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Created January 15, 2015 19:46
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Every service provider used by visitors to my website in 2014, via Google Analytics
(not set)
. nack design strategi scarlettrd
012 smile communications ltd.
013 netvision
013 netvision ltd
02 online (uk)
10 fl. 72. cat telecom tower bangrak bangkok thailand
108258 - shine
110153 russia moscow id-1483851
111250 russia moscow sovintel/edn
115318 - fastbolt distributors
1c corporation
21vianet(china) inc.
2degrees mobile limited
2nd ipv4 pool for gsm and umts subscribers
3 customer dynamic address pool
3bb broadband internet service provider in thailand
455 broadway
512 west 19th
5th floor
702 communications
8th floor elj communications center
a coruna
a1 telekom austria ag
a100 row servicos de dados brasil ltda
aaa life insurance co
abbott laboratories
abovenet communications inc
abts (hyderabad)
abts (karnataka)
abts delhi
abts tamilnadu
acc-heart of america group
access communications co-operative limited
access kenya group ltd
access now tor exit relay
adam internet pty ltd
adamo telecom iberia s.a.
adams catv inc.
adapt services limited
additional network for vips
address pool for ltc-home customers
addresses ip for adsl customers
addresses ip for home clients
addresses used to provide broadband access to telkom internet cu
adept telecom managed broadband adsl assignment
aditro ab
administracion nacional de telecomunicaciones
adobe systems inc.
adsl - dynamic pool
adsl clients (dynamic address pool)
adsl dynamic pool
adsl endpoints spitfire 21
adsl ip subnet
adsl llu pools
adsl pools
adsl ull pools
adtran inc.
advanced cable communications
advanced communications technology
advanced computer solutions internet service provider
advanced hosters
af industry ab
affine systems
african virtual university
africonnect zambia ltd
agencia estadual de tecnologia da informacao - ati
agora cyber charter
ags adsl cbb
aiirwaynet a.s.
aims community college
airdata ag
airtel tanzania
airwave networks incorporated
aist isp pptp (physical persons)
ajou university computing center
akademie ved cr
akado-stolitsa jsc
akh company inc discount tire centers
akqa inc.
al fa ooo
alabama orthopedic clinic
alabama state university
alajuela dhcp
alascom inc
alasconnect inc.
alaska communications systems group inc.
alaska state government
alaweb internet services
albany public library
albtelecom sh.a.
alcon sa
alentus corporation
alert logic inc.
alestra s. de r.l. de c.v.
algerie telecom - fawri
allendale telephone company
alliance data systems inc.
alliancebernstein l.p.
allied info security
allied telecom group llc
allstate insurance company
allstream corp.
alltel - commerce
alltel - mooresville adsl ip pool
alltel - winder
alltele allmanna svenska telefonaktiebolaget
alltele broadband kungalv
alltele broadband nykoping
alltele broadband skekraft
aloise hlavateho 2177 508 01 horice
alstom uk ltd european network range
altibox as
altibox residential customer linknets
altima telecom inc
altoona area schools
altushost b.v.
alvisse parc hotel
amanah tech inc.
amazon technologies inc. inc.
amdocs development centre india private limited. is a software
amer academy of child & adolescent psychiatry
america movil peru s.a.c.
american dental education association
american family insurance
american medical response
american university
american wireless broadband
amherst college rental property
amnet broadband pty ltd
ampernet telecomunica es ltda
amtelecom cable inc
amx argentina s.a.
an! pool2
anadarko petroleum corporation
andor technology
andrews university
andrzej serbenski indeo
ang newspapers
ani cyber zone
anis region alger
anna wilkerson03282013084204919
antik pat customers
anvia oyj
anz national bank limited
aol transit data network
apolo -gold-telecom-per
apple inc.
apple therapy services
apptier llc
aragon de cable - cms cogullada 1
architekturb nicolaj kirisits
arcor ag
arcor ag & co
arcor ag & co kg network operation center
arecibo observatory
arizona state university
armstrong cable services
arnold gmbh schoenleitner
art institute of chicago
arta ltd
arteria networks corporation
artez arnhem
artifax software ltd
ashland fiber network
asianet is a cable isp providing
asianet isp providing broadband internet access through cable ne
asianet satellite communications pvt ltd
asm adsl cbb
asm adsl ppp
aspstation inc.
assigned for adsl customers
assignment for bodycote
assignments for always-on services
associa o rede nacional de ensino e pesquisa
asurion insurance services inc.
at&t global network services llc
at&t internet services
at&t mobility llc
at&t services inc.
at&t worldnet services
atlantic broadband
atlantic broadband finance llc
atlantic metro communications
atria convergence technologies pvt. ltd.
atria networks lp.
att mobility labs
auburn essential services - enterprise business internet subscri
auburn university
audio partner s.r.o.
audium corporation
augere wireless broadband bangladesh limited
augsburg college
auna - ctc
australian broadcasting commission
autodesk inc.
automattic inc
availo netcamp ab
avalanche studios ab
avea iletisim hizmetleri a.s
avea iletisim hizmetleri a.s.
aveiro residential customers
avonet s.r.o.
axs bolivia s. a.
axtel - recursos wimax
axtel servicios de datos plataforma wimax
axtel servicios dial-up
aydogan communication ltd.
aztec west hrvatska hrvatska d.o.o.
b2 bredband ab
b2 customers in
b2 customers in
b2 customers in
b2 customers in
b2 customers in
b2 customers in
bacone college
bahnhof internet ab
balticom jsc
balticum tv cable network (klaipeda)
baltimore county public schools
banaras hindu university
banco de mexico
bank of america
bartlomiej sztefko trading as bartlomiej sztefko gemini interne
baruch college
bau escola superior de disseny
bayan telecommunications dsl network
bayan telecommunications incorporated
bayantel broadband dsl - st50_bras_pppoe
bayantel dsl infrastructure
baycity communications
bayer ag germany leverkusen
baylor health care systems
bb&t-wilson data center ds3 internet
bbned xdsl - atm - dhcp
bbw sweetwater tower customer subnet
bcl east 7th floor infinity towers salt lake sector-v electronic
bcl east infinity building tower one 1st floor sector- v salt
bcl north d - 184 okhla industrial estate phase - 1 delhi
bcl west 2nd floor spectrum tower mindspace malad mumbai
be unlimited static ip customer
beanfield technologies inc.
bedrijvencentra utrecht ref. hooghiemstra utrecht
belarus isp company
bell aliant / dsl-hsi
bell aliant / fibreop
bell aliant regional communications inc.
bell canada
bell mobility inc.
bell simpatico inc.
belmont university - bna
bend cable communications llc
bend-la pine schools
benefit harbor lp
bentley university
benwest internet services ta imagine ips
beotelnet adsl
bergen county school district
bergen sentrum norway
berner fachhochschule
bethel public schools
beyond analysis
bezeq international-ltd
bharti airtel lanka pvt. limited
bharti airtel limited
bharti airtel ltd.
bharti british telecom internet limited
bharti telenet ltd. new delhi
bhm adsl cbb
bhn tpa division
biglobe inc.
binary net llc
bitz bremer innovations- und technologiezentrum
biz hatch
biz net technologies
bjc health system
bkk fiber as
black oak computers inc - miami
black oak computers inc - new york
black oak computers inc - san francisco
blackfoot telephone cooperative inc.
blancco oy
blasternet telecom ltda
blazenet pvt ltd
blizoo media and broadband ead
bloc ptp
block of dynamic ips for broadband customers
blue coat systems inc
blue fountain media
blue ridge websoft llc
bluewin is an lir and isp in switzerland.
bnet hrvatska
bohemia interactive simulations
boise state university
bon secours health system
border ias clients
bose corporation
boston public health commission
boston public schools
bournemouth university
bouygues telecom
bowdoin college
bowen & bowen
brand extract
bras e-320-30 dhcp-pool 2
bras e-320-39 dhcp-pool
bras e-320-40 dhcp-pool
bras user pool
brasil telecom s/a - filial distrito federal
bredband2 -
bresnan communications llc.
brevard county board of county commissioners
brewer hendley oil
brewster wall covering
brigham young university
brigham young university - idaho
bright house networks
bright house networks - cfl division
bright house networks llc
brighthouse networks indianapolis
brighton bussiness dynamic
brilliant basics
british broadcasting corporation
british sky broadcasting limited
broadband - cmbg-cmbg-cmts-14
broadband - cmbg-cmbg-cmts-15
broadband access
broadband access pool
broadband customers of ptk
broadband edinburgh
broadband ip range
broadband multiplay project o/o dgm bb noc bsnl bangalore
broadband network services
broadband pool
broadband project2.2 o/o dgm bb noc bsnl bangalore
broadband project2.2 project o/o dgm bb noc bsnl bangalore
broadband users of vectra s.a.
