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Type classes in Python via Dynamic Programming
#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
import abc
class Kind(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
kindtypes = dict()
datatypes = list()
def __init__(self, instance):
assert(True in [isinstance(instance, datatype) for datatype in self.__class__.datatypes])
except AssertionError as e:
raise TypeError
self.identity = instance
# [a] * (B, a -> b) -> [b]
def map(self, cls, func):
return NotImplemented
# [a] * (B, a -> [b]) -> [b]
def flatmap(self, cls, func):
return NotImplemented
def __str__(self):
return '%s[%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.identity)
def factory(kind, datatype):
kind_name = kind.__name__ + '_' + datatype.__name__
if datatype.__name__ not in kind.kindtypes:
source = 'class %s(%s):\n\tdatatypes = %s.datatypes + [%s]\n' % (
kind_name, kind.__name__, kind.__name__, datatype.__name__)
code = compile(source, '<string>', 'exec')
exec code
kind.kindtypes[datatype.__name__] = locals()[kind_name]
return kind.kindtypes[datatype.__name__]
if __name__ == '__main__':
class Option(Kind):
datatypes = [type(None)]
def map(self, func):
if not self.identity:
return self
result_value = func(self.identity)
result_type = result_value.__class__
return Option.factory(result_type)(result_value)
def flatmap(self, func):
if not self.identity:
return self
result_value = func(self.identity)
result_type = result_value.__class__
assert(isinstance(result_value, Kind))
except AssertionError as e:
raise TypeError
return result_value
def factory(cls, datatype):
if datatype == type(None):
return cls
return super(Option, cls).factory(datatype)
class A(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def __str__(self):
return 'A'
class B(A):
def __str__(self):
super_str = super(B, self).__str__()
return '%s->%s' % (super_str, 'B')
class C(B):
def __str__(self):
super_str = super(C, self).__str__()
return '%s->%s' % (super_str, 'C')
class D(A):
def __str__(self):
super_str = super(D, self).__str__()
return '%s->%s' % (super_str, 'D')
b = B()
c = C()
some_b = Option.factory(B)(b)
some_c = Option.factory(C)(c)
none = Option.factory(B)(None)
print b
print c
print some_b
print some_c
print none
# supports covariance
some_other_c = Option.factory(B)(c)
# supports functional map
some_other_c = x: C())
print some_other_c
some_other_c = x: None)
print some_other_c
another_none = some_b.flatmap(lambda x: none)
print another_none
# does not support contravariance
except TypeError as e:
print 'Type constructors do not support contravariance'
# support only invariant or covariant types
except TypeError as e:
print 'Type constructors must be given invariant or covariant types'
except TypeError as e:
print '`Kind` is an abstract class.'
# memoize classes after execution
# only one class created per generic implementation request
# also can do at application bootstrap via iteration thru module of implementable types
assert(len(Option.kindtypes) == 3)
assert(len(Option.kindtypes) == 3)
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