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Forked from j4mie/
Created April 18, 2011 19:20
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Save jedp/925979 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - redis autocompleter
A redis autocomplete example for multi-word phrases.
Based on:
Ruby original:
Python original:
See options below for usage
from redis import Redis
import sys
r = Redis()
ZKEY_COMPL = 'compl'
def deleteAll():
"""Clear out the completions db"""
return r.zremrangebyrank(ZKEY_COMPL, 0, -1)
def addCompletions(text):
"""Create the completion sorted set."""
text = text.strip()
if not text:
for word in text.split():
word = word.lower()
for end_index in range(1, len(word)+1):
prefix = word[:end_index]
r.zadd(ZKEY_COMPL, prefix, 0)
r.zadd(ZKEY_COMPL, word + '*', 0)
r.sadd(SKEY_DOCS_PREFIX + word, text)
r.zadd(ZKEY_COMPL, text + '*', 0)
r.sadd(SKEY_DOCS_PREFIX + text.lower(), text)
def addFromFile(filename):
"""Create completions for all lines in filename"""
print "Adding completions for", filename, "...",
for line in open(filename):
print "done"
def getWordCompletions(r, word, count, rangelen=50):
"""Get up to count completions for the given word"""
prefix = word.lower().strip()
results = set()
if not prefix:
return results
start = r.zrank(ZKEY_COMPL, prefix)
if start is None:
return results
while len(results) <= count:
entries = r.zrange(ZKEY_COMPL, start, start + rangelen - 1)
start += rangelen
if not entries or len(entries) == 0:
for entry in entries:
minlen = min((len(entry), len(prefix)))
if entry[:minlen] != prefix[:minlen]:
return results
if entry[-1] == '*' and len(results) <= count:
return results
def getPhraseCompletions(r, text, count):
Get up to @count completions for @text
For an input text of N words, uses N+1 redis calls:
One ZRANK per word, and one SUNION at the end.
results = set()
for prefix in text.lower().split():
results.update(getWordCompletions(r, prefix, count))
keys = map(lambda k: SKEY_DOCS_PREFIX+k, results)
if keys:
return sorted(r.sunion( keys ), key=str.lower)[:count]
return []
if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",
help="Create completions for lines in FILE", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-i", "--insert", dest="text",
help="Create completions for TEXT", metavar="TEXT")
parser.add_option("-d", "--delete-all", dest="delete",
action="store_true", default=False,
help="Delete everything in the completions db")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.delete:
if options.filename:
if options.text:
if args:
for arg in args:
print arg, '==>'
print '\n'.join(getPhraseCompletions(r, arg, 10))
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streeter commented Dec 6, 2011

Note that in getWordCompletions on line 57, you'll return early for the first element of the ZSET. That is because ZSETs are indexed from 0. So your test doesn't pass. Change line 57 to read:

if start is None:

and you should be good to go.

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jedp commented Dec 7, 2011

Right you are, streeter. Thank you for that catch. Cheers,

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