broadbandtech s. a.
broadline networks
broadriver communication corp.
broadview networks inc.
brookwood ventures llc
broward county public schools
brown university
brutele sc
brx telecomunicacoes ltda - epp
bsann651 annecy bloc 2
bsaub651 aubervilliers bloc 2
bsb-service dedicated server hosting
bscae652 caen bloc 2
bscay106 cayenne bloc 2
bsdij256 dijon bloc 1
bsdij653 dijon bloc 1
bsdij654 dijon bloc 2
bsh bosch und siemens hausgeraete gmbh
bskyb broadband
bskyb broadband ireland
bslyo152 lyon bloc 2
bsmar151 marseille bloc 1
bsmar654 marseille bloc 1
bsmon152 montpellier bloc 2
bsmon654 montpellier bloc 1
bsmso553 montsouris bloc 2
bsmso651 montsouris bloc 1
bsmso652 montsouris bloc 1
bsmso652 montsouris bloc 2
bsmso653 montsouris bloc 2
bsmso756 montsouris bloc 2
bsnan654 nantes bloc 1
bsnan657 nantes bloc 1
bsnl gsm south zone o/o de (vas) ivth floor haddows road telec
bsorl156 orl ans bloc 2
bsorl552 orl ans bloc 1
bsput152 puteaux bloc2
bsput155 puteaux bloc 1
bsput651 puteaux bloc 2
bsput652 puteaux bloc 2
bsput653 puteaux bloc 1
bsren256 rennes bloc 1
bsren656 rennes bloc 1
bsren658 rennes bloc 2
bstln651 toulon bloc 1
bstou652 toulouse bloc 2
bstou653 toulouse bloc 1
bstou656 toulouse bloc 1
bt italia s.p.a.
bt openzone wlan services
bt public internet service
btc broadband service
buckeye cablevision inc.
bucknell university
bulgarian telecommunications company plc.
bulsatcom ad
buncombe county
burger s cabinet shop
burlington telecom
burns and mcdonnell
business communication agency ltd.
business internet
business only broadband
business static allocation
business wire
bv-gr8 inc.
bytecard pty ltd
c&l group
c&m communication co. ltd.
c&p capeletti & perl gesellschaft fuer datentechnik mbh handel u
c3 networks inc
cable & wireless (barbados) limited
cable and wireless jamaica
cable bahamas ltd.
cable customers
cable dynamic address pools
cable one inc.
cable operator serving in sulthanpalya
cable tica
cable time network
cable tv of belzoni 102 s hayden st -jan lan
cable users
cable y comunicacion de campeche s.a. de c.v.
cablecom gmbh
cablecom networking limited
cablemas telecomunicaciones sa de cv
cableuropa - ono
cableuropa s.a.u.
cablevisi n s.a. de c.v.
cablevision of flagstaff az
cablevision red s.a de c.v.
cablevision s.a.
cablevision sa de cv
cablevision systems corp.
cabovisao sa -
cabovisao televisao por cabovisao sa
cadence design systems (i) pvt ltd
cadmus communications corporation
caisse federale de credit mutuel sa
caiw internet
caleta video cable srl
calhoun isd
california institute of the arts
california state university bakersfield
california state university long beach
california state university network
california state university northridge
california state university san bernardino
call one
callplus services limited
calvin college
cambridge incubator inc.
campanda gmbh
canadian broadcasting corporation
canal digital kabel tv as
cantv servicios venezuela
canyon ranch management llc
capital telecom limited company
captain lucas inc
carleton university
carlos s.
carnegie mellon university
carphone warehouse broadband services
cate school
catv clients (dynamic address pool)
caucasus branch of ojsc megafon cgnat mobile broadband
cbeyond communications llc
cd dimensions
cdw computer centers
cect-chinacomm communications co. ltd.
cellco partnership dba verizon wireless
central + migration to 21cn
centre regional des oeuvres universitaires
centretek solutions llc
centronet a.s.
centurytel internet holdings inc.
centurytel solutions llc
cerberus networks ltd
cerfnet customer - pacific financial
cerfnet customer - qualcomm inc.
cfwn pool-nmp0l4
champlain college
chaos computer club e.v.
charles schwab & co. inc.
charles stark draper laboratory inc.
charles sturt university
charles university
charter communications
cheapflights media inc
chemol travel
children s home society
china tietong telecommunications corporation
china unicom beijing province network
china unicom guangdong province network
china unicom hebei province network
china unicom heyuan city network leased line address
china unicom jiangxi province network
china unicom shandong province network
chinanet anhui province network
chinanet beijing province network
chinanet guangdong province network
chinanet hubei province network
chinanet jiangsu province network
chinanet shanghai province network
chinanet shanxi province network
chinanet-zj hangzhou node network
chinanet-zj lishui node network
chinanetcenter (usa)
chinatelecom group beijing ltd co
chittenden central supervisory union
chiyuan cable television co. ltd.
ci - dickinsonwrightpllc sid-15334
ci - rexam sid-9267
cik telecom inc
cilnet comunicacao e informatica ltda.
ciscnet sa
cisco systems
cisco systems inc.
cisco systems ironport division
citrix online llc
city college of new york
city of bellingham
city of chanute public library
city of chicago management information systems
city of madison
city of salisbury north carolina
city of spokane
city of thomasville utilities
city university of hong kong
cjsc caravan-telecom
cjsc company er-telecom samara
cjsc er-telecom company samara
cjsc er-telecom holding samara branch
cjsc transtelecom-nn
cjsc west call ltd
claranet ltd
claro s/a
clear wireless llc
clemenger group
clemson university
cleveland clinic foundation
clhol residential dynamic
click! network
clientes netlife guayaquil - gepon - zona 4
climate central
cloud hegyd - bloc 1
cloudmosa inc.
cloudradium l.l.c
clt adsl cbb
coast dccnet high speed internet
coastal-link communications llc
cobridge communications
cobridge communications llc
coditel - internet services
cogeco cable canada inc.
cogeco cable canada lp
cogeco cable inc.
cogeco telecom
cogent communications
cogliano sullivan and
cognizant technology solution india pvt ltd india net block
cohere communications llc
colba net inc.
colgate university
college de sherbrooke
college shawinigan
colleges of the fenway inc.
coloc8 inc.
colombia telecomunicaciones s.a. esp
columbia college chicago
columbia university
columbus communications trinidad limited.
columbus networks guatemala
com hem ab
com hem customer broadband access
com hem stockholm customer broadband access
comcast business communications llc
comcast cable communications
comcast cable communications holdings inc
comcast cable communications inc
comcast cable communications inc.
comcast cable communications ip services
comcast ip services l.l.c.
comenius university bratislava
comision federal de electricidad
comite gestor da internet no brasil
committee of information technologies and telecommunications of
commonwealth of massachusetts
community arena management
community health systems professional services corporation
companhia de telecomunicacoes do brasil central
companhia paranaense de energia - copel
comporium communications
compubraga teleinformatica ltda
computershare inc
comunitel global s.a.
concepts ict holding b.v.
conclusion b.v. utrecht
connect llc
connected by gts poland
connected sp. z o.o.
connectic s.c. rafal paluch grzegorz golda
connecticut education network
conseil general du loiret
consejo provincial de el oro sin nombres
consolidated communications inc.
constructora nacional s.a. - conasa
contact us to resolve user details
continental broadband pennsylvania inc.
control network
cooper union
cooperativa telefonica del viso
cooptel coop de telecommunication
cornell university
corporaci n telemic c.a.
corporacio megatel s.l.
corporacion nacional de telecomunicaciones - cnt ep
courtauld institute of art
cousin corporation of ame
cox communications
cox communications inc.
cox comunications
cpe customers nl
creighton university
cte s.a. de c.v.
ctn network s.r.o.
ctr digital art and media
cty co phan ha tang vien thong cmc
cubic telecom
cumulus media
cuny graduate center
curatel llc
currenex inc
custer telephone cooperative inc.
customer allocation - internet service
customer cpe s network
customer dhcp pool
customer nets
customer network
customers asker
customers broadband aggregation
customers greaker
customers ie
customers oslo
customers stavanger
cybercity a/s xdsl users
cyprus telecommuncations authority
dadeh gostar asr novin p.j.s. co.
