Are you (1) moving to Mastodon, but (2) want to use your own Cloudflare-hosted domain for discoverability, and (3) don't want the hassle of managing your own instance?
Well, here's a quick way to make sure that folks can find you when they search Mastodon with your domain. The UX is like this:
(If you're not on Cloudflare or would rather just host a file, use Maarten Balliauw's post, How to discover Mastodon account via custom domain, from which this technique was inspired.)
- Go to the Cloudflare dashboard at, then
- click on the domain you want to use, then
- click Rules in the left sidebar, then
- click Create Page Rule, then
- for the URL, enter
(for me it'*
), then - for the setting, choose Forwarding URL, then
- for the status code, choose 302 - Temporary Redirect, then
- for the destination URL, enter
(for me it's[email protected]).
Once you're done the screen should like like this, at which point you click Save and Deploy Page Rule to make it official.