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Created July 30, 2012 20:56
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Save jeffmccune/3210129 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ruby Toolchain on Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)


The intention is to get a clean build of MRI 1.8.7 and 1.9.3.

MRI 1.8.7 doesn't play nicely with LLVM based GCC compilers. In Mountain Lion, the only way to get a non-LLVM gcc is to build one yourself. The command line tools package in Xcode 4.4 does not contain a non-llvm based GCC.


  1. Upgrade to Mountain Lion
  2. Remove all previous copies of Xcode
  3. Install Xcode 4.4 from the App Store
  4. Install Command Line Tools via Xcode Preferences => Downloads Xcode Preferences
  5. Completely remove MacPorts (after saving a copy of your port list.)
  6. Re-install MacPorts itself
  7. Re-install your ports (git, macvim, whatever)
  8. Uninstall all of your rvm rubies you've compiled with previous MacOSX versions
  9. Delete all gemsets of rubies you've un-installed=
  10. Update rvm to stable: (rvm get stable)
  11. Reload your shell to get the right rvm version
  12. Install gcc-4.2 without llvm (sudo port install apple-gcc42)
  13. Build rvm ruby-1.8.7 using gcc-4.2 without llvm (Note, this is still a bit tricky since Mountain Lion also removes X11 from the OS. This will also result in an i686 build rather than an x86_64 build.)
  14. NOTE: Before installing all of your gems, you may want to get rid of rubygems-bundler, which unreasonably modifies the interpreter line of all your RVM gem based executable scripts. If you do this, make sure to run rubygems-bundler-uninstaller before uninstalling the rubygems-bundler gem.
CC=/opt/local/bin/gcc-apple-4.2 rvm install ruby-1.8.7 --enable-shared --without-tk --without-tcl
$ CC=/opt/local/bin/gcc-apple-4.2 rvm install ruby-1.8.7 --enable-shared --without-tk --without-tcl
Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/jeff/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p370, this may take a while depending on your 

ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #fetching 
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #extracting ruby-1.8.7-p370 to /Users/jeff/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.7-p370
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #extracted to /Users/jeff/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.7-p370
Applying patch 'stdout-rouge-fix' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.7/stdout-rouge-fix.patch)
Applying patch 'no_sslv2' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.7/no_sslv2.diff)
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #configuring 
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #compiling 
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #installing 
Retrieving rubygems-1.8.24
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  371k  100  371k    0     0   424k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  713k
Extracting rubygems-1.8.24 ...
Removing old Rubygems files...
Installing rubygems-1.8.24 for ruby-1.8.7-p370 ...
Installation of rubygems completed successfully.
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - adjusting #shebangs for (gem irb erb ri rdoc testrb rake).
ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #importing default gemsets (/Users/jeff/.rvm/gemsets/)
Install of ruby-1.8.7-p370 - #complete 
Please be aware that you just installed a ruby that requires        2 patches just to be compiled on up to date l
inux system.
This may have known and unaccounted for security vulnerabilities.
Please consider upgrading to Ruby 1.9.3-194 which will have all of the latest security patches.

That should get you up and running with a "clean" Ruby 1.8.7 in RVM on Mountain Lion.

Ruby 1.9.3

I noticed segmentation faults when trying to run the Puppet spec tests that exercise OpenSSL. To work around this problem in Mountain Lion I also installed OpenSSL using rvm pkg using gcc-apple-4.2.

The following command may yield a bad link between ruby and OpenSSL:

rvm install 1.9.3 --enable-shared

Here's how I got something that works. The test is the following against the 3.x branch of Puppet:

(a)[jeff@maynard] (3.x)(clean)[█▃▁]1.9.3@puppet /workspace/a/src/puppet 
$ rspec spec/unit/face/
228 examples, 0 failures, 11 pending

Ruby 1.9.3 build

$ export CC=gcc-apple-4.2
$ rvm pkg install openssl
$ rvm pkg install readline
$ rvm install ruby-1.9.3 --enable-shared --without-tk --without-tcl

This should result in a MRI 1.9.3 that works well with OpenSSL.