dag s.c. agnieszka salska-oskroba dariusz oskroba
dai ip su dung cho mang khach hang ftth o hcmc
daimler trucks north america llc
dalhousie university
dallas county schools
dame shipyards
daniel phiffer
dansk net a/s
databank holdings ltd.
datafabrik premium vps services
datagram inc.
dataport - anstalt des oeffentlichen rechts
dataweb customer informaat
dawson college
daystar university ip
ddb worldwide
ddb worldwide ltd
dedicated server clients
dedicated server hosting
dell inc.
delta air lines
democratic national headquarters
demon internet / thus plc
demon internet s adsl service
department of education
department of highway safety and motor vehicles
department of human services
department of transport
department of veterans affairs
derby and company
desbravador telecomunicacoes ltda
dese technologies argentina s.a.
deseret digital media inc.
det danske filminstitut
detect network
deutsche telekom ag
deutsche telekom laboratories
deutsches herzzentrum berlin
dfn verein
dhcp pool1 - shvlkyma0bw
dial-up and adsl pool
dialup users
dias-cordect infrastructure & dialup ip pools o/o dgm bb bsnl
digi dynamic pool
digi ltd.
digi tavkozlesi es szolgaltato kft.
digi telecommunications sdn bhd
digi-key corporation
diginet adsl pool
digis llc
digita com rcio e servi os ltda
digital gateway
digital ocean inc.
digital point solutions
digitalocean london
diputacio provincial de tarragona
disney worldwide services inc.
distributel communications ltd.
dna oy
dna verkot
docsis clents in avtokomanda
docsis clents in belimbegovo
dod network information center
dol antalya - vae adsl dynamic
dol datacenter-vae adsl dynamic
domain five enterprises limited
domaintools llc
dow jones-telerate
drexel university
dsl customer dynamic address pool
dsl dynamic pool
dsl dynamic pool t-online hungary
dsl home subscribers
dsl pool
dsl pool - lincoln
dsl pool - live oak
dslam infrastructure south
dsm systems
dtk deutsche telekabel gmbh
dub7 ec2
duke university
dynamic adsl address pools
dynamic broadband services
dynamic customer ip s
dynamic dialup customers
dynamic distribution ip s for broadband services
dynamic ip assignment for broadband service
dynamic ip for adsl broadband service
dynamic ip pool for broadband customers
dynamic ip pool gprs customers (nat)
dynamic pool for gsm users
dynamic pools
dynamic private network
e! entertainment television inc.
eaccess ltd.
eaman customers
early registration addresses
earnhardt management co
earthlink inc
earthlink inc.
earthlink ltd. communications&internet services
earthlink ltd. communications&internet services-orange
eastern telecom philippines inc.
eastern washington university
eastlink hsi
easynet ltd
ece projektmanagement gmbh & co. kg
eclipse static adsl pool/32
edgar online incorp.
edilson santos silva sobrinho - me
edmonton public school board district no. 7
edmonton telephones corporation
education group gmbh
educational institution connected to sektornet
educational static ip customer
edutel internet
eircom limited
eircom ltd
el alto
elauwit networks llc
electrify servers
electronic arts inc.
electronic box
elektro turnsek d.o.o.
elektron communications
elisa dsl2 access network
elisa oyj
elizabethtown college
elsat belarus isp company
elverum norway
embarq corporation
emerson college
emirates telecommunications corporation
emitel assigned address space 2005.08.05
emitel assigned address space 2005.10.03
empr.tec.inform.comun. mun.sp-prodam-sp s/a
end users tehran#4
energimidt infrastruktur a/s
english heritage
entanet customer
entanet international limited
entel pcs telecomunicaciones s.a.
enter llc
enteracloud solutions
eoir technologies
eon systems
eotvos lorand university of sciences
epb telecom
epm telecomunicaciones s.a. e.s.p.
ergogroup as
erie 1 boces
essential planning systems ltd.
etb - colombia
ettihad etisalat
eunet telekom gmbh
euronoc networks
evergy s.a.
excelcomindo pratama pt.
excell hosted customers kp
exigent enterprise
expatel llc
exponential-e ltd.
extended stay hotels
ezecom limited
fachhochschule koeln
fairfax county public schools
fairfield-suisun unified school
fairpoint communications inc.
far east university
fasthosts internet limited - uk s largest web hosting company
fastnet corporation
fastweb spa
favco customers
fawri region setif et bejaia
federal goverment entity for scientific center on expertise of m
fibernetics corporation
fiberway sp. z o.o.
fibre optic broadband network clients
fibrenoire internet inc.
fidelity national financial inc.
firstdigital communications llc
fix ip for coporate customer
flagman telecom
florida state university
fluency communications limited
fms investment corp dba financial management systems
foley & lardner llp
fordham university
foroquimica sl
fortex cjsc
fox news channel
fpt telecom company
fr dynamic ips
france telecom espana s.a
france telecom espana sa
frankfort plant board
franklin w. olin college of engineering
fraser valley real estate board
free sas
friedrich alexander universitaet erlangen nuernberg
frontier communications of america inc.
ftip002922799 prestige graphic services
ftip003084786 william hill organisation
ftip003188552 jon richard ltd
ftip003196274 nwf fuels ltd
ftip003262221 btgs arcadia group ltd
ftip003265550 mktg inc uk ltd
ftip003290989 motis ireland ltd
ftip003370971 apex mobile tech (u k) ltd
ftk network
ftth - fiber-to-the-home
fullcom s.a.
fundacion gimnasio campestre
fureai channel inc.
fuse internet access
future research
fx networks ltd
gazeta wegorzynska s.c
gazinformservice ltd.
gbb san juan
gbb visayas
gd gameduell gmbh
gd. wisma mulia lt.m-19
gebze organize sanayi bolgesi yonetim merkezi
gebze yuksek teknoloji enstitusu
genentech inc.
general communication inc.
general motors corporation
geomatic technologies
george mason university
george semel-070126121934
georgetown university
georgia cancer specialists
georgia institute of technology
georgia southern university
georgia state university
gesti n de direccionamiento uninet
get as
gfi west
ggsn 3g
ggt provedor internet ltda
gigante net group inf ltda
gilmar dos santos & cia. ltda.
global crossing
global heritage funds
global sports inc.
global switch
global tech internet banda larga epp - ltda
global telecommunication service provider
global village telecom
globalive wireless management corp.
globo comunica o e participa oes sa
gmina kielce
gobierno de navarra-educacion
golan telecom ltd.
golden telecom
golden triangle on line
goldenfrog cust jp
goldsmiths university of london
google fiber inc.
google inc.
gorcom dynamic broadband customers
gorptus ooo
government of the district of columbia
gpon services
gprs delhi mobile subscriber ip
gprs pools
grand valley state university
grande communications advantex
grande communications austin hub 2
grande communications austin hub 3
grande communications corpus christi hub 1
grande communications san marcos
grande communications waco hub 1
greek research and technology network s.a
greenbriar associates
greenfield communications - c
grinnell college
group m worldwide llc
gruppo editoriale l espresso s.p.a.
gts czech
gts poland sp. z o.o.
guadalupe valley telephone cooperative inc.
guidewire software
guilford technical community college
guyana telephone & telegraph co.
gwd goettingen
h&d business services gmbh
h3g customers
h3guk subscribe block3
haaretz daily newspaper
habo kraft ab
halliburton company
hampton university
hanaro telecom
hanaro telecom inc.
hargray communications
hargray communications group inc.
harper collins publishers inc.
harris corporation
hartwick college
harvard university
hasbro interactive inc.
haskoli islands
hathway cable and datacom pvt ltd
hathway ip over cable internet access service
havelsan hava elektronik sanayi ve ticaret a.s.
haverford college
hawaiian telcom services company inc.
hdsi corporation
headquarters usaisc
health and welfare agency data center
hearst corporation
heli net telekommunikation gmbh & co. kg
hellas on line s.a.
hennes och mauritz
here north america llc
heritage internet services inc.
herlitz pbs ag
hermann schwartz
hetzner online ag
hewlett-packard company
hickorytech internet
highway customers
hilton hotels corporation
hk cable tv ltd
hochschule anhalt
hochschule fuer bildende kuenste hamburg
hochschule fuer gestaltung offenbach
hochschule fuer heilpaedagogik
hochschule wismar
hoellwarth stbg gmbhcokeg
hogan hartson
hogeschool rotterdam & omstreken
hogeschool van arnhem en nijmegen
holzer gmbh & co.
home box office
homestone mortgage
honeywell international inc.
hong kong baptist university
hong kong broadband network ltd
horizon telcom inc.
