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Last active October 18, 2024 13:51
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CircuitPython code for TM1814 Addressable Pixels
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Jeff Epler, written for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Demonstrate background writing with TM1814 pixels
The class defined here is largely compatible with the
standard NeoPixel class, except that it always is
writing data to the LEDs in the background.
Not only do TM1814 pixels require continuous updating,
writing the LED data in the background will allow more time for your
Python code to run.
Because the pixelbuf storage is also being written out 'live', it is possible
to experience tearing, where the LEDs are a combination of old and new values
at the same time.
The demonstration code, under ``if __name__ == '__main__':`` is intended
for a 150-pixel strand of TM1814 pixels.
import struct
import time
import adafruit_pixelbuf
from rp2pio import StateMachine
from adafruit_pioasm import Program
# Pixel stream is very similar to NeoPixel WS2812B, but inverted.
# Pixel time is 1.25us (800kHz)
# Datasheet low times for a "0" bit are 310 (min) 360 (typ) 410 (max) ns
# Datasheet high times for a "1" bit are 650 (min) 720 (typ) 1000 (max) ns
# Operating PIO at 14x the bit clock lets us achieve nominal 357ns and 714ns
DEBUG = 0 # Set to 1 to output OPPOSITE signal on the next higher pin
_program = Program(
.side_set {2 if DEBUG else 1}
pull block side 1
out y, 32 side 1 ; get count of pixel bits
pull ifempty side 1 ; drive low
out x 1 side 1 [4]
jmp !x do_zero side {2 if DEBUG else 0} [3] ; drive low and branch depending on bit val
jmp y--, bitloop side {2 if DEBUG else 0} [3] ; drive low for a one (long pulse)
jmp end_sequence side 1 ; sequence is over
jmp y--, bitloop side 1 [3] ; drive high for a zero (short pulse)
pull block side 1 ; get fresh delay value
out y, 32 side 1 ; get delay count
jmp y--, wait_reset side 1 ; wait until delay elapses
def convert_brightness(x):
x = int(x * 63) + 13
x |= (x << 8)
return x | (x << 16)
class TM1814PixelBackground( # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(
self, pin, n, *, brightness=1.0
pixel_order = "RGBW"
n = max(n, 4) # minimum of 4 pixels
byte_count = 4 * n
bit_count = byte_count * 8 + 64 # count the 64 brightness bits
padding_count = -byte_count % 4
self._brightness = brightness
raw_brightness = convert_brightness(brightness)
# backwards, so that dma byteswap corrects it!
header = struct.pack(">LLL", bit_count - 1, raw_brightness, raw_brightness ^ 0xffffffff)
trailer = b"\0" * padding_count + struct.pack(">L", 38400) # Delay is about 3ms
self._sm = StateMachine(
frequency=800_000 * 14,
self._buf = None
def auto_write(self):
return True
def brightness(self):
return self._brightness
def brightness(self, brightness):
raw_brightness = convert_brightness(brightness)
self._brightness = brightness
struct.pack_into("<LL", self._buf, 4, raw_brightness, raw_brightness ^ 0xffffffff)
def _transmit(self, buf):
self._buf = buf
self._sm.background_write(loop=memoryview(buf).cast("L"), swap=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import board
import rainbowio
import supervisor
NEOPIXEL = board.A0
pixels = TM1814PixelBackground(NEOPIXEL, NUM_PIXELS, brightness=0.1)
buf = memoryview(pixels._buf).cast('L')
for _ in range(1000):
# Around 1 cycle per second
pixels.fill(rainbowio.colorwheel(supervisor.ticks_ms() // 4))
print(*(f"{pixel:08x}" for pixel in buf[:8]), "...", f"{buf[-1]:08x}")
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