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Created October 19, 2020 19:59
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Distorts an input image based on an input uv map or vector map.
kernel Distort : ImageComputationKernel<ePixelWise> {
Image<eRead, eAccessRandom, eEdgeClamped> in;
Image<eRead, eAccessPoint, eEdgeClamped> uv;
Image<eWrite, eAccessPoint> out;
bool stmap;
bool enable_blur;
float blur_size;
int blur_samples;
int filter;
bool range_compress;
float par;
int2 size_in;
int2 size_uv;
float weights[2048]; // interpolation weights
int n;
bool rcomp;
void init() {
size_in = float2(in.bounds.width(), in.bounds.height());
size_uv = float2(in.bounds.width(), in.bounds.height());
// set size of filter neighborhood: n*2+1 square
n = filter==1?1:filter==8?3:2; // cubic=3x3, lanczos6=7x7, others=5x5
// enable range compression for filters with negative lobes
rcomp = range_compress&&((filter>1&&filter<5)||(filter>6)) ? 1 : 0;
// precalculate weights and store them in interpolation weights lookup table
for (int i=0; i < 2048; i++)
weights[i] = weight(float(i) * float(n) / 2048.0f);
// Choose filter interpolation to weight value x
float weight(float x) {
if (filter == 1) return bicubic(x, 0.0f, 0.0f, n); // Cubic
else if (filter == 2) return bicubic(x, 0.5f, 0.0f, n); // Keys (Catmull-Rom)
else if (filter == 3) return bicubic(x, 0.75f, 0.0f, n); // Simon
else if (filter == 4) return bicubic(x, 1.0f, 0.0f, n); // Rifman
else if (filter == 5) return bicubic(x, 0.33333333f, 0.33333333f, n); // Mitchell
else if (filter == 6) return bicubic(x, 0.0f, 1.0f, n); // Parzen
else if (filter == 7) return lanczos(x, n); // Lanczos4
else if (filter == 8) return lanczos(x, n); // Lanczos6
float log2shaper(float x, bool inverse) {
float max_exp = 2.0f, min_exp = -2.0f, mid_grey = 0.18f, cut = 0.008;
float slope = 1.0f/(log(2)*cut*(max_exp-min_exp));
float offset = (log(cut/mid_grey)/log(2)-min_exp)/(max_exp-min_exp);
if (inverse)
return x >= offset ? pow(2.0f, x*(max_exp-min_exp)+min_exp)*mid_grey : (x-offset)/slope+cut;
return x >= cut ? (log(x/mid_grey)/log(2)-min_exp)/(max_exp-min_exp) : slope*(x-cut)+offset;
// Parameterized Cubic spline interpolation -
float bicubic(float x, float a, float b, float n) {
x = fabs(x);
if (x > n) return 0.0f;
float x2 = x*x;
float x3 = x*x*x;
return x < 1.0f ? ((-6*a-9*b+12)*x3+(6*a+12*b-18)*x2-2*b+6)/6 : x < 2.0f ? ((-6*a-b)*x3+(30*a+6*b)*x2+(-48*a-12*b)*x+24*a+8*b)/6 : 0.0f;
// Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation. Lanczos4 a=2, Lanczos6 a=3
float lanczos(float x, float a) {
x = fabs(x);
if (x > a) return 0.0f;
if (x < 0.0001f) return 1.0f;
float pi_x = PI*x;
return a*(sin(pi_x)*(sin((pi_x)/a))/(pi_x*pi_x));
// Sample pixel at continuous float position (x, y)
float sample(float x, float y, int k) {
if (filter==0) return in(round(x), round(y), k); // Impulse
int u0 = round(x), v0 = round(y);
bool normalize = (filter>6);
float norm = 0.0f, q = 0.0f;
for (int j = -n; j <= n; j++) {
int v = v0 + j;
float p = 0.0f, row_norm = 0.0f;
for (int i = -n; i <= n; i++) {
int u = u0 + i;
float c = in(u, v, k);
float w = weights[int(round(fabs(u-x)/n*2048.0f))];
if (rcomp) c = log2shaper(c, 0);
p += c * w;
if (normalize) row_norm += w;
float w = weights[int(round(fabs(v-y)/n*2048.0f))];
q += p * w;
if (normalize) norm += row_norm * w;
if (normalize) q /= norm;
if (rcomp) return log2shaper(q, 1);
return q;
void process(int2 p) {
// sample uv input to get source position to warp from
float2 src_pos = float2(uv(0), uv(1));
if (stmap) // convert from stmap input to vector
src_pos = float2((src_pos.x*size_uv.x-0.5f-p.x)*par, src_pos.y*size_uv.y-0.5f-p.y);
src_pos += float2(p.x, p.y); // get position relative to current pixel
if (!enable_blur) {
for (int k = 0; k <=3; k++) {
out(k) = sample(src_pos.x, src_pos.y, k);
} else {
/* Apply a blur based on uv(2) channel
This is pretty rudimentary and slow. It's a box blur and sample based.
float blur_amount = uv(2);
blur_amount *= blur_size;
if (fabs(blur_amount)<0.0001f) return;
for (int k = 0; k <=3; k++) {
float sum = 0.0f;
int cnt = 0;
for (int i=0; i<=blur_samples; i++) {
float step_x = float(i)/float(blur_samples);
for (int j=0; j<=blur_samples; j++) {
float step_y = float(j)/float(blur_samples);
sum += sample(src_pos.x+blur_amount*step_x, src_pos.y+blur_amount*step_y, k);
sum += sample(src_pos.x-blur_amount*step_x, src_pos.y-blur_amount*step_y, k);
cnt ++;
cnt ++;
out(k) = sum/float(cnt);
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