horry telephone cooperative inc.
hoshin multimedia center inc
hospira inc. inc.
hosting services inc.
hosting solutions international inc.
hosting telesystems network
hosting-brno project
hotel klubben as
hoteles director ltda.
hotspot vpn-routing
household design
howard johnson s inn
hrpro network
hrvatski telekom d.d.
hudson valley host
hughes network systems
hughes network systems gmbh
hungarian telecom
hungarotel rt. adsl pool ip
huron telecommunications co-operative limited
hurricane electric inc.
hyatt summerville suites
hyundai motor corporation
i-2000 inc.
i3d customer k80271
i4 telecom ltda -me
ibm corporation
icp network
ictus informatica ltda
idaho state university
idl internet
igra-servis ltd.
iinet limited
iliad entreprises customers
iligan capitol college - dsl basic e1
illinois century network
imperial county office of education
imported inetnum object for anu
imported inetnum object for csc-23
imported inetnum object for deakin
imported inetnum object for ird-1
imported inetnum object for macqua-1
imported inetnum object for monash
imported inetnum object for nswdt
imported inetnum object for ntu-3
imported inetnum object for nus-1
imported inetnum object for qut
imported inetnum object for tpa-1
imported inetnum object for univer-192
imported inetnum object for uwa
imported inetnum object for victor-7
indasa usa
independent project analy
independent school district 625
indian institute of science bangalore
indian institute of technology madras
indian institute of techonology roorkee
indiana university
indit hosting ab
inea network
inet for office
inetcom llc
infonet services corporation
information technologies private company
information technology services
infostructure cable and internet
infoway servicos de informatica ltda
infraestructura red y servicios ip
infraleuna gmbh
infranet internet ltda.
infrastructure em - dhcp assignments residential users
infrastructure for fastwebs main location
infrastructure in spb
initial infrastructure migration
inktomi corporation
inmotion hosting inc.
institute of electrical and electronics engineers
instructure inc
integra telecom inc.
integration point inc.
intel corporation
intelig telecomunica es ltda.
intercontinental exchange
intercontinental hotels group
interglobe communications inc.
interlink advertising services inc.
international telecommunications satellite organization (intelsa
internet america inc.
internet archive
internet bermuda limited
internet cable provider
internet connect inc / potawatomi casino
internet directo sa de cv
internet express
internet initiative japan inc.
internet junction corporation
internet para todos - gobierno de la rioja
internet service provider
internet service provider australia.
internet solutions
internet union spolka akcyjna
internlnet b.v.
intersvyaz-2 jsc
intesi societa a responsabilita limitata enunciabile anche srl p
intuit inc.
investors group financial services
iowa state university
ip addresses allocated to dsl customers
ip addresses allocated to dsl subscribers
ip addresses assigned for vf dsl customers
ip addresses assigned to dsl customers
ip addresses assigned to first dsl subscribers
ip addresses assigned to vf dsl customers
ip addresses assigned to vf-it mobile customers
ip addresses assigned to vf-it mobile users
ip adsl static + cable tv voip vpn mpls
ip dhcp 0
ip pool adsl tp hcm
ip pool assigned to vf dsl customers
ip pools
ip range for dsl/ppp customers
ip-only networks
ip-pool for adsl users
ip`s for mobitel`s users
ipe informatica ltda
ipko telecommunications - pool for nat-ing the residential users
ipv4 address block not managed by the ripe ncc
ipv4 addresses dynamic assigned to mobil devices
iran cell service and communication
is group b.v.
iskon internet d.d.
isomedia inc.
isp fabriek ftth customers
isp kievnet
isp-complat network
istanbul technical university
it authorities inc
it university lan
its telecomunica es ltda
iusacell pcs de mexico s.a. de c.v.
iway ag
j.a.m informatica ltda - me
jackson county schools
jaguar communications
japan nation-wide network of softbank bb corp
japan nation-wide network of softbank bb corp.
japan network information center
jaring communications sdn bhd
jasper technologies inc.
jazztel mobile services
jazztel triple play services
jbl inc corporation
jetblue airways corporation
jfk realty & loan depot inc-100922140500
jiangsu alpha optic-electric technology co. ltd.
jkroller architects
johns hopkins university
johnsen elektro as
join stock company information technologies
joint-stock company investpribor
jones publishing
jordan associates
jordan telecom group (orange)
journal le monde
jsc kazakhtelecom
jsc moldtelecom s.a.
jsc penzenskie telecommunikatsii
jsc ufanet
jsc vimpelcom wlan1 moscow
jsc zap-sib transtelecom
jsk sankt-peterburgskoe kabelnoe televidenie
junta de andalucia
jyu mao business ltd.
k-opticom corporation
kabel baden-wuerttemberg gmbh & co. kg
kabel baden-wuerttemburg gmbh & co. kg
kabel bw gmbh
kabel deutschland breitband customer 12
kabel deutschland breitband customer 13
kabel deutschland breitband customer 18
kabel deutschland breitband customer 19
kabel deutschland breitband customer 20
kabel deutschland breitband customer 22
kagan binder
kangnam cabletv
kansas city kansas public library
kaposvari egyetem
kapstone kraft paper corporation
karoo adsl
karunya university coimbatore
kaunas meganet area29 network
kazan broad-band access pools
kddi corporation
keimyung university
kellin communications
kent state university
kerala state it mission
kerfi ab - internet access
keta cable
khabarovsk yota pat clients
kharkov ak.pavlova
kielce oddz.
kingsborough community college
kingston university
kinki university
kinu project
klores & associates
kneip communication s.a
knet fai range
knology holdings inc.
knology inc.
kommunedata i/s
kopings kabel tv ab
korbank sp. z o.o.
korea advanced institute of science and technology
korea telecom
korea telecom freetel corp
kpn b.v.
kpn belgium ipv4 dynamic - consumer
kpn mobile the netherlands b.v.
kraft-s jsc.
kreisler industrial
kristiansand norway
kuban-gsm local registry
kuentos communications inc.
kulturveranstaltungen des bundes in berlin gmbh
kutztown university
kyivstar gsm
l2tp vpn broadband connections
la community college dist.
la film school
la ley sociedad anonima editora e impresora
lafayette college
lafayette consolidated government
lan clients in vindeln
lan subnet
lan-tj nsten
lancom ltd.
landssimi islands
lanka education and research network
lanline communications inc
lantjansten sssb
laquinta 2051
lasalle university
lasvit inc
latrobe university
latvijas mobilais telefons sia
layer 2 broadband customer network
layer inc.
le relecq kerhuon
leaseweb usa inc.
lee memorial health system
legal ip block for umts users in cape town western cape
leiden university
lesley college
level 3 communications inc.
lft adsl cbb
lg cns
lg dacom corporation
lg powercomm
lgfl internet j
lgfl internet j0
liberty global services b.v.
liberty mutual group
libyan telecom and technology
liepajas universitate
ligonier telephone
limestone cable vision inc.
lincoln public schools
lincoln vale llc
lingate financial group
link egypt
link egypt (
linkem ir wimax network
linode llc
lirmm umr 5506
litecast/balticore llc
lks lausitzer kabelservice gmbh
llc multiscan
llc pobutradiotehnika t/k orbita-tv ltd.
lndij156 dijon
lndij156 dijon bloc 1
lnmso656 montsouris bloc 2
lnput656 puteaux bloc 1
lnrou152 rouen bloc 1
local internet service company
login inc.
london metropolitan university
london trust media inc
longwood medical and academic area (lma)
los alamos national laboratory
lotman management
loudeye - seattle
louisiana state university
lowe s companies inc.
ltd atlantik teleco company
ltd olympus nsp
lulebo residentials
lund afb
lustlab bv
lynet internett end users
lyse tele residential customer linknets
lysekils kommun
m-net telekommunikations gmbh
m1 ltd
m2 telecommunications group ltd
maardu docsis
mad city broadband inc.
maginus software solutions ltd
magma communications ltd.
magyar telekom
magyar telekom broadband customer ip pool dsl
magyar telekom customers using dynamic ip
magyar telekom customers using static ip
maikol campanini informatica me
maine libraries/dept. of education
mainone cable company
making everlasting memories
managed firewalls and infrastructure
manchester metropolitan university
manitoba netset ltd.
mansfield university of pennsylvania
maple leaf
marand d.o.o.
mark wyner design
marlboro college
maroc telecom
marubeni access solutions inc.
marvell semiconductor inc.
maryland institute college of art
masaryk university
masergy communications
mashuntucket pequot tribe
massachusettes bar asso
massachusetts institute of technology
massey university
mastec north america inc.
