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Created November 7, 2011 04:36
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Save jeffreykegler/1344187 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Marpa::{XS,PP} vs. Regex::Common::balanced benchmarking script
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw(timeit countit timestr);
use Regexp::Common qw /balanced/;
use Getopt::Long;
my $example;
my $length = 1000;
my $string;
my $pp = 0;
my $getopt_result = GetOptions(
"length=i" => \$length,
"example=s" => \$example,
"string=s" => \$string,
"pp" => \$pp,
if ($pp) {
require Marpa::PP;
say "Marpa::PP ", $Marpa::PP::VERSION;
no strict 'refs';
*{'main::Marpa::grammar_new'} = \&Marpa::PP::Grammar::new;
*{'main::Marpa::recce_new'} = \&Marpa::PP::Recognizer::new;
else {
require Marpa::XS;
say "Marpa::XS ", $Marpa::XS::VERSION;
no strict 'refs';
*{'main::Marpa::grammar_new'} = \&Marpa::XS::Grammar::new;
*{'main::Marpa::recce_new'} = \&Marpa::XS::Recognizer::new;
if ( defined $string ) {
die "Bad string: $string" if not $string =~ /\A [()]+ \z/xms;
say "Testing $string";
exit 0;
} ## end if ( defined $string )
$length += 0;
if ($length <= 0) {
die "Bad length $length";
$example //= "final";
my $s;
my $s_balanced = '(()())((';
if ( $example eq 'pos2' ) {
$s = '(' . $s_balanced . ( '(' x ( $length - length $s_balanced ) );
last CREATE_S;
if ( $example eq 'final' ) {
$s = ( '(' x ( $length - length $s_balanced ) ) . $s_balanced;
last CREATE_S;
die qq{Example "$example" not known};
} ## end CREATE_S:
sub concat {
my (undef, @args) = @_;
return join q{}, @args;
sub arg1 {
my (undef, undef, $balanced) = @_;
return $balanced;
my $marpa_answer_shown;
my $regex_answer_shown;
sub paren_grammar_generate {
my $grammar = main::Marpa->grammar_new(
{ start => 'S',
strip => 0,
rules => [
[ S => [qw(prefix first_balanced endmark )] ],
{ lhs => 'S',
rhs => [qw(prefix first_balanced )],
action => 'main::arg1'
{ lhs => 'prefix', rhs => [qw(prefix_char)], min => 0 },
{ lhs => 'first_balanced',
rhs => [qw(balanced)],
action => 'main::concat'
{ lhs => 'balanced',
rhs => [qw(lparen rparen)],
action => 'main::concat'
{ lhs => 'balanced',
rhs => [qw(lparen balanced_sequence rparen)],
action => 'main::concat'
{ lhs => 'balanced_sequence',
rhs => [qw(balanced)],
min => 1,
action => 'main::concat'
{ terminals => [qw(prefix_char lparen rparen endmark )] } );
return $grammar;
} ## end sub paren_grammar_generate
sub do_marpa_xs {
my ($s) = @_;
my $grammar = paren_grammar_generate();
my $recce = main::Marpa->recce_new( { grammar => $grammar } );
my $location = 0;
my $string_length = length $s;
my $start_of_match;
my $end_of_match;
# find the match which ends first -- the one which starts
# first must start at or before it does
CHAR: while ( $location < $string_length ) {
my $value = substr $s, $location, 1;
my $token = $value eq '(' ? 'lparen' : 'rparen';
$recce->alternative( $token, $value );
$recce->alternative( 'prefix_char', $value );
if ( 'endmark' ~~ $recce->terminals_expected() ) {
my $progress = $recce->show_progress();
if (not( $progress
=~ m/ ^ F\d+ \s [@] (\d+) [-] \d+ \s first_balanced \s [-][>] /xms
die "No match for $progress";
} ## end if ( not( $progress =~ ...))
$start_of_match = $1;
# say $start_of_match;
$end_of_match = $location + 1;
last CHAR;
} ## end if ( 'endmark' ~~ $recce->terminals_expected() )
} ## end while ( $location < $string_length )
if (not defined $start_of_match ) {
say "No balanced parens";
return 0;
CHAR: while ( ++$location < $string_length ) {
my $value = substr $s, $location, 1;
my $token = $value eq '(' ? 'lparen' : 'rparen';
# say "Reading $token $value";
last CHAR if not defined $recce->alternative( $token, $value );
if ( 'endmark' ~~ $recce->terminals_expected() ) {
my $progress = $recce->show_progress();
if (not( $progress
=~ m/ ^ F\d+ \s [@] (\d+) [-] \d+ \s first_balanced \s [-][>] /xms
die "No match for $progress";
if ( $1 >= $start_of_match) {
# say "spurious match starts at $1";
next CHAR;
# say $start_of_match;
$start_of_match = $1;
$end_of_match = $location + 1;
last CHAR;
} ## end while ( $location < $string_length )
my $value = substr $s, $start_of_match, $end_of_match - $start_of_match;
return 0 if $marpa_answer_shown;
$marpa_answer_shown = $value;
say qq{marpa: "$value" at $start_of_match-$end_of_match};
return 0;
} ## end sub do_marpa_xs
sub do_regex {
my ($s) = @_;
my $answer =
$s =~ /$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}{-keep}/
? $1
: 'no balanced parentheses';
return 0 if $regex_answer_shown;
$regex_answer_shown = $answer;
say "regex answer: $answer";
return 0;
} ## end sub do_regex
say timestr countit( 2, sub { do_marpa_xs($s) } );
say timestr countit( 2, sub { do_regex($s) } );
say +($marpa_answer_shown eq $regex_answer_shown ? 'Answers match' : 'ANSWERS DO NOT MATCH!');
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