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dill /
Created July 3, 2024 18:51
MacBook Air 11" Mid-2015

After asking on mastodon, I finally decided to get an 11" MacBook Air from ebay for £89. It arrived and worked!

It's not super fast: quad core i5 at 1.6GHz, 4Gb RAM, 128Gb SSD and a battery that lasted 4ish hours. Unfortunately, a UK keyboard. I decided to install Debian bookworm from a USB stick. With no fiddling at all, I had a new system installed within an hour (actually less but I was on a work call for the whole time and didn't see when it finished). I did review what was on the Debian wiki but this was pretty out-of-date.

During installation I chose to just go with the Xfce desktop environment, as I thought GNOME/KDE would be too much for an older machine like this one. More below on memory issues.

Things that didn't work out of the box:

dill / states.R
Created May 21, 2024 14:19
Which states in the lower 48 have cities named after them?
### which states of the lower 48 have cities named for them?
### David L Miller 2024
# get all the place names and their lat/long
places <- read.csv("uscities.csv")
dill / phylo.R
Created February 22, 2024 08:56
random phylogenetic trees + multidimensional scaling
# generate a random phylogenetic tree, then apply multidimensional
# scaling to the distances and see what the 2D plot looks like
layout(matrix(1:12, 3, 4, byrow=TRUE))
for (i in 1:3){
# generate a tree
rr <- rtree(20)
dill / is_this_a_good_idea.R
Created April 13, 2023 15:08
📈 fitting categorical covariates as 1D Markov random fields
# example using an MRF for ordered categorical predictors
# simulate some data...
dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2)
# fit a simple model
dill / aes_of_spades.R
Created January 19, 2023 23:59
🤖🍄🎨 get eqipped with aes()
# let's visualise the content of season 1 of Bob Ross' The Joy of Painting
dat <- read_csv("")
# just get what we need and select season 1
dill / Pig_jawbone_Whitey_only.csv
Last active May 6, 2021 19:40
🐷🦷 cursed data from Hodges chapter 4
Transect CorMdA distmm ElMod Hard
1 C 0.015 5.3 0.13
1 C 0.045 6.5 0.21
1 C 0.06 6.7 0.19
1 C 0.075 5.2 0.14
1 C 0.195 7.1 0.14
1 C 0.21 6.1 0.11
1 C 0.225 5.6 0.1
1 C 0.24 8 0.15
1 C 0.255 7.5 0.15
dill / badnames.R
Created March 19, 2021 10:40
Assess consistency of argument and function word separators in a package
# find bad variable/function names in a package
# retrieve args and functions exported by a package
get_pkgdat <- function(pkgname){
contents <- objects(paste0("package:", pkgname))
fns <- Filter(function(x) is.function(eval(parse(text=x))), contents)
dill / dhnpt.R
Created October 5, 2020 09:44
point transect distance sampling in Nimble (half-normal with 2 detection function covariates)
# need to define half-normal point transect detection function pdf
dhnpt <<- nimbleFunction(
run = function(x = double(0), b0 = double(0), b1 = double(0),
covar = double(0), width = double(0),
log = integer(0, default = 0)) {
# calculate scale parameter
sigma <- exp(b0 + b1*covar)
dill / usfws_palette.R
Created September 18, 2020 10:20
🐟🎨📈USFWS colours from
#' USFWS palette generator
#' Palettes taken from
#' @param n Number of colours desired (max 5!). If omitted, uses all colours.
#' @param name one of "sockeye", "coaster", "dolly" or "florida"
#' @param type Either "continuous" or "discrete". Use continuous if you want
#' to automatically interpolate between colours.
#' @return A vector of colours.
#' @export
dill / bad_code.R
Created August 18, 2020 15:51
gratia overplotting
# put all yr models in a list
model_list <- list(b_norm, b_term, b_term_sel)
# name them for nice labels
names(model_list) <- c("No selection", "Shrinkage smoother", "Extra penalty")
# all the terms (there's probably a gratia built-in for this)
term_list <- c("s(Depth)", "s(Bottom)", "s(Surface)")
# pre-storage