matrix odessa
maxis broadband sdn bhd
mayer brown llp
mbo video llc
mc-link spa
mci center
mci communications services inc. d/b/a verizon business
mcmaster university
mcntt moscow center of new telecommunication technologies
mediacom communications corp
mediacom communications corporation
meditel 3g users
mega cable s.a. de c.v.
megapath corporation
megapath matt paschick
megapath networks inc.
melaleuca inc
melita plc
mem adsl cbb
mercer college
meridian telekoms inc.
merryweather foam inc
merthyr tydfil county borough council
mesa state college
messagelabs inc.
messagelabs limited
metal componets
meteor mobile broadband
metical srl
metro-e manila
metrocast cablevision of new hampshire llc.
metrocast communications
metropcs wireless inc.
metropolitan state university of denver
mexico red de telecomunicaciones s. de r.l. de c.v.
mgm adsl cbb
michal dusek - cominnet
michal nozicka - pamico czech
michigan state university
michigan technological university
micro tech services
micronet pune
microrcim pro net do brasil inform tica ltda
microsoft corporation
midcoast internet solutions
midcontinent media inc.
midwest investments
mikrointernet kft.
mileweb inc.
millennium telcom llc
millersville university
mini-dslam south
ministry for economic development of the russian federation
minneapolis college of art and design
miragroup ltd.
miralinks ltd.
missouri university of science and technology
ml outsourcing services p
mobil internet access
mobile broadband service
mobile business group
mobile end user terminals
mobile services
mobile telesystems ojsc mr north-west
mobile telesystems open joint stock company
modrus ltd
moldcell sa network
monkey brains
monroe telephone co.
montana state university
montclair state university
moo print ltd
morehouse college
morpho trak inc
mortgage information serv
motion fx
moxie pictures
mr scott lawrence06212013171204257
mst acquisition group llc.
mtn business sa pool region 7100
mtn business sa pool region 7200
mtn business sa pool region 7202
mtn business sa pool region 7251
mtn business sa pool region 7300
mtn ebu wholesale static ip
mtn nigeria
mtn rwandacell
mtnl cat b isp
mto telecom inc.
mts allstream inc.
mtsnet gprs-infra in ural
mudhook marketing amsterdam ip block
multicable networks llc
multilan ltd
multimedia polska s. a.
multiprotocol service provider to other isp s and end users
mundivox do brasil ltda
munich international school e.v.
municipal office of the city prague
munro college
munson williams proctor institute
murano software inc.
murphx xdsl
museo del prado
mutual telephone company
mx logic inc.
my switch ltd xdsl
myanma post and telecommunication
mycloud web hosting network.
mz canada ltd
nadejdanet ltd
namincheon brodcasting co. ltd.
napier /32 watchdog customer assignments
nas dhcp pool bergamo
nas dhcp pool bologna
nas dhcp pool bolzano
nas dhcp pool cagliari
nas dhcp pool catanzaro
nas dhcp pool modena
nas dhcp pool padova
nas dhcp pool palermo
nas dhcp pool perugia
nas dhcp pool pisa
nas dhcp pool trieste
nasa goddard space flight center
nat for gprs/3g
nat n_sys s.r.o.
natel telecom ltda. - me
national aeronautics and space administration
national chengchi university
national health service
national institute of fashion technology gandhinagar gujarat
national library of medicine
national oilwell norway infrastructure
national university of tainan
natural wireless llc
nbc universal
nbip tonglian(ningbo)info-port co. ltd
nc numericable s.a.
ncc#2011011865 approved ip assignment
ncnet broadband customers
nebula oy customer xdsl
nebula oy customer xdsl block 19 dynamic
nebula oy customer xdsl block 3
nec biglobe ltd.
nedeco gmbh aachen
neftegaztehnologija ltd
neodelphi ltd dba quickweb hosting solutions
neostrada plus
neotel pty ltd
net by net holding llc
net servi os de comunica o s.a.
netblock used by sbm and assigned by
netcologne dynamic ip pool
netelligent hosting services inc.
netfilter pty ltd
nethere inc.
netia sa
netia telekom sa
netone net for mkckom
netstream ag
netvico gmbh
network block is for the use of stpi-bangalore softnet-in
network innovations inc.
network of hutchison drei austria gmbh
network of the sf oao volgatelecom
network provinciale hogeschool limburg
network sttk for clients
network technology (aust) p/l
network usa l.l.c
network used for 3g web users
nevada system of higher education
new jersey institute of technology
new mexico state university
new taipei city taiwan
new telesystems ltd.
new wave communications
new york city public schools
new york hospital
new york life insurance company
new york media
new york university
newcom international inc.
newcom peru
newone gmbh
nexnett brasil telecom
next online ltd isp of bangladesh
nexxia hse (toronto)
ngi spa
nh public radio
niagara dist catholicscl brd
nib (national internet backbone)
nipissing university
nistal gustavo
nobis technology group llc
nodisto it llc
noetica ltd
nokia corporation
nokia dc
nokia xpress internet services
nomad digital ltd.
nordea bank denmark
nordic tripleplay services to corporates and private domains
north carolina state university
north cm broadband dhcp
north-west branch of ojsc megafon network
northern illinois university
northland cable television inc.
northland communications inc
northwest ohio computer association
northwestern university
norwegian university of science and technology
nos comunicacoes s.a.
nova university
novant health inc.
novis telecom s.a.
novus entertainment inc.
npg of idaho kifi
nss s.a.
nsw department of education and communities
nte bredband ftth
ntl infrastructure - acton
ntl infrastructure - baguley
ntl infrastructure - belfast
ntl infrastructure - birmingham
ntl infrastructure - brighton
ntl infrastructure - cambridge
ntl infrastructure - cardiff
ntl infrastructure - colchester
ntl infrastructure - cosham
ntl infrastructure - guildford
ntl infrastructure - huddersfield
ntl infrastructure - lewisham
ntl infrastructure - luton
ntl infrastructure - middlesbrough
ntl infrastructure - nottingham
ntl infrastructure - oldham
ntl infrastructure - renfrew
ntl infrastructure - staf07
ntl infrastructure - swansea
ntl infrastructure - swindon
ntl infrastructure - waltham forest
ntl infrastructure - waltham park
ntl internet
ntl internet - birmingham site
ntl luton - cable headend
nts communications
ntt america inc.
ntt communications corporation
nu skin international inc.
nu-world corp.
nuba bras-pool 3
nyack hospital
nycc schools
nyj004 iweb migration
o melveny & myers
o.w. solucoes em wireless e informatica ltda - me
o/o dgm bb noc bsnl bangalore
obelia 2 quarter
odn onlinedienst nordbayern gmbh
off campus telecommunications
office des postes et telecommunications
ohio state university
ohio university
ojsc mobile telesystems
ojsc north-west telecom
ojsc promsvyazbank
ojsc rostelecom
ojsc rostelecom far-east region
ojsc rostelecom lipetsk branch
ojsc rostelecom macroregional branch south
ojsc rostelecom north-west
ojsc rostelecom orel branch
ojsc sibirtelecom
ojsc tatmedia
ojsc vimpelcom
old mutual life assurance ltd
old republic national title insurance co.
olive medical devices
olo del peru s.a.c
omnicom group inc.
one communications corporation
one voice communications inc.
onetel customer space delivered over easynet llustream
online adsl customers with static addresses
onnet adsl ip subnet
onpeak llc
ontario college of art & design university
ooo npo relcom
opal telecom dsl
open jsc stock company sater
openbare bibliotheek amsterdam
openmind public subnet
opentext software gmbh
opera software americas llc
opera software asa
operbes s.a. de c.v.
opticon telekommunikacios halozati szolgaltato
optika kabel tv d.o.o.
optimum online
optimum online (cablevision systems)
optimum wifi
optimus portugal
optus internet - retail
optus internet pty ltd
orange communications sa
orange county public schools
orange dominicana
orange pcs gprs services
orange personal communications services ltd.
orange s.a.
orange slovensko a.s.
orange uk 3g/gprs subscribers
orange wbc broadband
orcon internet ltd
orion corporation
orion media limited
orthopedic associates
oshean inc.
oslo b rum norway
oslo bryn norway
osnatel subnet for single static ip
osnatel-subnet for dsl dial-up
ostkom sia
ote sa (hellenic telecommunications organisation)
ouk broadband ip stream
ovation data services
ovh hosting inc.
ovh sas
ovh sp. z o. o.
