I chose to implement selenium in my idea box. It was tricky, but I was not the first person to run into the issues I had so it was easy to find the answers I needed on stack overflow. One weird thing I had to do was downgrade my version of firefox to 19 (from 47!) It worked...so, I don't care.
At first (after aforementioned weirdness with configuration) it worked great, and I wrote passing tests for seeing all of the ideas on the page and for creating an idea. Then I wrote a test for deleting an idea, which should have passed, but didn't. I got the feeling that it was a waste of my time to write feature tests when I couldn't debug them and needed to test using the browser anyways. So, I gave up and just browser-tested everything from that point forward. When I pushed my app into production (at midnight before it was due), my delete method didn't work. I went through the painful proccess of debugging production and eventually just made a slight change to the syntax of my delete function that fixed the problem. I still don't really know why it worked in developement. during my evaluation I got the idea that I probobly ought to unskip the delete feature test and run it again-- it passed!. I wish I known....um....something I still don't really know (about the difference between developement and production/test enviroments?) because I would have continued to test-drive the developement of the other features.
- user_creates_an_idea_spec ⋅⋅check out line 14...apparently once and a while, wait_for_ajax didn't wait long enough.
- user_sees_all_ideas_spec ⋅⋅I have to check for the upcased title because a class I am using upcases...I should probobly downcase both the expected and the found title in case that ever changed
- user_deletes_an_idea_spec