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Created May 19, 2014 06:35
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package test
// Type definitions
object Types {
type Tag = String
import Types._
// Marker definitions
case class OperatingHours(hours: String)
case class Metadata(url: Option[String], hours: Option[OperatingHours])
case class Marker(id: String, name: String, lat: Double, lng: Double, symbol: String, tags: List[Tag]=List.empty[Tag], metadata: Option[Metadata]=None)
// Filter definntions
trait FilterPrimitive
trait FilterLogic extends FilterPrimitive
case class TagFilter(tag: String) extends FilterPrimitive
case class NotFilter(filter: FilterPrimitive) extends FilterLogic
case class AndFilter[F <: FilterPrimitive, G <: FilterPrimitive](left: F, right: G) extends FilterLogic
case class OrFilter(left: FilterPrimitive, right: FilterPrimitive) extends FilterLogic
trait FilterConversions {
implicit def TagFilterHandler(m: Marker, f: TagFilter) = m.tags contains f.tag
implicit def AndFilterHandler[F <: FilterPrimitive, G <: FilterPrimitive](m: Marker, f: AndFilter[F, G])(implicit F: ((Marker, F) => Boolean), G: ((Marker, G) => Boolean)) =
Filter(m, f.left) && Filter(m, f.right)
object Filter {
def apply[F](m: Marker, f: F)(implicit filterHandler: ((Marker, F) => Boolean)): Boolean = {
filterHandler(m, f)
def indirectApply[F <: FilterPrimitive](m: Marker, f: F)(implicit filterHandler: ((Marker, F) => Boolean)) =
apply(m, f) // Why doesn't this work? answer, needs implicit
object MyApp extends App with FilterConversions {
var f = AndFilter(TagFilter("food-truck"), NotFilter(TagFilter("restaurant")))
var m = Marker(id="0001", name="Abu Nawas", lat=22.399474275956216, lng=39.08273218518074, symbol="/images/restaurants/logo_abunawas-180x100.png", tags=List("stationary", "restaurant"))
println(s"Filter: ${Filter(m, TagFilter("stationary"))}")
println(s"Filter: ${Filter(m, TagFilter("mobile"))}")
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