ovh systems
ovi services
oxford networks
oy suomen tietotoimisto - finska notisbyran ab
p2p bgp links
p4 sp. z o.o.
pacific internet (australia) pty ltd
pacific internet (hongkong) pty ltd
packet one networks (m) sdn
pact charter school
paducah power system
paetec communications inc.
pakistan telecommuication company limited
palazzo east - consolidated smart systems
panasonic corp of north america
parker fibernet llc
parsec automation
partners healthcare system inc.
pastures development company limited
pat/nat ip addresses pop 0109 for
pat/nat ip addresses pop 2701 for
pat/nat ip addresses pop 3701 for
pat/nat ip addresses pop 4101 for
paulson mcintyre
pccw business internet access
pccw limited
pcs mobile
pdf solutions gmbh
pdsn pool 7
pe vasylchyshyn iurii oleksandrovych
pe zubko volodymyr viktorovych
penteledata inc.
pepco poland sp. z o.o.
pepperdine university
perceptive vision
permabit technology corp
pern-pakistan education & research network is an
persona communications
pestszentlorinc fiber
petsmart inc.
pg lion resources aust pty ltd
phenix cable
philadelphia museum of art
phnet internet services consumer broadband connections
pinellas county government
pipex - tiscali migration space
pittsgrove twp. school
plains cooperative telephone association
plaza group 131
please send abuse/spam complaints to [email protected]
please send abuse/spam complaints to [email protected].
plusnet plc.
plusnet technologies ltd
pny technologies
poder judicial de la nacion
pointe pointe scient
politechnika warszawska
polkomtel sp. z o.o.
pollution spa
pontificia universid catolica do rio grande do sul
pool for broadband cable customers
pool for broadband customers on dslam lec62-1
pool for broadband dsl cable customers
pool for broadband dsl customers
pool for dhcp connections
pool for mobile data users
pool for umts/gprs internet users
port networks llc
portland public schools
portland state university
porto seguro cia de seguros gerais
poudre school district r-1
poudre valley health care inc.
power south additional lan block
powerhouse management inc.
powertech information systems as
ppg industries inc.
pphu matrix zbigniew sojka
pppox pool - bras18.lsanca
pppox pool - rback2 elpstx
pppox pool - rback4.irvnca
pppox pool - rback4.mdsnwi 080805-1118
pppox pool - rback6.applwi 102505-1245
pppox pool - rback8 scrmca
pppox pool - se1.bltnin-1261948261
pppox pool - se1.ksc2mo-1291075560
pppox pool - se1.snlo01-1235445361
pppox pool - se1.wotnoh 101906-1259.1222203
pppox pool - se16.pltn13-1359333961
pppox pool - se3.ipltin 110507 1335
pppox pool - se3.stl2mo-1294272065
pppox pool - se5.ipltin-1281397862
pppox pool - se5.ipltin-1283897464
pppox pool - se6.hstntx-1269307861
pppox pool - snantx se1
pppox pool rback36.snfcca
pppox pool rback9 snantx
pppox pool se5.klmzmi
pratt institute
prima s.a.
primus telecommunications canada inc.
princeton university
privactually ltd
private customer
private customer - ct communications
private customer - wave broadband
pro brussel
proem design-build inc
profiber customer pops
projesom internet ltda
protech associates
provedor futura sc ltda
provedor ouro net ltda
provider local registry
province of british columbia
proxad / free sas
proxad / free telecom
prtelecom cp
przedsiebiorstwo handlowo - uslugowe mmj
psinet inc.
psychz networks
pt comunicacoes s.a.
pt comunicacoes sa
pt hutchison cp telecommunications
pt indosat tbk (
pt jembatan citra nusantara
pt payment solutions indonesia
pt prime - solucoes empresariais
pt smart telecom
pt telkom indonesia
pt. axis telekom indonesia
pt. first media tbk
pte-ag1 adsl dynamic ip pool
ptera wireless inc.
ptk centertel mobile data services
public allocation
public libr indain prairie
public net at nat cn04
public net at nat cn05
public pool for internet users
public pool for mobile internet users
puerto rico telephone company
puntonet s.a.
purchase college - suny
purdue university
qlt harvard university
qsc ag dynamic ip addresses
quadranet inc
quang trung software city development company
queen mary and westfield college university of london
queens public library
queensland art gallery
qwest broadband services inc.
qwest communications company llc
r cable y telecomunicaciones galicia s.a.
r/ga media group inc.
rackspace backbone
rackspace cloud servers
raco wireless llc
radiant communications canada ltd.
radius telecoms inc.
rainbow media holdings llc
rainham mark grammar school
rainier connect
rangos cablemodems
raytheon company
rback2.tpkaks pppox
rcs & rds business
rcs & rds mobile
rcs & rds residential
rcsntx adsl bras29 pppox
rcsntx adsl rback1
rechen- und kommunikationszentrum der rwth aachen
rechenzentrum der universitaet jena
red de la fundacion integra de murcia
red instituto de salud carlos iii
red river parish libraries
red rover
redlink communications
reed business information
region alger 1
regionetsw009 internet server
regus business center llc
reliance communications ltd
reliance globalcom services inc
rensselaer hartford graduate center
republican unitary enterprise beltelecom
republican unitary telecommunication enterprise beltelecom
research in motion corporation
research in motion limited
residential broadband access dhcp addressing.
residential customer
residential networks segment
rgu-erx1 pppoe poolid
rice university
rijks universiteit groningen
ripon college
risc group it solutions s.a.
rm education plc
rn tv
road runner holdco llc
robein leven bv
robert half
robin hood foundation
roc van amsterdam
rochester institute of technology
rock hill telephone company
rogers cable communications inc.
rogers cable inc. ajax
rogers cable inc. bloor
rogers cable inc. etob
rogers cable inc. flfrd
rogers cable inc. glph
rogers cable inc. glph2
rogers cable inc. grnsbr
rogers cable inc. hnsn
rogers cable inc. ktgc
rogers cable inc. lndn
rogers cable inc. mtmc
rogers cable inc. mtmk
rogers cable inc. mtnk
rogers cable inc. nbsj
rogers cable inc. nmkt
rogers cable inc. nmkt2
rogers cable inc. nwdn
rogers cable inc. pr
rogers cable inc. rchrd
rogers cable inc. slnt
rogers cable inc. wlfdle
rogers cable inc. ym
roi dynamic dsl pools
rojan australia pty ltd
romtelecom data network
romtelecom s.a.
rovi corporation
rowan university
rowland unified school district
royal college of art
royal credit union
royal melbourne institute of technology
rue beltelecom
rue louvrex 95
russian central telegraph moscow
rutgers university
ryerson university
safari club international
saint bonaventure university
saint gobain dsi groupe
saint vincent college
salamon internet s.r.o. inc.
salt lake county
san bernardino county
san francisco museum of modern art
san jose state university
san mateo regional network inc.
sandhills publishing company
sandhills wireless llc
sap america inc.
sarah lawrence college
sarasota district schools
sas institute inc.
sasktel wide area network engineering center
sat film sp. z o.o. i wspolnicy sp. k.
satnet gye
satnet gye cm
saudinet dsl pool_dynamic ips
saudinet saudi telecom company
savannah college of art and design
savvis information security
sc nextgen communications srl
sc teen telecom srl
scansafe inc.
scansafe lon2
scarlet european ip range
scholz & volkmer gmbh
school district of volusia county
school of visual arts inc.
science applications international corporation (saic)
science research lab
scientific-production enterprise information technologies ltd
scp distributors
seaside communications inc.
secured servers llc
sedona creek apts
selectcom telecom
selectronics corp.
selene spa
seoul national university
sephora usa inc.
serbia broadband
server block
serverpronto - dedicated servers
service first federal credit union
service provider corporation
services platform
sg americas operational services inc.
shaw communications inc.
shaw telecom g.p.
shentel service company
shownets llc
shrewsbury electric & community cable
shrewsbury electric and cable operations
shutterstock inc
sia bite latvia
sia l.a.t
sidera networks llc
siemens enterprise
sierra suites hsi
sify limited
silva & silveira s/c ltda - me
silver tower (16 & 18th floor)
simon warren
simpur isp
singapore arts school ltd
single static ip addresses
singnet broadband network
singnet pte ltd
siol d.o.o. (slovenia online)
sirius satellite radio
siriusxm radio inc
sita-societe internationale de telecommunications aeronautiques
siti cable network ltd
sk broadband co ltd
sk telecom
skidmore college
sky broadband
sky broadband static services
skydsl customers de
skynet broadband network
sl-cgn (ex am datori)
sloane park property trust a.s.
