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CHSuworatrai / VMware vSphere 6.x Licence Keys
Created April 8, 2021 09:20 — forked from DVSB/VMware vSphere 6.x Licence Keys
VMware vSphere 6 and 7 Licence Keys
VMware vSphere 6 Enterprise Plus
VMware vSphere with Operations Management 6 Enterprise
dcode / local-mirrors.repo
Created January 29, 2021 16:11
Quick dirty script to maintain local repo mirrors. Serve up with httpd, nginx, or whatever
# Add this file to /etc/yum.repos.d/local-mirrors.repo
# Change the IP below accordingly
name=Base mirror
If you want to run a pcap through Zeek, but don't have ROCK or don't need "all the things".
# Fire up the Docker container, mapping the directory with your pcap
## If pcap in your current directory
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/pcap broplatform/bro:3.0.0 /bin/bash
## If pcap is somewhere else
docker run -it -v [directory where your pcap is]:/pcap broplatform/bro:3.0.0 /bin/bash
# If you have to build your own for some reason
# This can be skipped if the `docker run...` worked above

ROCK Sensor Hardware Options

This document is a list of hardware that has been used for development and home use as a ROCK sensor. The first option would be to repurpose a machine if possible (minimum specs below). If your budget permits you can build a powerful system in a small form factor for under $1000.

Some of the more important aspects to look for are IPMI for baremetal remote management, dual Intel NICs, quiet, and relatively low-power. You don't want to have to wear hearing protection while sitting next to your infrastructure.

Sensor Hardware Options

Repurposed Hardware

bndabbs / create_users.ps1
Created March 20, 2018 21:42
Bulk Load AD Users
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$password = (Read-Host -AsSecureString "AccountPassword")
$users = import-csv ".\users.csv"
foreach ($user in $users){
New-ADUser `
-SamAccountName ($user.GivenName + "." + $user.Surname).ToLower() `
-UserPrincipalName (($user.GivenName + "." + $user.Surname).ToLower() + "@" + $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) `
-DisplayName ($user.GivenName + " " + $user.Surname) `

ROCK Sensor Parts List

Below is the hardware I use for development and home use of my ROCK sensor. It’s an extremely powerful system in a small form factor, under $1000. The most important aspects to me were that I wanted IPMI for baremetal remote management, dual Intel NICs, quiet, and relatively low-power. I sit by this thing and work everyday and don’t want to wear hearing protection while I write code.

The prices reflect what I paid for them in March 2016. No doubt the prices will have changed and newer, better stuff is probably available. Things like RAM and SSDs go on sale all the time, so look for that if you’re a bargain shopper.

#petya #petrWrap #notPetya


Ransomware attack.


This gist was built by the community of the researchers and was scribed by Kir and Igor from the QIWI/Vulners. We are grateful for the help of all those who sent us the data, links and information. Together we can make this world a better place!

Gist updates

Grab the main page with all the links:
curl > emoji

Open file in vim and run the following commands:


ROCK NSM Beta 0 Notes

anonymous /
Created October 21, 2016 14:25
# Raspberry Pi3 - CentOS 7 - Wi-Fi configuration
# Usage: ./ [SSID] [PSK]
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Enter WAP SSID:";