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Created December 14, 2021 17:22
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Advent of code, day 14 of 2021 less than optimal solution
import time
# See reddit post where people wanted to see it:
# I just copy/pasted this from my input, instead of dealing with the input parsing.
pairs = {}
with open('input', 'r') as inp:
for line in inp:
pair = line.strip().split("->")
pairs[pair[0].strip()] = pair[1].strip()
## Uncomment these lines to use the test data
#poly = list('NNCB')
#pairs = {
# 'CH':'B',
# 'HH':'N',
# 'CB':'H',
# 'NH':'C',
# 'HB':'C',
# 'HC':'B',
# 'HN':'C',
# 'NN':'C',
# 'BH':'H',
# 'NC':'B',
# 'NB':'B',
# 'BN':'B',
# 'BB':'N',
# 'BC':'B',
# 'CC':'N',
# 'CN':'C'
# }
def generation(poly, qty):
for i in range(qty):
poly = live(poly)
return poly
def live(poly):
newpoly = []
prev = None
for ch in poly:
if prev is not None:
newpoly += [prev, pairs[prev + ch]]
prev = ch
return newpoly
def computeScores(poly, score={}):
for ch in poly:
score.setdefault(ch, 0)
score[ch] += 1
return score
def updateScores(lhs, rhs):
for ch, qty in rhs.items():
lhs.setdefault(ch, 0)
lhs[ch] += rhs[ch]
return lhs
def printScores(score):
minch = min(score.values())
maxch = max(score.values())
print(score, end=' -- ')
print(maxch - minch)
halfgens = 20
maxgens = 40
poly = generation(poly, halfgens)
opts = {}
scores = {}
prev = None
total = len(poly)-1
itera = 0
starttime = time.time()
for ch in poly:
if prev is not None:
pair = prev + ch
print("{} {}/{} {:0.2f}s".format(pair, itera, total, (time.time() - starttime)/max(itera, 1) * total), end='::')
itera += 1
if pair not in opts:
opt = generation(pair, maxgens - halfgens)[:-1]
opts[pair] = computeScores(opt, {})
print("{} != {}".format(len(opt), sum(opts[pair].values())))
scores = updateScores(scores, opts[pair])
prev = ch
scores[prev] += 1
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