smart broadband incorporated
smartone telecommunications ltd.
snc-lavalin operations & maintenance inc.
snel internet services b.v. b.v.
so-net corporation
so-net entertainment taiwan limited
societatea pe actiuni moldtelecom
societe francaise du radiotelephone s.a.
socket internet inc.
softlayer technologies inc.
software cellular network ltd
softwarezentrum boeblingen/sindelfingen e.v.
soho customers
sonic foundry inc.
sony corporation of america
sony north america
sophidea inc.
sophos inc
sorokko gallery
source cable ltd.
south china morning post publishers limited english news &
south kolkata broadband services pvt ltd
southeast missouri state university
southeastern louisiana university
southern california gas company
sovernet inc.
space telescope science institute
spanish fork city
spark new zealand trading limited
sparta inc. aeso
speakeasy network dsl
spoldzielnia telekomunikacyjna wist w lace
sprint dsl network fl
sprint nextel corporation
st mary s university twickenham
st michael s college
st. francis college
st. olaf college
st.petersburg telephone network
stanford university
starhub cable vision ltd
starhub cable vision ltd singapore broadband access provider
starhub mobile
starman as
start communications
state farm mutual automobile insurance company
state library of louisiana
state of louisiana office of telecommunications management
state of maine
state of nebraska / office of the cio
state of utah
state university new york college of technology
state university of new york at buffalo
state university of new york at stony brook
state university of new york health science center at syracuse
static allocation to dsl customers
static ip
static ip addresses of online wholesale adsl users
static ip venus business communications
stayat finland oy
steadfast networks
stealth communications inc.
steelcase inc.
stefan botz
stella-telecom - static pool - broadband
stellford llc.
stentor national integrated communications network
sterling inc.
stevens institute of technology
stichting dutch game garden utrecht
stichting glaslokaal
stichting hogeschool van beeldende kunst en dans
stichting impakt
stichting nederlands architectuurinstituut
stiftelsen chalmers studenthem
stofa a/s
stonerose internet
streamwide romania srl
studio b productions inc.
studio west apt
stumbleupon inc.
suddenlink communications
suffolk community college
sugarland alltel dsl customers
sunbelt rentals inc colo
suninternet s.r.l.
sunrise communications ag
sunscape apts
sunwestern contractors
suomi communications oy
supply frame
surewest broadband
surewest kansas operations llc
surf city cyclery llc-091228130652
surfcontrol inc.
swan a.s.
swisscom (schweiz) ag
swisscom (schweiz) ag is a full service provider in ch.
swisscom (schweiz) ag is an internet service provider in ch.
swisscom (schweiz) ag is an lir and isp in switzerland.
swisscom ag is a full service provider in ch
swisscom fixnet is an internet service provider in ch.
sykes enterprises b.v.
symantec corporation
sympatico hse
syracuse university
t-2 access network
t-2 access network-bro
t-com hungary retail adsl client pool
t-home catv/gpon internet subscribers
t-home gpon clients (dynamic address pool)
t-home gpon/xdsl clients (dynamic address pool)
t-mobile (uk) limited
t-mobile deutschland gmbh
t-mobile hungary telecommunications company limited by shares
t-mobile uk wbr n2
t-mobile usa inc.
t-mobile(uk) mms din
t-online catv client pool
t-systems business services gmbh
t-systems danmark a/s sivuliike suomessa
t.e.s.t. ltd
taft college
tag europe ltd
taichung taiwan
taimer. ru ltd.
taipei taiwan
taiwan academic network
taiwan fixed network co. ltd.
talktalk b2c dynamic range
talktalk communications limited
talktalk fttc dynamic range
talktalk telecom plus dynamic range
tampereen puhelin oy / infrastructure
tampereen seudun opiskelija-asuntolasaatio
tarrant county college district
tasmanet pty ltd
tata communications internet services ltd
tata teleservices (maharashtra) ltd
tata teleservices isp
tata teleservices limited -gsm division
tata teleservices ltd - tata indicom - cdma division
tata teleservices maharashtra ltd
tche turbo provedor de internet ltda
tdc bb-adsl users
tdc bredbaand professionel users
tdc kabel tv
tds telecom
te data
teamsystem spa
techminds 4 hire inc
technische universitaet berlin informatik
technische universitaet dresden
technische universitat wien
technology networks inc.
techtel lmds comunicaciones interactivas s.a.
teglas hungary
teksavvy solutions inc.
tel aviv university - hospital network
tel west communications llc
tele2 adsl sweden
tele2 consumer is one of the largest isp\ s in the netherlands
tele2 telecommunication gmbh
tele2 telecommunication services gmbh
telecel s.a.
telecentro s.a.
telecentro s.a. - clientes residenciales
telecolumbus gmbh
telecom cambodia (t.c.)
telecom italia mobile
telecom italia s.p.a.
telecom italia s.p.a. tin easy lite
telecom italia s.p.a.iptv platform
telecom italia wireline services
telecom new zealand limited
telecom new zealand ltd
telecom xtra
telecommunication company of mazandaran
telecommunication company of semnan
telecommunication company of tehran
telef nica brasil s.a
telef nica chile s.a.
telef nica m viles argentina s.a. (movistar argentina)
telefon a p blica y privada s.a.
telefonica czech republic a.s.
telefonica data s.a.
telefonica de argentina
telefonica de espana
telefonica de espana sau
telefonica de espana sau (ncc#2002121103)
telefonica de espana sau (ncc#2007050901)
telefonica de espana sau (ncc#2007091101)
telefonica de espana sau (ncc#2007122334)
telefonica de espana sau (ncc#2008052974)
telefonica del peru s.a.a.
telefonica empresas
telefonica germany gmbh & co. ohg
telefonica germany gmbh & co.ohg
telefonica investigacion y desarrollo
telefonica movil de chile s.a.
telefonica o2 (germany) gmbh & co. ohg
telefonica o2 germany gmbh & co. ohg
telefonica uk limited
telefonos del noroeste s.a. de c.v.
telekom deutschland gmbh
telekom slovenije d.d.
telekom srbija adsl users
telekom srpske
telemar norte leste s.a.
telenet customer fabricom
telenet n.v. hotspot
telenet n.v. residentials
telenet operaties n.v.
telenor business solution as
telenor business solutions ab
telenor business solutions as
telenor hungary plc.
telenor sverige ab
telenor sverige ab mobile service
teleset-servis ltd.
telesystem tirol
televisao cidade s/a
television internacional s.a. de c.v.
television linares s.l.
television radio company tbt ojsc
telia denmark
telia network services
telia stofa a/s
teliasonera finland oyj
tellcom iletisim hizmetleri a.s.
tellcom kartal adsl pool
telmex chile s.a hfc
telmex colombia s.a.
telmex infinitum
telmex servicios empresariales s.a.
telstra internet
telstraclear auckland internet ubs customers
telstraclear auckland llu customers
telstraclear cable customers
telstraclear christchurch dsl customers
telstraclear virtual isp
telstraclear wellington cable customers
telus communications inc.
temple university
teo lt ab
terascala co
tesatel s.r.o.
texas a&m university
texas cellnet inc.
texas commission on environmental quality
texas state university - san marcos
tfn media co. ltd.
the arts university college at bournemouth
the big brothers big sisters of new york
the bloomsbury computing consortium
the boeing company
the city of new york
the clorox company
the cloud networks tcn-gb-nat1-3
the college of idaho inc.
the four seasons residences
the fred hutchinson cancer research center
the game creators limited
the george washington university
the hawthorne
the hebrew university of jerusalem - cs department
the home depot inc.
the internet group (ihug) ltd.
the johns hopkins medical institutions
the latin school of chicago
the ministry of education and sciences of the russian federation
the municipal communications utility of the city of cedar falls
the new school
the new york times company
the ogilvy group inc.
the pennsylvania state university
the rockefeller university
the school district of escambia county
the university of alabama
the university of birmingham
the university of manchester local area network
the university of melbourne
the university of memphis
the university of nottingham
the university of st. andrews
thiago borsato nazzi me
thirumala tripleplay network
this space is statically assigned
this space is statically assigned.
this subnet is used for mobinil 3g internet users/customers
thomson financial services
thomson reuters (legal) inc.
thyssenkrupp presta ilsenburggmbh
tieto corporation
tigo costa rica home
tikona digital networks pvt. ltd.
tikona infinet ltd
tim celular s.a.
