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Created June 3, 2016 18:36
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Google Apps Script Library for interacting with the Slack API (likely outdated, as this was circa 2014)
var token = false;
* Set the token.
* @param {string} Slack API token;
function setToken(t){
token = t;
* Fetches active (not archived) channels.
* @return {obj} the channels and meta stuff
function getChannels() {
var url = '' + token + '&exclude_archived=1';
return getJSON_(url);
* Fetches recent comments from a channel.
* @param {string} channel the Slack channel id
* @param {number} oldest (optional) timestamp of how far back to fetch;
* @param {number} latest (optional) timestamp of how recent to fetch;
* @return {obj} the comments and meta stuff
function getRecentComments(channel, oldest, latest) {
if (!channel) throw "No channel specified";
var count = 100;
var url = '' + token + '&channel=' + channel + '&count=' + count;
// check if this is actually a group
if (/^G/.test(channel)) {
url = '' + token + '&channel=' + channel + '&count=' + count
if (oldest) url += '&oldest=' + oldest;
if (latest) url += '&latest=' + latest;
return getJSON_(url);
function getFileInfo(id) {
if (!id) throw "No file id specified";
var url = '' + token + '&file='+id;
return getJSON_(url);
* Fetches recent files.
* @param {number} count (optional) the number of files to fetch. Defaults to 20;
* @return {obj} the files and meta stuff
function getRecentFiles(count) {
count = count || 20;
var url = '' + token + '&types=images&count=' + count;
return getJSON_(url);
* Fetches users, in no particular order.
* @return {obj} the users and meta stuff
function getUsers() {
var url = '' + token;
return getJSON_(url);
* Chat on Slack!
* @param {obj} opt includes channel, message, username (from), icon (optional);
* @return {obj} meta stuff
function post(opt) {
var icon = opt.icon || '';
var from = opt.from || 'robo bot';
if (!opt.text) return "ERROR: you need to include some text";
url = '' + token + '&link_names=1&channel=' + encodeURIComponent( + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(opt.text) + '&username=' + encodeURIComponent(from) + '&icon_url=' + icon;
return getJSON_(url);
* Create a file
* @param {obj} opt includes channel, message, username (from), icon (optional);
* @return {obj} the file and meta stuff
function createFile(opt) {
var payload = {};
var icon = opt.icon || '';
var from = opt.from || 'robo bot';
if (!opt.filename) return "ERROR: you need to include some text";
url = '' + token + '&link_names=1&channels=' + encodeURIComponent(opt.channels) + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(opt.filename) + '&username=' + encodeURIComponent(from) + '&icon_url=' + icon;
if (opt.content) payload.content = opt.content;
if (opt.title) url += "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(opt.title);
if (opt.initial_comment) url += "&initial_comment=" + encodeURIComponent(opt.initial_comment);
return getJSON_(url, payload);
* Create a private group
* @param {obj} opt includes name and (optional) initial invitees;
* @return {obj} the group info
function createGroup(opt) {
var payload = {};
url = '' + token;
if ( =;
var leGroup = getJSON_(url, payload);
if (opt.purpose) {
url = '' + token;
payload = {channel:, purpose:opt.purpose};
getJSON_(url, payload);
if (opt.invitees) {
url = '' + token;
payload = {
user: u
getJSON_(url, payload);
return leGroup;
function leaveGroup(channel) {
var url = '' + token;
var payload = {channel: channel};
return getJSON_(url, payload);
function checkToken_(){
if (!token) {
throw "No Slack token";
} else {
return true;
function getJSON_(url, payload){
var response;
if (payload) {
var options =
method : "post",
payload : payload
response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
} else {
response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var json = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
return data;
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