPQ 0)(* CHURN 0.22)));update 11/30/05
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump1 "")
(SETQ pump2 (LIST pumpqm1 (* rtd 0.22)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump2 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(SETQ pump3 (LIST pumpq150m1 (* rtd150 0.22)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump3 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(command "pline" PUMP1 pUMP2 PUMP3 "")
(princ));close defun text33
(defun text444();sets the text for the third cond funct
(SETQ PUMP1 (LIST (* PUMPQ 0)(* CHURN 0.11)));update 11/30/05
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump1 "")
(SETQ pump2 (LIST pumpqm1 (* rtd 0.11)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump2 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(SETQ pump3 (LIST pumpq150m1 (* rtd150 0.11)))
(command "donut" "0" "0.6" pump3 "")
(setvar "clayer" "0")
(command "pline" PUMP1 pUMP2 PUMP3 "")
(princ));close defun text44
;;----- EOF
(defun c:bl ()
(SETVAR "Clayer" "branchlines")
(COMMAND "line")
(defun c:mn ()
(SETVAR "Clayer" "mains")
(COMMAND "line")
(defun c:sw ()
(SETVAR "Clayer" "site plan1")
(COMMAND "line")
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