$ rspec -fp spec/unit/face
/Users/jeff/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead.

  Puppet::Face[:catalog, v0.0.1] should actually have some testing...
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/catalog_spec.rb:6
  Puppet::Face[:certificate_request, v0.0.1] should actually have some tests...
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/certificate_request_spec.rb:6
  Puppet::Face[:certificate_revocation_list, v0.0.1] should actually have some tests...
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/certificate_revocation_list_spec.rb:6
  Puppet::Face[:facts, v0.0.1] when uploading should set the terminus_class to :facter
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/facts_spec.rb:11
  Puppet::Face[:facts, v0.0.1] when uploading should set the cache_class to :rest
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/facts_spec.rb:12
  Puppet::Face[:facts, v0.0.1] when uploading should find the current certname
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/facts_spec.rb:13
  Puppet::Face[:key, v0.0.1] should actually have some tests...
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/key_spec.rb:6
  Puppet::Face[:report, v0.0.1] should actually have some tests...
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/report_spec.rb:6
  Puppet::Face[:resource, v0.0.1] should actually have some tests...
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/resource_spec.rb:6
  Puppet::Face[:resource_type, v0.0.1] should actually have some tests...
    # Not yet implemented
    # ./spec/unit/face/resource_type_spec.rb:6
  Puppet::Face[:secret_agent, v0.0.1]#synchronize should retrieve and apply a catalog and return a report
    # This test doesn't work, but the code actually does - tested by LAK
    # ./spec/unit/face/secret_agent_spec.rb:11

Finished in 1.36 seconds
228 examples, 0 failures, 11 pending

Ruby 1.8.5

On mountain lion we need the readline package installed. RVM provides this:

rvm pkg install readline

Then we link against this readline rather than one from Brew or MacPorts:

CC=gcc-apple-4.2 rvm install ruby-1.8.5 \
  --enable-shared \
  --without-tk \
  --without-tcl \
$ CC=gcc-apple-4.2 rvm install ruby-1.8.5 --enable-shared --without-tk --without-tcl --with-readline-dir=/Users/j
Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/jeff/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.5-p231, this may take a while depending on your
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #downloading ruby-1.8.5-p231, this may take a while depending on your connection...
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #extracting ruby-1.8.5-p231 to /Users/jeff/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.5-p231
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #extracted to /Users/jeff/.rvm/src/ruby-1.8.5-p231
Applying patch 'openssl-1.0' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.5/openssl-1.0.patch)
Applying patch 'stdout-rouge-fix' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.5/stdout-rouge-fix.patch)
Applying patch 'no_sslv2' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.5/no_sslv2.diff)
Applying patch 'syck' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.5/syck.patch)
Applying patch 'backported-ossl-fixes' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.5/backported-ossl-fixes.diff
Applying patch 'math_gcc_fix' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.5/math_gcc_fix.diff)
Applying patch 'gcc44_dtoa' (located at /Users/jeff/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.5/gcc44_dtoa.diff)
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #configuring 
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #compiling 
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #installing 
Retrieving rubygems-1.3.5
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  271k  100  271k    0     0   560k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  618k
Extracting rubygems-1.3.5 ...
Removing old Rubygems files...
Installing rubygems-1.3.5 for ruby-1.8.5-p231 ...
Installation of rubygems completed successfully.
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - adjusting #shebangs for (gem irb erb ri rdoc testrb rake).
ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #importing default gemsets (/Users/jeff/.rvm/gemsets/)
Install of ruby-1.8.5-p231 - #complete
Please be aware that you just installed a ruby that requires
7 patches just to be compiled on up to date linux system.
This may have known and unaccounted for security vulnerabilities.
Please consider upgrading to Ruby 1.9.3-194 which will have all of the latest security patches.
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