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Last active August 23, 2023 08:23
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SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter that implements StickyHeaderHandler for using with
import io.github.luizgrp.sectionedrecyclerviewadapter.SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter
* [SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter] that implements [StickyHeaderHandler].
class StickyHeaderSectionedRecyclerViewAdapter: SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter(), StickyHeaderHandler {
override fun getAdapterData(): List<*> {
val data = ArrayList<StickyHeader?>()
copyOfSectionsMap.values.forEach { section ->
if (section.hasHeader()) {
repeat(section.contentItemsTotal) { data.add(null) }
return data
class StickyHeaderImpl: StickyHeader
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cedb777 commented Feb 14, 2020

Do you have an example ? Because in my project the "getAdapterData()" is never called.
This is how I use it :


            StickyHeaderSectionedRecyclerViewAdapter sectionedAdapter = new StickyHeaderSectionedRecyclerViewAdapter();

            for (int i=0; i<arrSections.size(); i++) {

                Section section  = arrSections.get(i);
                sectionedAdapter.addSection(new ArticlesSection(MainActivity.this, section));



And this is my class based on your code :


    public class StickyHeaderSectionedRecyclerViewAdapter extends SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter implements StickyHeaderHandler{

        public StickyHeaderSectionedRecyclerViewAdapter() {

        public List<?> getAdapterData() {

            ArrayList<StickyHeader> data = new ArrayList<>();

            for(Map.Entry<String, Section> entry : getCopyOfSectionsMap().entrySet()) {

                Section section = entry.getValue();
                if(section.hasHeader()) {
                    data.add(new StickyHeaderImpl());


            return data;


        private class StickyHeaderImpl implements StickyHeader {}


Have I had to do something more ?

Thank you.
Have a good day !

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@cedb777 that all looks correct. How are you setting up your RecyclerView? Besides assigning the StickyHeaderSectionedRecyclerViewAdapter to the adapter, be sure to set the layout manager to StickyLayoutManager, which takes the adapter as a constructor argument. See docs.

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Thank you a lot, 4 years already but still helpful

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