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Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan jennybc

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rasmusab / significance_test.R
Last active June 10, 2020 21:01
A Significantly Improved Significance Test! Not! (More context in this blogpost:
# Test of Significance, takes the same arguments as t.test() .
signif.test <- function(x, ...) {
p <- t.test(x, ...)$p.value
# List of p excuses retrieved from
p_excuses <- c(
"(barely) not statistically significant <p>",
"a barely detectable statistically significant difference <p>",
"a borderline significant trend <p>",
"a certain trend toward significance <p>",
dill /
Last active October 25, 2015 19:09
Getting Yosemite and R to play nice...

Getting Yosemite and R to play nice

Here are some tips on getting R development working with Yosemite. Contribute what you know below and I'll add it in.


I went ahead and re-installed all of my homebrew. You can find out what you have installed with

aammd / character_data.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
This function, based on `rvest`, extracts the Gender, Species, Affilation and Rank for a Star Trek character from the [Star Trek Wiki](
character_data <- function(chname){
paste0("", chname) %>%
html %>%
html_nodes(".wiki-sidebar") %>%
aammd / demolition.R
Created December 3, 2014 21:09
This demonstrates web-scraping in order to generate a list of links on a site, in order to download them all. The example used is the Municipality of Burnaby's list of demolition permits
links_list <- html("") %>%
html_nodes("#ctl15_nestedList a")
## Where do links lead? This is encoded in the attribute "href". First get all the attributes
links_attr <- sapply(links_list, xmlAttrs)
## We have the attributes! each link just became a single named character
aronatkins /
Last active February 10, 2022 08:54
Install RStudio daily build on OSX/macOS or Ubuntu Linux
# Installs the latest RStudio daily desktop build for OSX/macOS and Ubuntu(amd64)
set -e
install_macos_daily() {