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Created December 10, 2014 05:18
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A memoizer that memoizes partial thunks, and caches values only if found (unsafe)
import kadai.concurrent.Atomic
class Memoize[A](thunk: => Option[A]) {
val atom: Atomic[Ref] = Atomic(Empty)
def get: A =
atom.get match {
case Value(a) => a
case exec @ Executing() => exec.await match {
case Some(a) => if (atom.get == exec && atom.compareAndSet(exec, Value(a))) a else get
case None => get
case Empty => atom.compareAndSet(Empty, Executing()); get
sealed trait Ref
case object Empty extends Ref
case class Executing() extends Ref {
lazy val await: Option[A] = thunk
case class Value(a: A) extends Ref
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