time warner cable internet llc
timico limited
tis-dialog dynamic ppp users
tiscal staple ipstream llu
tiscali adsl go/plus gent
tiscali italia spa
tiscali uk ltd
tnnet oy
tomas bata university
tongji university
topnet adsl light
tot public company limited
town and country
toya sp. z o.o.
tpa-division - cfl
tpg internet pty ltd.
tranquil it solutions south ltd
tri-county communications cooperative inc.
triad me dia solutions
tribune company
trinity college dublin
troms? stalheim norway
trondheim lerkendal norway
troy cablevision inc.
true broadband
true broadband by true online
true internet co. ltd.
true wifi by true online
tt adsl-dynamic_aci
tt adsl-ttnet _dynamic_aci
tt adsl-ttnet alc dynamic_ulus
tt adsl-ttnet zte dynamic_aci
tt adsl-ttnet-aci-dinamik
tt adsl-ttnet_ dynamic_ulus
tt adsl-ttnet_dynamic_aci
tt adsl-ttnet_dynamic_gay
tt adsl-ttnet_static_aci
ttk-baikal/bras in irkutsk
tu berlin campus network
tu darmstadt hochschulrechenzentrum
tufts university
tuk thw dynamic customer range
tulane university
tularosa communications inc.
turbine flats
turbo 10 telecomunica es ltda.
turk telekom adsl-tt net
turkcell internet
turksat services
turner broadcasting system inc.
tussa ikt as
tv rey de occidente s.a. de c.v.
tvcabo-portugal cable modem network
tvnetwork szeged lan
tw telecom holdings inc.
twitter inc.
tyndale university college & siminary
u. s. bureau of the census
u.s. department of state
u.s. dept. of commerce - noaa - nmfs
u.s. environmental protection agency
uber global pty ltd
ubisoft entertainment
ucd campus ethernet
ucom corp.
ucom llc.
ucweb technologies inc
ujpest fiber
unet wdsl
uninet s.a. de c.v.
uniserve on line
unite private networks llc.
united nations world food programme
united technologies research center
unitymedia dynamic customer ip pool
unitymedia dynamic ip customer pool
universal health services
universal systems inc
universidad nacional autonoma de mexico
universidade estadual de campinas
universidade federal de minas gerais
universitaet bremen
universitaet der kuenste
universitaet des saarlandes saarbruecken
universitaet fuer angewandte kunst wien
universitaet hamburg campus net
universitaet potsdam
universitas ciputra
universite de liege (ulg)
universite de nimes
universiteit maastricht (um)
universiteit van amsterdam
universiti teknologi malaysia
university college falmouth
university college london
university college nordjylland
university kuala lumpur
university of arkansas
university of arts and industrial design
university of basel
university of california at berkeley
university of california davis
university of california los angeles
university of california merced
university of cambridge
university of cape town
university of chicago
university of connecticut
university of eastern finland
university of florida
university of guelph
university of hartford
university of houston
university of idaho
university of illinois
university of jyvaskyla network
university of kansas medical center
university of kentucky
university of maine system
university of maryland
university of maryland baltimore county (umbc)
university of massachusetts
university of massachusetts dartmouth
university of michigan school of natural resources and environme
university of minnesota
university of mississippi
university of missouri - dba the missouri research and education
university of missouri-columbia
university of montana
university of nebraska at omaha
university of nebraska-lincoln
university of new brunswick
university of new mexico
university of new mexico health sciences center
university of new south wales
university of newcastle upon tyne
university of north carolina at chapel hill
university of northern british columbia
university of northern colorado
university of northumbria at newcastle
university of oklahoma
university of pennsylvania
university of pittsburgh
university of rochester
university of saskatchewan
university of science and technology of china
university of sheffield
university of south florida
university of southern california
university of sussex
university of teesside
university of tennessee
university of tennessee space institute
university of texas at austin
university of texas at dallas
university of the arts london
university of the west of england bristol
university of tokyo
university of toronto
university of utah
university of virginia
university of washington
university of waterloo
university of west florida
university of western ontario
university of windsor
university of wisconsin madison
university of wisconsin whitewater
university of york
univerza v ljubljani
unus inc.
up diliman network
upc austria
upc austria gmbh
upc broadband operations b.v.
upc ceska republica s.r.o.
upc ceska republika a.s.
upc communications ireland limited
upc internet catv
upc magyarorszag kft.
upc polska sp. z o.o.
upc romania arad e320
upc romania bucuresti
upc romania bucuresti fo
upc slovakia
upc slovensko s.r.o
upc telekabel
upc-nl rotterdam internal ipms for soho
ural branch of ojsc megafon gprs/umts network pool 1.
ural skaya akademiya gosudarstvennoj sluzhby
us department of the treasury
us internet corp
usa hostels
usf dslam south
usitc ips
utelisys communications bv
v2 ventures llc (dba shutternet)
vancouver coastal health
vanderbilt university llc
varna net nts zone
vastra gotalandsregionen
ventelo dhcp oslo
venus fibre network covent garden & holborn
veracity networks llc
verbraucherzentrale bundesverband e.v.
verifications inc.
verizon internet services
verizon online llc
vermont telephone company inc.
vernon telephone cooperative inc.
versatel deutschland gmbh
viacom inc.
viasat communications inc.
vice media inc
victoria university of wellington
videomar rede nordeste s/a
videotime spa
videotron ltee
vietnam post and telecom corporation
vilnius meganet area2 network
vilnius meganet area6 network
vilnius university
virgin media - baguley
virgin media limited
virginia community college system
virginia polytechnic institute and state univ.
virtela communications inc.
vision communications inc.
vista print usa incorporated
visual online s.a.
viteza ranka bobana bb
vivid llc
vividwireless perth customers
vms( assigned to vas)
voc telecom ltda.
vodafone australia pty limited
vodafone d2 gmbh
vodafone data routes
vodafone essar limited gprs service
vodafone ghana adsl dynamic address expanded pool2
vodafone hungary ltd. 3g pool
vodafone hutchison australia pty ltd.
vodafone isp
vodafone limited
vodafone net iletisim hizmetleri anonim sirketi
vodafone new zealand
vodafone nl infrastructure
vodafone nz - customers
vodafone nz infrastructure
voiceworks office
voip customers nl
vojtech fiala
volia kharkov
volonet technologies inc
volvox cjsc
vpn (pptp pppoe) customers pervouralsk sverdlovsk reg. interra
vpn services from private internet access
vtr banda ancha s.a.
w.s. badcock corporation
wake forest university
wal-mart global webops
walsworth publishing
wanadoo nl adsl customers with static addresses
wananchi group kenya
wangsu science and technology (us) inc.
wartburg college
washburn university
washington school information processing cooperative
washington university
wasser - und elektrizitaetswerk der gemeinde buchs sg
wave broadband
wave electronics
wave2wave communications inc
way tv belo horizonte s.a.
wayport inc.
webpass inc.
wedos hosting services
weizmann institute of science network
well com - voxea
werner hoedl
west carolina rural telephone coop.
west telemarketing corporation
westchester medical center
weta digital ltd
wetaskiwin cpe
wharehouse informatica e multimidia ltda
wharf t&t limited
whatcom county library
wheaton college
wicity network solution
wideopenwest finance llc
wideopenwest illinois
wideopenwest michigan
wideopenwest ohio
widerange broadband llc
wifirst end users
wikom deutsche telekabel gmbh
wildpark co
wiline networks inc.
wiljeff llc
william beaumont hospital
wimax clients dynamic pool
wimax project bsnl new delhi
wind telecomunicazioni s.p.a
windstream communications inc
windstream nuvox inc.
wintek corporation
wireless lan zlin
wish net private limited
wojewodzkie pogotowie ratunkowe
wood county internet council
woonstichting de key
worcester polytechnic institute
world phone internet services pvt ltd
wthr tv 13
wyoming seminary
wz communications inc.
xdsl access and service provider in norway
xdsl customer network
xdsl network-adsl
xdsl_provider a
xfone communication ltd
xo communications
xplornet communications inc.
xquizit technologies +llc
xs4all internet bv internet factory
yahoo! inc.
yale university
yemennet leased line subnets
ygnition networks inc.
yhc corporation
yleisradio oy
yoga vidya e.v.
york university
yota clients in moscow
you telecom india pvt ltd
young et rubicam france sas
yousee a/s
ytl communications sdn bhd
yunet international
z-telecom network
zain bahrain wimax
zao akado-ekaterinburg
zao electro-com
zao iteco network
zao peterstar
zeelandnet bv
zenmate security infrastructure
ziba design
ziggo b.v.
ziggo consumers
zijing campus 2nd phase tsinghua university
zito media
zscaler inc
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