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Last active December 29, 2015 05:29
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the two macro implementations are almost identical, but all attempts to share implementation are frustrated by obscure runtime problems
import reflect.macros.Context
import scalaz.{ -\/ , \/-, syntax }
import util.control.NonFatal
object Encoders {
trait Base {
def instance: String => Result[BigInt]
object Base16Macro extends Base {
val instance: String => Result[BigInt] = Encoding.B16.toBigInt
def encode(c: Context)(): c.Expr[BigInt] = MacroCommon.encodeImpl(c)(Base16Macro)
object Base32Macro extends Base {
val instance: String => Result[BigInt] = Encoding.B32.toBigInt
def encode(c: Context)(): c.Expr[BigInt] = MacroCommon.encodeImpl(c)(Base32Macro)
private[Encoders] object MacroCommon {
def encodeImpl(c: Context)(instance: Base with Singleton)(implicit itag: c.TypeTag[instance.type]): c.Expr[BigInt] = {
import c.universe._
val iSym = itag.tpe match {
case SingleType(_, sym) if !sym.isFreeTerm && sym.isStatic => sym
case x => sys.error("Instance must be static (was " + x + ").")
val i = c.Expr[Base](Ident(iSym))
c.Expr[BigInt] {
c.prefix.tree match {
case Apply(_, Apply(_, Literal(Constant(repr: String)) :: Nil) :: Nil) =>
instance.instance(repr) match {
case \/-(_) =>
val toTree = implicitly[Liftable[String]]
val s = c.Expr[String](toTree(c.universe, repr))
reify { i.splice.instance(s.splice).fold(_ => throw new RuntimeException, identity) }.tree
case -\/(e) =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Invalid Base16 literal, parsing failed: " + e)
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Invalid Base16 literal.")
object Encoding {
object B16 extends Base(('0' to '9') ++ ('A' to 'F'), 16)
object B32 extends Base(('A' to 'Z') ++ ('2' to '7'), 32)
class Base(chars: IndexedSeq[Char], base: Int) extends (Int => Char) {
def apply(i: Int) =
val contains: Char => Boolean =
c => chars.contains(c.toUpper)
val indexOf: Char => Int =
def toBigIntUnsafe(s: String): BigInt =
if (s.forall { contains }) { c => indexOf(c.toUpper) }.foldLeft(0: BigInt) { (a, b) => a * base + b }
throw new NumberFormatException(s"'$s' contains characters not in $chars")
def toBigInt(s: String): Exception \/ BigInt =
try toBigIntUnsafe(s).right
catch { case NonFatal(e) => e.left }
implicit class Base16EncodingMacro(sc: StringContext) {
def b16(): BigInt = macro Base16Macro.encode
implicit class Base32EncodingMacro(sc: StringContext) {
def b32(): BigInt = macro Base32Macro.encode
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